Chapter 214 209. Animation and Manga.

"Ms. Minase is now a popular voice actress in the industry. Why don't Totsuka-san go on her broadcast to promote herself."


Kazuto Mogami was stunned for a moment, and after thinking for a few seconds, he shook his head: "Forget it, not to mention that I can't make the decision myself, I probably can't cooperate with Ms. Minase's related work."

"Is it because of what happened last time?"

Mogami Kazuto was noncommittal.

In fact, if I have to be more serious, I received the job of singing the theme song for animation some time ago, which can be regarded as an intersection in work.

But Kazuto Mogami is cooperating with the animation team. Yusa Shimizu just happens to be the voice of the heroine of that animation, and it cannot be regarded as a cooperation between the two. related.

But the nature of broadcasting is different.

Therefore, Kazuto Mogami took it for granted that his singing career should not have too much contact with Shimizu Yousha.

Coupled with what happened yesterday, Mogami Kazuto felt that it would be better for him to keep some distance from Qingshuiyousha.

But this is not something that Mogami Kazuto can decide. If there is Sha Fei in Qingshui who wants to post it, Mogami Kazuto feels that he does not have the courage and courage to show her face.

and most importantly force.

Kazuto Mogami suspects that if one day he unlocks the skill of clear water and sand, it will most likely be the powerful vajra palm.

In that case, Mogami Kazuto would have life-saving skills in the battle against Qingshui in the future, and he couldn't help but feel a little excited.

But when he thought that the unlocking condition was likely to be a kiss, Kazuto Mogami immediately dismissed the idea.

Afterwards, Kazuto Mogami left without delaying other people's work.

The theme song "metropolis;" he sang for TV animation has been fully recorded.

The filming time of the mv is at the end of this month, and the interior part is filmed in a studio in the capital.

The first episode of the animation will be played in mid-January, and the release of "metropolis;" is tentatively scheduled for early April.

Because it is half a year, there are two theme songs in total. The second theme song has not yet been decided to be sung by Kazuto Mogami.

After leaving King Records, Kazuto Mogami went to the Electric Library, preparing to hold a discussion meeting for the fourth volume with Natsuki Yuta.

While sitting on the tram, Kazuto Mogami was accosted by two girls who looked like high school students. This was already Kazuto Mogami's daily life, and it has long been no surprise.

When he arrived in Shinjuku, Kazuto Mogami went straight to the coffee shop he frequented, and Natsuki Yuta had been sitting there waiting for a long time.


"Sorry, Xia Musang, I'm late."

"Nothing, there are still 5 minutes until the appointed time, Mr. Totsuka is very punctual."

Mogami Kazuto smiled, sat down opposite Natsuki Yuta, and ordered a cup of coffee, which was of course reimbursed by the editorial department.

So far, more than 30 copies of "Journey to Death" have been printed. Although not all of them have been sold, it is only a matter of time.

As for the upcoming third volume, [-] copies are ordered for the first run, which is another huge income.

If it is measured by sales alone, it has already reached the level of animation.

But Mogami Kazuto believes that the work he wrote is not suitable for animation, for the same reason as when he first started writing.

The reason why "Journey to Death" is so popular is that in addition to the really eye-catching writing and plot, Internet public opinion has played a vital role.

And after Kazuto Mogami announced his debut as a singer under the name "Totsuka Kazu", it brought a new wave of attention to the work.

However, after all, this is not the audience attracted by the work itself, so the sound of this work is basically mixed.

To say it is good, most of the voices are boasting that the story is warm and delicate, not mainstream, not following the trend, and unique.

The bad thing about it is that the plot is slow and not refreshing, making people want to doze off after watching it.

But apart from this, there are quite a few voices saying that it doesn't match morality.

It is believed that the reason why this niche work can sell so high is that the author used his own identity to hype.

To put it bluntly, it is to walk in a crooked way.

In fact, such words are not unreasonable. After all, no one can deny that the explosion of "Traveling" cannot be separated from the help of the author himself.

Most Kazuto agrees with this point of view, so he said that it is not suitable for animation.

For a novel whose 80.00% of the plot is based on literature and drama, it is very difficult to do a good job in animation.

It is far more difficult than those who are reincarnated in another world and become brave to repel the devil king.

Maybe I will be scolded for being an animation that only servants will watch.

Of course, it is more likely that the original work will be smashed directly by the shredder, and become a ppt supported by the acting skills of the voice actors, and even produce a few "world famous paintings" with collapsed paintings.

This is something Kazuto Mogami absolutely does not want to see.

However, it is still too early for Kazuto Mogami to think about this kind of thing. He has only published two volumes in total, and the content is not enough to make a 13-episode season.

After discussing with Natsuki Yuta for more than half an hour, the story direction of the fourth volume was basically determined.

"Totsuka-sensei, in addition to the fourth volume discussion today, I have another piece of good news to tell you."

Natsuki Yuta showed a mysterious smile, and looked at Mogami Kazuto's scalp tightly: "It can't be animated, right?"


Seeing Natsuki Yuta's expression was wrong, Mogami Kazuto asked, "Isn't it?"

Xia Mu Yuta smiled wryly: "Mr. Totsuka, your work is indeed selling very well, but it's only two volumes, how can it be animated so quickly?"

It turned out that I misunderstood it.

Mogami Kazuto smiled awkwardly, and took a sip of his lukewarm coffee: "Well, keep talking."

""Journey" has decided to be a cartoon!"

Mogami Kazuto was taken aback when he heard the words, and stared at Natsuki Yuta silently.

This was really unexpected news, but after thinking about it carefully, it was reasonable.

With the current popularity of "Traveling", the manga is almost a certainty, no matter when it comes, it is not surprising, Kazuto Mogami just didn't expect it to be so soon.

He originally thought that it would be next year at the earliest.

"However, including the latest volume that will be released soon, there are only three volumes. Is there any problem with the progress of the content?"

"So the news of the manga will not be made public when the third volume is released. During this period, let the cartoonist teacher collect the manuscripts, and wait until the fourth volume is released, then officially announce the news of the manga, and then release the manga booklet."

"So that's how it is. With four volumes, it's more than enough to turn it into a manga."

"Yes, and Mr. Totsuka's writing speed is obvious to all in the editorial department."

"I see, thank you very much, Mr. Xia Mu."

After the work is mangaized, Mogami Kazuto, who is the original author of the novel, will naturally be able to get a certain amount of income.

It's just that manga is not as good as animation, and the publicity effect is not as good as expected, so the actual money won't be too much.

But animation is different, no matter what kind of work it is, as long as it is not ridiculously bad, once it is animated, it will bring an unprecedented sales boost to the original novel.

Royalties are the most valuable source of income for a light novel writer.

 I’m in my hometown today, and I can’t stay up late at night to code, and I will be scolded.

  But because I don’t have to go to work at home, I still have plenty of time. Try to write [-] characters, and hope to have a monthly pass!

  Thank you and good night everyone!
(End of this chapter)

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