After getting married, a popular seiyuu suddenly moved to my house

Chapter 217 212. Yuchazhimizu really only encounters troubles.

Chapter 217 212. Yuchazhimizu really only encounters troubles. (Ask for a monthly pass!)

Kazuto Mogami regretted it.

In short, I am very sorry.

He shouldn't have come to Akihabara today, he shouldn't have come to Ochanomizu, and he shouldn't have walked into that piano shop.

It is said that Ochanomizu is prone to trouble and women, it seems that it is not groundless.

But after Kazuto Mogami has experienced so many things, his pessimistic thoughts have faded a lot, and now he will try to think in a better way.

At least he wasn't given succinylcholine.

Good luck.

"Hey, what are you thinking?"

Kazuto Mogami looked at Ayane Sakura who was sitting opposite, and then at the curry rice in front of him, and sighed without any cover.

At least she had to pay for the meal.

After meeting in Electric Town, Kazuto Mogami was somehow dragged into a nearby tea restaurant, and the two ordered curry rice again.

Ayane Sakura originally wanted to order a slightly spicy curry rice, but Kazuto Mogami said "I won't eat it for you this time" in exchange for a glare from Ayane Sakura.

"Who wants you to help eat!"

That being said, she changed her words to the waiter and ordered a non-spicy curry with rice.

What a dishonest fellow.

Kazuto Mogami wanted to disgust her, so he ordered a slightly spicy curry rice.

Sakura Ayane let out a dissatisfied "tsk" and said nothing.

"So? Why would you suddenly want to treat me to dinner if you have nothing to do to be courteous?" Mogami Kazuto asked.

Sakura Ayane glanced at him: "When did I say I would treat you to dinner?"

"Then you still bring me here?!"

"Each pays."

"Good for you."

Seeing Kazuto Mogami shaking his head helplessly, Ayane Sakura looked as if she had won, and she was very proud.

How should I put it, it's really not flat.

"You seem to be very idle."

"Which eye do you see that Miss Ben is idle?"

"If you don't work hard and cause trouble for the clerk in the piano store, what is this not idle?"

"Your eyes are really a decoration. I went to buy a guitar. If it wasn't for you, I might have already bought it by now. It was because of your sudden appearance that they lost an order."

"Obviously you called me to stop."

"I..." Sakura Ayane was suddenly at a loss for words.

"I won."

"Tch! Childish!"

She turned her head and took a sip of the water glass next to her. Kazuto Mogami just wanted to remind her that the store served sparkling water, but she had already poured it down her throat boldly.

Ever since, Sakura Ayane couldn't help shaking her legs for more than 20 seconds.

"Damn! It turned out to be a trap!"

Sakura Ayane stared at Mogami Kazuto unwillingly, Mogami Kazuto thought that I didn't let you drink it, she didn't feel guilty, and it was even a little bit fun to see her deflated.

"So? You specially brought me here to eat AA-made curry, do you have anything to say?"

Kazuto Mogami stopped beating around the bush and asked straight to the point.

"Do I look like I have something to tell you?"

"I don't think we should be getting along well enough to go out for dinner together."

Sakura Ayane subconsciously wanted to refute, but found that what he said was right, she immediately snorted, and after a long silence, she said:
"I fell for it."

Kazuto Mogami was taken aback for a moment, a little confused.


Sakura Ayane pouted and nodded, seeming to be sinking into painful memories.

"Oh, sorry."

Sakura Ayane suddenly looked up at him: "Is this your reaction?"

"Then am I going to cry?"

"Normally, shouldn't you comfort me and ask me what happened?"

Mogami Kazuto frowned, and said in surprise, "You want to be comforted by me?"

Ms. Sakura raised her eyebrows: "Fuck you! Who wants you to comfort me! If you want comfort, I won't ask Qi?!"

"Then you call her, I'm leaving, so please say goodbye."

After all, Mogami Kazuto got up.


Where did Kazuto Mogami still care about her, Quan pretended not to hear.

"Hey! Mogami!" Miss Sakura was anxious.


Ayane Sakura suddenly stretched out her hand, and grabbed Mogami Kazuto's sleeve tightly, exerting all her strength, refusing to let him escape.

"Let go."

Kazuto Mogami was full of helplessness. He really didn't understand what this woman wanted to do. If Kazuto Mogami remembered correctly, they should not be familiar with each other.

"Sit down first!" Sakura Ayane pursed her lips, glanced over, and tugged on Mogami Kazuto's sleeve.


Mogami Kazuto took a closer look, the woman looked like she was about to cry for some reason, and the diners around looked at them one after another, whispering to each other.

Kazuto Mogami could vaguely hear comments such as "beginning in disarray and ending in abandonment", "that man is really not a thing", "he is so handsome, I can't help it in my place".

Covering his head with a headache, Mogami Kazuto sighed: "I see, anyway, let go first."

Sakura Ayane stared at him for a few seconds, although she looked weak and helpless, she let go of the cruel words "If you lie to me, I will kill you" that will not come true once you hear it.

Kazuto Mogami sat back on his seat, looked at Ayane Sakura and said nothing.

Sakura Ayane felt Mogami Kazuto's gaze on her, and also lowered her head in silence.

After waiting for a long time, Kazuto Mogami was getting impatient, Ayane Sakura finally stammered:
"Recently, I was tricked into a project."

Mogami Kazuto didn't quite understand her words: "Cheat?"

Sakura Ayane nodded, hesitated for a while, and said softly, "Well... Regarding this aspect, it was indeed my own negligence, and I didn't expect the intensity to be so great."

Kazuto Mogami half-understood, motioned her to continue talking.

"I want to learn guitar."

"The relationship between the two is so jumpy, I don't understand it at all."

"Really, because there is a confidentiality agreement, I can't say it!"

"You can't say anything, why do you let me stay?"


Mogami Kazuto looked at her inexplicably, Miss Sakura was shy for a while, touched her hair from time to time, scratched the tip of her nose, and stared at the lovely waitress not far away who was clearing the table.

"I just want to ask you, how can I play as well as you."

Mogami Kazuto was really surprised now, thinking he had heard it wrong, he couldn't hold back and asked again:
"What did you say?"

Sakura Ayane thought this guy was looking for trouble on purpose, blushed, and almost had another seizure.

But when he thought that Kazuto Mogami's guitar did have two brushes, he suppressed the humiliation that grew in his heart, and said again: "I... Let me say, how can I play like you."

Mogami Kazuto stared at her for a while, and Sakura Ayane looked forward to Mogami Kazuto's answer.

"Oh, you can't, give up."


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(End of this chapter)

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