After getting married, a popular seiyuu suddenly moved to my house

Chapter 218 213. Ms. Sakura specifies that there is a serious illness.

Chapter 218 213. Ms. Sakura specifies that there is a serious illness. (Ask for a monthly pass!)

After a brief exchange, Mogami Kazuto probably understood the ins and outs of the matter.

In short, Ms. Sakura seems to have the idea of ​​officially learning the guitar because of a certain plan.

Kazuto Mogami originally thought that it was because of work needs. After all, there are not a few voice actors who can play musical instruments.

But after communicating, I found that she wanted to learn purely spontaneously, because she was told that "it doesn't matter if Ms. Sakura can't play the guitar", and she was aroused to be competitive.

When he proposed "I can learn", he was refuted by the agent with "You don't have that kind of time".

It is a matter of course to think about it. With the huge workload of Ayane Sakura, which is second to none in the industry, there is no time to learn musical instruments at all.

And this is exactly what Sakura Ayane can't bear, she is very determined to win and lose, how can she bear such preaching, that's why she went to Ochanomizu's Musical Instrument Street to buy musical instruments during the rare free time.

In the end, I happened to run into Kazuto Mogami. Although Ms. Sakura didn't want to, but when she thought of being underestimated by the guys in charge of planning, Ayane Sakura made up her mind and grabbed the life-saving stick that suddenly appeared. straw.

"Hello, Mr. Scumbag."

"Why? Caiyin sauce."

Sakura Ayane shook her body and rubbed her arms in disgust: "Can I trouble you to change that 'Ayane-chan'? My skin is about to get goosebumps."

"If you change it, I will change it."

Sakura Ayane curled her lips: "You are a man who really cares about everything."

"Leave me alone."

"Then teach me how to play the guitar."

Kazuto Mogami was stunned: "From the conversation just now, I have no idea of ​​any connection between the two. Your thinking is too jumpy."

"Because I can't go to the music classroom. I'm so busy with work, I'm always busy until late at night, which will cause trouble for the music classroom teacher."

"Wait for me! Does it mean that you can just cause me trouble?"

Sakura Ayane glanced at him in surprise: "You should be used to it by now."

"It turns out that you are self-aware."

"It's okay, I won't let you work for nothing, pay you."

This woman, don't you think that you can solve everything with money?
Let her see what backbone is today!

"No matter how much you pay, I will..."



Is she sick?

Mogami Kazuto thought that this kind of amount would only appear in TV dramas such as "I will give you 1000 million and leave my daughter", but it turns out that someone would say it in reality.

It's a gain of knowledge.

Seeing that Mogami Kazuto didn't speak, Sakura Ayane raised her brows: "Too little?"

Mogami Kazuto sighed softly, "It's not about money."

Sakura Ayane stared at him for a while: "That's right, he is both a writer and a singer, so he must not be short of money."

"Why do you speak so yin and yang?"


Mogami Kazuto stared at her for a long time, then said helplessly, "I said, don't you really think that I will promise you?"

"How do you know if you don't try it, what if you are fascinated by Miss Ben?"

Kazuto Mogami admired her thick skin and said, "Your imagination is more suitable for writing light novels than mine."

"You are also good at hurting people." Sakura Ayane snorted disdainfully.

Kazuto Mogami stopped talking, and the atmosphere fell into a brief silence.

"Hey, the best."

"what happened again?"

"Am I a troublesome person?"

Sakura Ayane just glanced at Mogami Kazuto, and immediately looked away, and Mogami Kazuto looked directly at her unpainted, abnormally white face.

If she can be more honest like this and change her irritable temperament, she will indeed be a beauty that everyone loves.

"What are you still talking about now? Do you remember how much trouble you have caused me?"

"I...then I have already apologized." Sakura Ayane suddenly lowered her voice, her attitude was completely opposite from before.

Is this woman still brooding over what she did before?
Of course Kazuto Mogami would not just forgive her like this. Although he is a talkative guy, he has not yet reached the point where he can comfort the other party in return after being bullied to the head.

Being able to sit at the same table calmly like this, Mogami Kazuto already felt that his bearing was very remarkable.

"If an apology is useful, what do you need the police for?"


Miss Sakura lowered her head and pursed her pink lips, as if she was trying her best not to refute.

Seeing her like this, Kazuto Mogami didn't want to say anything more, and waved his hand: "Forget it, forget it, it's meaningless to talk about the past."

Sakura Ayane looked up at him slightly surprised: "Does that mean you don't blame me?"

"I didn't say, don't push yourself."

She looked away and gave a soft "tsk".

Mogami Kazuto said indifferently: "I heard."

"You heard wrong."

Mogami Kazuto was speechless, shook his head, and stopped fussing with her.

Sakura Ayane looked at him silently, thought over and over in her heart, and said, "It doesn't matter if you don't teach me, if I come across something I don't understand and ask you, will you answer it for me?"

Mogami Kazuto was slightly surprised, and couldn't help asking: "Is that why you want to learn?"

"It didn't really matter at first, but I was a little bit unwilling to be said that by those people, and I wanted to silence them."

"They're right. Voice actors are very busy. You can't just practice the guitar for two days. Don't underestimate the guitar."

Well... Although Mogami Kazuto, who got something for nothing, is not qualified to say such a thing, but here it is better to let her quit.

"Of course I know that kind of thing, but I still can't swallow this breath."

Kazuto Mogami looked at Ayane Sakura in front of him silently, he probably could guess some thoughts of Ayane Sakura.

For a person with strong self-esteem like her, the most unbearable thing is that others deny her, no matter whether such things belong to her field of expertise, once denied, she will have a rebellious psychology.

This is the fault of people who have been spoiled and spoiled since childhood, no matter what they do, they will be praised.

How else can I say that Ms. Sakura is a rich lady, she is not interested in guitars, she just simply can't stand being looked down upon by others.

It cannot be said that her idea is wrong. The reason why many people come into contact with playing the piano is that they think it is very handsome and cool.

Such a reason is enough to support a person to embark on the road of music, but compared with Terashima Aimi's pure dedication to music, Miss Sakura's determination is still too insignificant.

A person who has everything and a person who has nothing, the attachments they hold cannot be compared.

From Mogami Kazuto's point of view, this was just a whim of the young lady, and he didn't have the time to play house with such a young lady.

"Miss Sakura."


"Although I'm not interested in teaching you, I'm still curious to ask, how is your playing level?"

 Two hundred monthly tickets are still short!

(End of this chapter)

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