Chapter 219 214. Advice for Ms. Sakura. (Ask for a monthly pass!)

Looking inside the phone, Sakura Ayane in her pajamas was sitting on the bedroom floor holding an acoustic guitar in her arms, the strings making clumsy sounds, Kazuto Mogami probably knew what level she was at.

It's a shame that she played like this, and dared to take a video and record it.

I don't know whether to say that she is brave or not.

In short, it can only be barely said to be able to "play".

At least she can read the score.

Kazuto Mogami was about to say something when Ayane Sakura snatched her phone and pressed the lock screen button.

After all, there are still many unknown treasures in Ms. Sakura's cell phone album. If those things are seen by Mogami Kazuto, then she can only kill him and then commit suicide.

"If you dare to tell others, I will kill you."

"...I said, can you stop threatening me with my life?"

Sakura Ayane let out a "hum", and immediately looked expectantly, and asked bluntly, "Why, how is it?"

"How about what?"

"How am I playing?"

Mogami Kazuto pondered for a while: "Do you really want me to say it?"

"That's not it?"

"I'm worried that after I say it, you will sink into Tokyo Bay."

"Then think carefully about your words!" Sakura Ayane glared at him.

Sighing slightly, Mogami rubbed his hands with the person, and said awkwardly: "The piano is not bad, it shouldn't be cheap."

Miss Sakura immediately raised her eyebrows and glared at him fiercely: "Kill you!"

"I'm obviously praising you!"

"You are obviously hurting me!"

Well, Kazuto Mogami was really hurting her, he admitted.

To his surprise, Sakura Ayane did not continue to get mad.

"Is it really that bad?"

"Then it depends on who you compare with."

"Compared to you?"

"My suggestion is remake."


It's no wonder that Kazuto Mogami is so inflated, after all, his guitar skills have been trained to Lv4, not to mention Ayane Sakura, even Aimi Terashima is definitely not as good as him.

"I said, do you really have to play it? Your main job is a voice actor, right? Even if you don't know how to play the guitar, fans won't be too harsh."

"You are a novelist, isn't singing just as good?"

"So why do you have to compare with me?"

When Ms. Sakura heard this, she was unhappy: "What do you mean I have to compare with you! You mean that I am not as good as..."

"Stop! I admit defeat!"

Mogami Kazuto immediately interrupted Sakura Ayane's troublesome speech, a man can bend and stretch, a good man does not fight a woman, this is what he should do as a Chinese man.

Sakura Ayane curled her lips and said no more.

"I said, Ms. Sakura, there are so many people who can play the guitar, why do you keep staring at me?"

Ms. Sakura spat lightly: "Who has to stare at you! You're being sentimental!"

"have to!"

"Didn't it just happen to happen today, that's why I mentioned it, if you don't teach, don't teach! Don't think that I have planned it for a long time!"

Kazuto Mogami was already immune to Miss Sakura's frank remarks and automatically filtered them in his mind.

"That's fine, you can find someone else."

"Don't be complacent! Among the people I know, there are people who can play better than you! And she is a super cute girl!"

"Then she is so pitiful." Mogami Kazuto said with a little sympathy.



"I'm probably a little bad at dealing with that kid."

"And people you're not good at dealing with? Why don't you just use your obsessive nature to bother her."

"Hmm... That child is really cute, but I feel that it is difficult for me to get along with her. Although I often smile, I always feel that there is darkness behind the smile."

"Huh?" Mogami Kazuto didn't know why.

Sakura Ayane said solemnly: "It feels like the depths of the eyes are dead, ah yes! It's a bit like the previous Sinren-kun!"

"You guy really said something rude with a calm face, apologize to me and that child immediately."

Ms. Sakura showed a dissatisfied expression: "Can't you say something other than complaining?"

"Then you should say something that doesn't make me complain."

"If I can easily ask her, I don't have to work so hard to ask you."

Ayane Sakura let out a deep sigh.

"Is she tricky?"

"It can't be said to be difficult, but she is also very busy, and she is a newcomer who has just entered the industry."

Mogami Kazuto didn't know much about the work of a voice actor, so he said casually: "After all, you are a senior, so it's really hard to talk about asking a junior for advice."


Kazuto Mogami thought for a while and said, "How about this? Since the other party is a newcomer, you can teach her some skills about voice acting or acting. In exchange, let her teach you how to play the piano. Isn't it killing two birds with one stone?"

Sakura Ayane was immediately stunned.

"Is there something wrong with what I said?"

"No, it's completely correct! It's really you! Mr. Xiaoren, why didn't I think of it! You have made a great contribution! I invite you!"

It's just a treat, Mogami Kazuto couldn't figure out why this woman reached out to pat him on the shoulder.

Fortunately, she didn't have much strength, if it were clear water with sand, Mogami Kazuto might have dislocated her arm right now.

After that, the rich woman Sakura, who was in a good mood, generously asked Kazuto Mogami to order more desserts, all of which she paid for.

Now that she said so, Mogami Kazuto didn't show any courtesy to her and ordered more.

"Speaking of which, you sang the theme song of "Super City: Area 53"?"

"The news is quite well-informed."

"Who made me the second female number?"

"Shouldn't you just take this opportunity to debut as a seiyuu?"

"Not interested in."

"It's great to be a voice actor, you can hang out with all kinds of female voice actors."

"I'm not you."

"Tch! It's best if you don't come, lest you come and snatch all the precious voice actors around me."

Mogami Kazuto shook his head and ignored her.

The two sat for a while, Mogami Kazuto casually ate a few mouthfuls of the dessert brought by the waiter, the waitress kept peeking at Mogami Kazuto, and Sakura Ayane, like an uncle, peeked at the woman who was reluctant to leave waiter.

After a long time, Sakura Ayane glanced at her watch: "It's getting late, I have to go to the recording studio later, and record next week's catapult with Saori."

"Popular voice actors are really busy at work, they must have made a lot of money."

"I didn't become a voice actor because of money."

"I know, it's for posting with female voice actors."

Sakura Ayane glared at him without denying it.

"Then I will withdraw."

"Remember to pay the bill."

Ayane Sakura stood up, picked up the receipt on the table, and said coldly, "I'll buy it if I buy it, who cares if you invite me."

After all, he went to checkout without looking back.

Mogami Kazuto shrugged, the big trouble finally left, looking at the half-eaten dessert on the table.

"It can't be wasted."

 Happy New Year in advance to everyone!

  Duck in 2022!
  New Year's Day will be updated overnight!

(End of this chapter)

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