Chapter 220 215. He is autistic again. (happy New Year!)
That night.

The cold wind was blowing, and the messy blue-purple hair was flying in the air.

On the long ramp, a handsome young man in black and wearing a phantom thief mask is rushing down.

The surrounding fill lights were very dazzling, and Kazuto Mogami could only run straight, as if there was a monster chasing him behind him.

The cold wind of November poured into the tip of the nose, which was a little bit cold.

Mogami Kazuto could no longer remember how many times he had run, until there was a "click" not far away, and Mogami Kazuto gradually slowed down, and the staff immediately came up to put his coat on.

Mogami Kazuto looked at the director expectantly, and the other party slowly said "Run again".

Suddenly, Mogami Kazuto felt that his heart was colder than the wind blowing on his face.

He didn't understand why there was a weird running shot in the mv, couldn't it be done by walking?
Even though he usually pays attention to exercise, Kazuto Mogami feels a little overwhelmed, after all, it is really cold tonight.

If time can be turned back, Mogami Kazuto will definitely think carefully about his debut. If possible, he must add a clause in the contract that he will not shoot an MV.

It's really painful in this cold weather.

All the staff around were wearing cotton clothes, only he was wearing the thinnest, shivering in the cold wind.

Mogami Kazuto couldn't help but sigh softly after tightening his coat and drinking the hot tea handed over by the staff.

"Totsuka-san, don't squint your eyes while running."

With so many lights hitting my face, can I not squint!
"I see."

"Then rest for 3 minutes."


It was the end of November at this time, and Kazuto Mogami was filming the exterior part of the MV. It didn't mean that it was really unbearably cold, but it really wasn't that comfortable.

At this time, there were so many staff around him who were freezing with him, and it was not easy for Mogami Kazuren to let them wait. After resting for a while, he walked to the top of the slope again.

"Totsuka-san, are you ready?"

Mogami made an OK gesture with Ren, and his blue-purple hair was blown backwards by the wind.

Isn't it just running, let's carry it with it today!
"ready, go!"



Until the end of work, close to ten o'clock in the evening, in addition to running, I also recorded a few scenes of standing on the beach blowing concave shapes.

When we got back to Tokyo by car, it was almost eleven o'clock. Kazuto Mogami changed into his private server, said goodbye to all the staff, and rushed back to Tsukishima's home in time for the final call.

The first thing I did when I got home was to go to the room and turn on the air conditioner. After sitting on the bed for a while, I went downstairs to take a shower.

Looking at his own strange purple-blue hair in the mirror, Mogami Kazuto couldn't help but wryly smiled.

If it gets hotter, maybe I can play Ho Run Tung.

Because there are still interior scenes to be shot later, I'm afraid it will always be this hair color in a short time.

How should I put it, it's a bit like a bastard.

Fortunately, he has a handsome face, otherwise Kazuto Mogami would really have no face to go out.

Kazuto Mogami disagrees with whoever said that you must dye your hair to play rock and roll.

After soaking in the bathtub, he hummed comfortably. The exhaustion from a hard day was gradually healed by the water.

Exhale the panel.

Konishi Saori: 82 (ex-wife)
Clear water with sand: 85 (hahahaha)
Hanasaka Mao: 55 (former colleague)

Amy Terashima: 81 (same period)
Maaya Uchida: 78 (Meet by chance)
Sakura Ayane: -999 (none)


Skill Proficiency:

Cooking: Lv4 [Proficiency (2298/99999)]

Singing skills: Lv4 [Proficiency (2091/99999)]

Guitar: Lv4 [Proficiency (1769/99999)]


Regardless of intimacy, the proficiency of cooking increases slowly, because there is no time to cook during this period, and singing skills increase by leaps and bounds because of work needs.

Mogami Kazuya staggered out of the bathroom when his body was flushed red, dried his hair and body, and looked at the mirror again.

"Oh, I was wrong, it was Bu Jingyun."



The next day, Kazuto Mogami failed to get up early for a long time. What woke him up was the doorbell he hadn't heard for a long time, and he dragged his sore legs downstairs.

After opening the door, it is a courier company.

He took out the seal and tapped it, and after the courier brother left, Kazuto Mogami carried the large item in front of him into the living room and found a corner to put it down.

Looking at the time, it was already nine o'clock. After washing up, I made a simple breakfast, put on my hat, and was ready to go out.

Sitting on the tram, listening to the roar of the tram running, the child on the opposite side pointed at Kazuto Mogami and shouted, "Mom, that uncle has blue hair!"

The young woman beside her gave a "shh", nodded embarrassingly at Kazuto Mogami, and took the child to another compartment.

Mogami Kazuto was silent, lowering the brim of his hat quietly.

He originally thought that he was autistic enough, but now because of this weird blue-purple hair, he is even more reluctant to see people.

Came to the company sneakily, the front desk lady seemed to have recognized his signature hair color, and greeted him with a smile on her face.

"Good morning, Totsuka-san."

"Morning... good morning, Ms. Matsuda."

"Today's hairstyle is still cool."

Mogami Kazuto laughed and replied, "Ms. Matsuda is also very beautiful today."

After hearing this, Ms. Matsuda immediately showed a shy expression.

Afterwards, Dai Qiuhui said on the line that she had something to look for him, and Mogami went to the meeting room with someone.

"Good morning, Miss Dai."

"Totsuka-san, good morning, please sit down first."

After Mogami sat down with someone, Miss Dai came over with a document with a smile on her face.

"Miss Dai, what is that?"

"Planning book."

"Planning book?"

"Look at it first, I'll explain to you later."

Mogami Kazuto heard the words, holding doubts in his heart, picked up the proposal and read it.

It took 3 minutes to look around, and Mogami Kazuto took off his hat and rubbed his temples.

"Miss Dai, I should be a singer, right?"

"of course."

Kazuto Mogami smiled wryly, "I won't say anything about the seiyuu interview I went to film last time. After all, it was Miyano-senpai who was looting, but isn't this a bit outrageous?"

"Well... Originally this program was intended for the newly signed Miss Amy, but hibiki said that Miss Amy cannot participate in any group activities at the moment. I thought it was a chance to be exposed, so I won it for you .”

"But I'm not a voice actor."

"You also rely on your voice to make a living, so it doesn't matter, and although most of the artists under our company are voice actors, we didn't say that if you are not a voice actor, you are not qualified."


"Don't worry, Ogura-san will accompany you."


Kazuto Mogami searched in his mind and thought of the girl he met in the elevator on the first day of signing the contract.

"Not only Ogura-san, but Mr. Miyano and Ms. Minase will also attend."

"Isn't that a big fight!"

Miyano Mamoru and Shimizu Yousha, Kazuto Mogami had already expected how chaotic the scene would be.

"The annual Christmas special live broadcast, only this time, if you miss it, you won't miss it. I think it is a good opportunity to be exposed."

Kazuto Mogami sighed, "Do I have the right to refuse?"

"Sorry, the company has decided to let you go."


 The first update in 2022!
  Happy New Year everyone!

  Double monthly pass during New Year's Day!
  Ask for a monthly pass!
(End of this chapter)

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