After getting married, a popular seiyuu suddenly moved to my house

Chapter 221 216.8. The parting in August and the reunion in February, they were already strangers wh

Chapter 221 216. The parting in August and the reunion in December. When we met again, we were already strangers.

In Tokyo in December, the temperature drops sharply and the wind is cold.

The female high school students on the road put on thick coats and scarves over their student uniforms, and their bare knees were blown red by the wind.

Between the opening and closing of breathing, a faint white mist is sprayed out.

The season of pure white has entered.

Mogami Kazuto's hair color still hasn't changed back, it's still the blinking blue-purple hair, and he can only wear a hat when going out, otherwise it will look like a blue will-o'-the-wisp that appears at night, and it's really hard to look directly at it.

I was recording in a recording studio in Shinjuku today. The last time I participated in Mamoru Miyano's program, the response was not bad. Today is the second time I participated.

Miyano-senpai was still very busy, so Kazuto Mogami took the lead to leave.

Saying goodbye to the staff after recording is over, although it is a bit cumbersome, Kazuto Mogami is gradually getting used to such troublesome etiquette.

After leaving the building, Kazuto Mogami was just about to walk towards the station when two young women walked towards the parking lot not far away.

The woman with long hair was putting her hands on the shoulders of the short-haired woman, staggering, as if her physical condition was not very good.

The short-haired woman was giggling non-stop, and before they approached, the voice had already passed.

"In the future, absolutely, absolutely, absolutely! I will never ride in your car again!"

"You seem to have said the same thing last time. When will you pay me for the repair of the car door?"

Kazuto Mogami froze on the spot, silently lowered the brim of his hat, stepped aside, pretended not to know them, and prepared to sneak away quietly.

When passing shoulder to shoulder with the long-haired woman, Mogami Kazuto couldn't help but glance at her side face, but met her eyes.

A trace of surprise flashed in her eyes, and neither of the two made a sound, and tacitly closed their eyes.

"Wait a moment!"

Hearing this coquettish drink, Kazuto Mogami shuddered all over and instinctively quickened his pace.

"That blue hair over there! I see you! Mogami the bastard!"

Hearing his own name, Mogami Kazuto couldn't step forward again, for fear that this troublesome person would call his real name in front of the whole world in the next moment.

Ah~ah~~ What a troublesome guy.

Mogami Kazuto turned around helplessly, and looked at the troublesome figure with a cold expression.

"Humph! It's really you!"

Sakura Ayane put her hands on her hips with a proud face.

Kazuto Mogami really couldn't figure out how she recognized him at a glance when he had dyed his hair and still wore a hat so tightly.

Helpless, Mogami Kazuto had no choice but to greet them: "Sakura-san, Nishi-san, hello."

Sakura Ayane raised her eyebrows repressedly: "It's very polite today."

Xiao Nishi Saori who was beside Ayane Sakura nodded slightly: "Long time no see, and...Mr. Totsuka."

Kazuto Mogami nodded calmly as a greeting to her.

"Hey! Mogami! What's the matter with your hair?"

Ayane Sakura made no secret of her ridicule, and Mogami Kazuto, who was already autistic because of her hair, looked even more ugly.

"Leave me alone."

"Blue is not blue, purple is not purple, like an eggplant, the taste is really unique."


Ms. Sakura was as outspoken as ever, Mogami Kazuto really couldn't figure out how this woman got the confidence to be so familiar with him.

"If you can't speak, you can talk less."

Sakura Caiyin raised her eyebrows, which was the precursor of an outbreak, and was stopped by Xiao Nishi Saori.

"Caiyin, it's almost time to go up and record it, we can't keep Chanko-san and the others waiting for a long time."

"I know."

Although Ayane Sakura was difficult to deal with, she cared more about her work than anyone else. After hearing what Konishi Saori said, she didn't continue to pester Mogami Kazuto.

Sakura Ayane raised her jaw provocatively: "See you! Mogami."


Saori Konishi looked at Kazuto Mogami apologetically, and said softly, "Sorry to trouble you, Mr. Totsuka."

"I'm used to it, so I'll take my leave first, both of you."

"Goodbye, Mr. Totsuka."

Kazuto Mogami turned around without hesitation, and walked silently towards the station.

Mr. Totsuka...?

Not a bad name.

It's just that this feeling is really amazing. People who once lived under the same roof and made vows to each other at the wedding, at this moment, even the word stranger feels out of reach.

Memories that could not be described as pleasant, but even depressing, flooded towards him relentlessly like a tide.

It hit his rock-like heart wall, and it remained motionless.



Back in the empty house, Kazuto Mogami washed his face before going upstairs to his room.

After a long absence, I opened the document and was about to write a few words, but my mind went blank.

With fingers rising and falling on the keyboard, I wrote a description of the scenery, less than twenty words.

Mogami Kazuto felt that he needed to change the atmosphere and change his hairstyle, such as dyeing the aubergine-colored hair of this head back to black.

It could also be that the hair dye seeped into his scalp and damaged his brain cells.

Or the chair was too hard, which affected his inspiration.

With a long sigh, he turned and went into the piano room, holding the guitar and playing until four o'clock in the afternoon.

Perhaps it was because during this period of time, I spent a lot of time dealing with people, and Mogami Kazuto especially missed the time when he played the piano alone.

The hand of time caresses the youth and the piano, and the cold winter wind beats the windows.

As the setting sun slanted, the afterglow fell on the floor of the room through the windows, and the dust elves danced in the beam of light with the melodious and quiet sound of the piano.

Slowly fall to the ground.

This is Mogami Kazuto's first winter in Tokyo, just like a person welcomes summer, when winter comes, Mogami Kazuto is still alone.

Presumably next spring will be the same.

I went downstairs and made a simple dinner. It tasted good and the craftsmanship has improved.

Kazuto Mogami went out for a walk after dinner, took a shower and got ready for bed when he came back.

In terms of work, Kazuto Mogami's debut song, lyrics and music have all been written, and he will go to the company to try out the song tomorrow morning, and the official recording of the song should be in a few days.

Now he is still a newcomer, and his workload is not heavy. Except for the occasional appearance on Miyano Mamoru's broadcast, as well as the two songs and the mv that are being recorded, other things are trivial.

Even so, Mogami Kazuto still feels that he doesn't have enough time alone, and it doesn't mean that he wants to do some shameful things by himself.

Kazuto Mogami is born with a dislike of catering to other people's temper. At the beginning, he chose to debut as a singer, which was the most daring decision in his two lifetimes combined.

But now that the road has been chosen, it can only go on.

Since he can't get the heartbeat from other people, it's good to enjoy the throbbing that music brings to him.

Turn off the light, close your eyes, and the last thought before falling asleep is that she has lost weight.

 Happy new year!Ask for a monthly pass!
(End of this chapter)

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