After getting married, a popular seiyuu suddenly moved to my house

Chapter 223 218. Next Generation Girl Band Project.

Chapter 223 218. Next Generation Girl Band Project.

12 month 10 day.

Kazuto Mogami was sitting in the office, watching Dai Qiuhui bring the latest issue of "Seiyuu Animeday" that was just released today.

Ignoring a certain troublesome lady on the cover of this issue, Kazuto Mogami turned directly to the interview with Mamoru Miyano. Under the dense text, there is a photo of Kazuto Mogami and Mamoru Miyano. No matter how you look at it, there is something wrong.

The mask that was originally used to cover the eyes contained the corner of the butterfly's wings spread out in the mouth, and the lower lip was slightly turned up, revealing the light pink lip flesh, and the eyes were covered by Miyano-senpai's big hands.

Kazuto Mogami shuddered all over.

Something is wrong!
So wrong!
Immediately close the magazine in your hand, put it aside, and don't want to take a second look at it.

"Totsuka-san, that's a good shot."

Kazuto Mogami smiled wryly: "Miss Dai, please don't make sarcastic remarks. Now I am worried that I will be misunderstood by Mrs. Miyano."

"No, I understand everything I know, and the fans are not stupid, they just want to have fun."

Kazuto Mogami was speechless.

He never thought that he would have such a day, the decision to show his face to NG is really right, otherwise Kazuto Mogami would really be ashamed to see others.

He didn't dare to search his name on the Internet, for fear of seeing some radical comments like "burning 0", that would be a lot of fun.

Also, if someone sees this photo, he must point at his nose and laugh until he is hypoxic.

The more Kazuto Mogami thought about it, the more he had a headache.

The cell phone rang at this moment, and Kazuto Mogami was startled. After thinking about it carefully, the woman should not have his contact information, so he was relieved.

It was Yusa Shimizu who called. She seemed to have seen Mamoru Miyano and Kazuto Mogami in the magazine today, and she came here to inquire about the military situation.

The sound of clear water and sand is very small, with a slight echo, and it is likely to be called from a place such as a toilet cubicle.

"Heren-san, I have something very important to ask you."

"what happened?"

"Should I...don't regard Miyano-senpai as a rival in love?"


Sure enough, she saw the photo.

After getting an affirmative reply from Kazuto Mogami, she hung up the phone with a smile on her face.

In the afternoon, Kazuto Mogami was recording a song in the company's recording studio. Even with Lv4 singing skills, Kazuto Mogami couldn't pass it just once.

It's just that every time he sings, his voice is more stable than the last time, which is really confusing.

At about two o'clock, Kazuto Mogami finished the official recording of his debut song, and today's singer's work ends here.

Instead of hanging out, Kazuto Mogami went straight back to Tsukishima, wondering if he should go shopping in the supermarket as he didn't have much food left at home.

But thinking about his current hair color and the chances of encountering Uchida Maaya by chance, Mogami Kazuto felt embarrassed to go to the supermarket and went straight home.

Kazuto Mogami's writing status today is not bad. After two hours of non-stop writing, he went downstairs to pour a glass of water. After returning to his room, he read today's industry news.

Kazuto Mogami's current circle mainly consists of three parts: light novels, singers, and voice actors.

Although Kazuto Mogami resolutely denies that he has nothing to do with the seiyuu circle, almost all the people he has come into contact with so far are voice actors, and of course he will also see news about seiyuu.

Thus, Kazuto Mogami saw a word that was unfamiliar to him.

The next generation girl band project.

"BanG Dream!"

The reason why Kazuto Mogami clicked on this link was because he saw a familiar name.

It wasn't until this time that Mogami Kazu realized why Terashima Aimi seldom came to the company after joining King Records.

Aimi Terajima is different from Kazuto Mogami, the focus of her work is not a professional singer who releases records, but her best band live.

This is her old line.

Kazuto Mogami has never denied Aimi Terajima's talent in this area. Her music is skillful and emotional. Standing on the stage, she can display an overwhelming aura.

There is no doubt that this is the most suitable path for her.

This way, Aimi Terashima is fine, but it is not so suitable for Kazuto Mogami.

Kazuto Mogami cannot cater to others, and it is difficult to find other young people with the same musical attainments as him in this generation.

If it is deliberately waterproof and caters to other people's performances, then it will be different from Aimi Terashima who was once in a downturn.

However, if there is only one person, it cannot be called a band.

Mogami Kazuto couldn't help but worry a little, whether she would be able to adapt after forming a new band, and whether she would still be excluded as before.

That seemingly strong girl actually has an extremely slender heart, like a beautiful glass artwork, which will shatter if she is not careful.

But Kazuto Mogami couldn't do anything except trust her.

Just as he can change, Aimi Terajima is changing herself.

Rather than worrying about others, Mogami Kazuto felt that he was the one to be worried about.

The Christmas special gave him a stomach ache just thinking about it.

After thinking for a long time, Kazuto Mogami found Aimi Terashima's line and sent a congratulations message.

The message is always in an unread state, presumably busy with work.

Kazuto Mogami realized that Aimi Terajima would be much busier than him. She was not a professional. After her official debut as a singer, she would definitely receive professional training every day.

And this is also the only way for many new singers. The reason why Kazuto Mogami can be so free is that he can't find anyone who can teach him.

After that, Mogami Kazuto searched for relevant content about the next-generation girl project, and found very little.

Instead, I found the manga of the same name as "BanG Dream!", which tells the story of an ordinary high school girl who pursues the "Instigation of the Stars".

In terms of role setting, it highly overlaps with Aimi Terashima, as if it was tailor-made for her.

The underground singer who used to live on the street finally ushered in the opportunity to go on the big stage and present his music to people all over the world.

Presumably Ms. Asano and the others will be happy for Aimi Terashima after knowing this.

Kazuto Mogami has never had a dream, and the word "dream" is vividly displayed in Aimi Terashima.

Seeing her dream shining brightly, although Mogami Kazuto couldn't empathize with her, he was inexplicably inspired.

See, dream is not a distant word.

As long as you don't stop running and work hard for your goals, even if you can't hold your dreams tightly in your hands, you will definitely get something else.

Outside the window, the cold wind howled, not affecting the people inside the house.

After closing the news page, Kazuto Mogami stretched his body and reopened the blank document.

He said to himself:

"Me too, just work harder."

(End of this chapter)

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