After getting married, a popular seiyuu suddenly moved to my house

Chapter 225 220.2. The snow in February is beautiful.

Chapter 225 220. The snow in December is beautiful.

Kazuto Mogami walked into the meeting room, and Dai Qiuhui was already waiting inside.

Kazuto Mogami has already finished most of the work in his hands. As a newcomer, his workload is not much at all.

After signing the contract, I recorded a total of two songs and two MVs. The recording and shooting departments are all completed. I am waiting for the editing and production. I will cooperate with the company to publicize it on the Internet at a similar time. Completely done.

And the most recent job was the live broadcast on the night of the 25th. Before that, Kazuto Mogami was able to take a long vacation after a long absence.

"Totsuka-san, you are here, just in time, I got a new job for you."



"No, nothing, what job?"

Dai Qiuhui nodded, thinking that Mogami Kazuto was deserting, and didn't think much about it.

"About the original animation "Super City: Area 53" to be aired in January."


"Before the animation is officially broadcast, the promotional special program has been decided. The production team hopes to ask you to record a video of singing the theme song, which will be inserted in the middle of the program."

"Hmm...meaning you only need to record the video, and don't need me to attend the event, right?"

"Indeed, attending events is generally the work of voice actors. As a singer, Totsuka-san only needs to convey what he is good at to the audience."

"Then I'm fine."

"Okay, I will send you the specific process on the line. Totsuka-san has been really hard lately."

"Well... since it's work, I'll do my best."

"Totsuka-san is really a hardworking person."

"Nothing, I just do what I should do."

Dai Qiuhui covered her mouth and smiled lightly: "When I first met Totsuka-san, Totsuka-san was still quite resistant to debuting. Now I feel relieved, and I can look forward to the live held by Totsuka-san in the future."


"I still have something to do, so let's not talk about it." Dai Qiuhui got up and was about to leave.

"Oh... oh, slow down."

Mogami Kazuhito responded, recalling what Dai Qiuhui said just now, and then gradually realized that he is a singer, and holding a live is a matter of course, and it can even be said to be an obligation, which is clearly written in the contract.

Mogami Kazuto sighed and lay down on the sofa.

"Live...? I always feel that it is still far away from me. Could it be that it is actually very close?"

Since Mogami Kazuto signed the contract, he has sung a total of two songs. He has never seen a live that only sang two songs.

But after thinking about it, when the number of songs he released continues to increase, there will always be a day when he will hold a live.

Shaking his head, Kazuto Mogami stopped thinking about it for the time being and was about to get up and go home.

As soon as the door of the meeting room was opened, the door of an office room opposite was also opened. The moment Mogami Kazuto saw Ogura Yui, he just wanted to say hello to her.

"Xiao Cang..."

Bang! ! !
The door on the opposite side was slammed shut, causing a gust of wind to blow on Mogami Kazuto's handsome face with a smiling expression.

He tilted his head in doubt, not knowing why.



Mogami Kazuto, who no longer had a job in a short period of time, did not become more idle because of this, but returned to his daily life.

I get up early and run every day, then write at home, and go for a walk after dinner in the evening.

Although the hair has not been dyed back to black, but the current hair color is barely within the acceptable range of Kazuto Mogami, and he does not exclude going shopping in the supermarket.

What he didn't expect was that he hadn't met Uchida Maaya by chance during this period, which was something beyond his expectation.

But thinking about it carefully, it seems that this is the normal situation.

And after the two exchanged line friends last time, they didn't communicate too much.

One day, Kazuto Mogami received a call from Yousha Shimizu, saying that he was going to come to his house for dinner, Kazuto Mogami thought about it, and agreed.

It has been a long time since that incident, the turmoil has subsided long ago, there is no evidence for it, and there are clarifications from many people in the industry that this incident has long been stereotyped as non-existent.

Because of this, its newspaper office has been boycotted and insulted by various netizens, especially fans of Qingshui Yousha, but as a gossip newspaper, how could it be found out by conscience because of this kind of thing, just pretend to be dead, and dare to do it next time.

Considering that Shimizu Yousha will come to eat at night, Mogami Kazuto was ready to go out to buy when he wrote about three o'clock, and tried to choose some ingredients that Shimizu Yousha liked to eat.

If you want to ask her what she likes to eat, she must specify meat and desserts.

After returning home, start to process the ingredients and make preparations.

I have been busy for more than an hour, and my cooking proficiency has been rising for a long time.

The doorbell rang, and I looked at the time, thinking that there was sand in the clear water.

Mogami Kazuto went to open the door, long time no see, a slender girl in a water blue woolen coat was smiling at him.

"Heren-san, long time no see."

"Well, come in."

"Excuse me!"

Qingshui Yousha quickly took off his shoes in the hallway, put on slippers, ran into the living room, stomped, and went upstairs again, with Mogami and others walking behind, wondering what she was doing.

Not long after, Qing Shui You Sha went downstairs again and returned to the living room.

"What are you doing?"

"Check to see if Kazuto-san is hiding girls at home."

"Have you found it?"

"Unfortunately, I didn't find it."

Although the mouth said regret, but the small face was smiling, and there was no feeling of "regret" at all.

Mogami Kazuto shook his head helplessly at her and said, "Sit down for a while, the rice will be ready in a while."

"Don't worry, take your time."

So, Shimizu Yousha sat on the sofa and turned on the TV, while Mogami Kazuto was in the kitchen, silently tasting the soup, which was moderately salty and mild.


The sound of clear water and sand came from the living room.

"what happened?"

"I checked the weather forecast this morning and said it will snow tonight."

"Tonight? I didn't pay attention."

Qingshui Yousha stood up and walked towards the French windows, opened the curtains, and under the quiet night, white velvet flowers flew down and danced in the air, like fireflies blooming with white light, which belonged exclusively to winter.

"Kazuto-san! It's really snowing!"

Shimizu Yousha was bouncing on the spot, waving at Mogami Kazuto non-stop.

Putting the food on the dining table, wiping his hands on the apron, Mogami Kazuto walked silently.

Standing beside Shimizu Yousha, Mogami Kazuto looked up at the night sky, and white flowers came into view.

It really snowed.

"Well, it's beautiful." Kazuto Mogami couldn't help saying.

Qingshui Yousha turned his head to the side, with sly eyes:

"Are you talking about me, or Xue."

Mogami Kazuto silently closed his mouth and fell into silence.

Qingshui Yousha smiled slightly, and didn't urge him to answer, she couldn't be more clear about his temperament.

"Snow, it's beautiful."

Qingshui Yousha smiled lightly, she had already guessed that he would answer like this.

Turning around, no longer looking out the window, Qing Shui Yousha couldn't wait to say: "I'm hungry, let's eat."

"it is good."

(End of this chapter)

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