Chapter 226 Extra Story: December 12nd.

The time goes back to ten days ago.

12 month 2 day.

In the morning, Kazuto Mogami woke up, looked in the mirror at his newly dyed blue-purple hair, and sighed heavily.

It's too pompous.

And it's really embarrassing to walk on the road.

Kazuto Mogami didn't go out for a morning run. After washing up and having a simple breakfast, he went into the kitchen and started making some snacks.

He didn't have a job during the day today, but he needed to go out to shoot the night scene mv at night, just to take advantage of the broad daylight to improve his cooking skills.

Of course, improving proficiency is just an excuse.

First, preheat the oven, crack three fresh eggs, skillfully separate the egg yolks from the egg whites, and add sugar to beat the egg whites.

In short, there are still many steps, but for Mogami Kazuto, they are all easy, so there is no need to say more.

It took almost an hour and a half to complete the finished cake, put it into the cake box bought outside yesterday, and tie the ribbons.

After finishing all this, Kazuto Mogami checked the time, and it was not yet ten o'clock, which was the right time to go out.

It's just December, and the wind blowing on the face sometimes makes people feel bone-piercing. It's just right for the cake in hand, so don't worry about it melting.

All the way to Shinjuku Station, it was still as complicated as a maze. Even in winter, the flow of people did not decrease at all. Finally, I found the exit and came to the ground.

Relying on memory, I walked to a certain building.

Kazuto Mogami lowered the brim of his hat and walked in.

Come to the front desk.

"Hello, is Ms. Minase from AIR ONE office here?"

"Ms. Minase? According to Miss Minase, you should be here now. May I ask who you are?"

"Well... I'm a friend of Ms. Minase."

Kazuto Mogami lowered his hat more and more, unwilling to let people see his face. This made the front desk lady feel very suspicious of Kazuto Mogami, and was skeptical of Kazuto Mogami's "friend remarks".

"This is for Ms. Minase, please pass it on."

"Sorry, artists in our office cannot accept food from fans, please understand."

"So she's not a fan, um... Forget it, I'll call her."

Kazuto Mogami stepped aside and called Shimizu and Yousha, while the receptionist was still staring at him warily.

Not long after, there was a "ding" sound from the elevator, and clear water and sand came out.

Kazuto Mogami just wanted to speak out to tell her not to be too noticeable, but Yusa Shimizu was one step ahead of him and jumped towards him with a face full of joy.



have to!It's really yours, there is sand in the clear water.

Kazuto Mogami showed helpless eyes, but Shimizu Yousha turned a blind eye and looked at Kazuto Mogami curiously.

"Totsuka-san, the new hairstyle is quite unique."

"Stop talking, I already have the urge to shave my head."

Shimizu Yousha smiled sweetly, looked at the thing carried in Mogami Kazuto's hand, raised his eyes slightly, which was very moving, and asked, "Is this for me?"

"Well, happy birthday."

Shimizu Yousa took the cake box from Mogami Kazuto, and smiled very sweetly. He never mentioned his birthday or the date of his birthday to him.

But he still knew it as he thought, took it for granted, and prepared a gift for her as a matter of course.

After all, it's really not difficult to know when her birthday is.

It seems a little wrong to describe it as tacit understanding, because many times, the man in front of her will sing against her, deliberately pretending that she didn't hear anything, and sometimes it will really mean something that he really hates.

But the "dislike" here is mostly dislike based on liking.

But since he was very frank today and did something that made him happy again, let's temporarily turn this "dislike" into "like" 100%.

"Thank you, Kazuto-san."

She whispered his real name, and the moment she took the cake, she tickled his fingers carelessly but intentionally, and the charming look in her eyes made Mogami Kazuto cough lightly, Then back off.

For Mogami Kazuto who is not good at speaking with others, this is already the highest level he can achieve.

Because he valued his relationship with Qingshui Yousha, and truly regarded her as his friend, he did this.

Although this friend of his can basically be said now, he has completely made no secret of his purpose of coveting his body.

But even so, Mogami Kazuto still couldn't get rid of her from the bottom of his heart, and couldn't treat Shimizu and Yousha with the indifferent way of Sakura Ayane.

There is no doubt that in the hearts of Mogami Kazuto at this time, clear water with sand is special.

He couldn't decide whether this kind of special was between men and women, or between friends, but at least, he didn't reject it.

He wants nothing extravagantly and desires nothing. A boring person like him will also have things he wants to cherish.

"It's really a pity. I have a special live for my birthday party tonight. I can't leave. I can't go to your place for dinner."

Shimizu Yousa showed a disappointed expression.

Kazuto Mogami smiled slightly: "Let's enjoy the company of fans tonight."

She puffed up her cheeks dissatisfied: "You should know whose company I want most."


Kazuto Mogami shook his head helplessly: "This is your office, please restrain yourself a little."

Qing Shui You Sha glanced around from the corner of his eye, and the front desk lady straightened her ears, obviously very curious.

With a soft snort, she continued to whisper: "I won't come to Cengfan today, remember to make it up for me another day."

"Isn't sending cakes enough?"

"Did Heren-sang do it by himself?"

"If I perfuse you with something bought outside, will you let me go?"

"As long as it is given to me by Herensang, whether it is made by myself or bought from outside, I will be very happy."


She found an opportunity to hit a straight ball again.

Mogami Kazuto could only sigh softly: "I did it myself."

Qingshui Yousha showed a bright smile: "I knew it."

"Then I'm leaving." Mogami Kazuto was about to say goodbye.

"That, Kazuto-san."


"Can I call you after the live is over?"


Kazuto Mogami thought that if she didn't ask this question, even if he called him after the live, Kazuto Mogami would not have any special reaction, and might say some nonsense like wishing her a happy birthday.

But at this point in time, this question, and the look of anticipation in Shimizu Yousha's playful smile, Kazuto Mogami was unable to answer.

After waiting for a long time, Kazuto Mogami nodded silently.

I don't know whether to agree or to compromise.

Qingshui Yousha smiled slightly, took a step back, and said loudly: "Thank you, Mr. Totsuka, I will transfer the money to you later, please teach me how to do it next time!"

Kazuto Mogami was taken aback for a moment, smiled wordlessly, and turned to leave.

 sorry!I actually forgot about Shui Shui's birthday in the plot.

  I'm a dumbass.

  It can only be added in the form of extra episodes. Fortunately, it happens to be Xiaoshui's plot recently.

  terribly sorry!

(End of this chapter)

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