After getting married, a popular seiyuu suddenly moved to my house

Chapter 235 229. The wonderful Shura field sandwiched between the voice actor and the singer.

Chapter 235 229. The wonderful Shura field sandwiched between the voice actor and the singer. (two in one)

12 month 23 day.

Kazuto Mogami went to the company early today to prepare for the live broadcast the day after tomorrow.

The first is to understand the general live broadcast process, King Records Christmas special live broadcast.

It will be co-starred by its contracted artists, Miyano Mamoru, Ogura Yui, Shimizu Yusa, and Totsuka. The most experienced Miyano Mamoru will serve as the host.

Because it is a live broadcast, there is no post-editing, so Kazuto Mogami was repeatedly told by Dai Qiuhui not to cause a broadcast accident.

Kazuto Mogami swears that it's on him.

The promotional PV for Kazuto Mogami's debut single will also be released on December 12th, which is tomorrow.

I will use the live broadcast on the 25th to promote a wave. After all, it is a special program of King Records. It is a matter of course to promote my own artists.

Afterwards, Dai Qiuhui said that the Hidakari cuisine and Ogura Yui's radio programs he participated in before will be broadcast tonight.

Mogami Kazuto didn't intend to listen, but Qingshui Yousha didn't know where the news came from, so he told him that he would listen to it specially.

Kazuto Mogami thought about it, and it was probably Hidaka Lina who said that they seem to have a good relationship.

The circle of seiyuu is really small, but if there is a little trouble, everyone will know it soon.

Assuming that Kazuto Mogami made his debut as a singer before marrying Saori Konishi, he can guarantee that no one in the industry would be unaware of their relationship.

But now in this circle, it is known that Kazuto Mogami and Saori Konishi were once husband and wife, and they are just the three female voice actors who visited Mogami's house back then.

As for the seiyuu who participated in the wedding, there is only Shimizu Yousa.

Thinking of clear water with sand, Mogami Kazuto couldn't help but have a headache again.

Kazuto Mogami already had a clue about his inexplicable activation of the dubbing skills. Obviously, he was unprepared that night and was attacked while he was sleeping in the living room.

This is the most reasonable explanation.

From the perspective of clear water and sand, you may feel that you have done it very covertly, but Mogami Kazuto has a panel.

From the moment he acquired the skill, Mogami Kazuto understood what Shimizu Yusa had done to him.

Kazuto Mogami naturally wouldn't expose it, so he made up his mind to pretend he didn't know anything.

After leaving the company, Mogami Kazuto received a call from Natsuki Yuta.

The first three volumes of "Journey to Death" were republished at the same time, with 11 volumes of the first volume, [-] volumes each of the second volume and [-] volumes of the third volume, a total of [-] volumes.

Kazuto Mogami received an additional 400 million yen in royalties. At this time, his deposit had exceeded 1500 million yen.

The cost of Mogami Kazuto is not big. The future plan is to buy a cheap scooter, but he does not have a driver's license yet.

Now that the New Year is approaching, Kazuto Mogami is planning to buy something for his parents.

His parents are his biggest concerns in this world, and he usually takes time to go home, but he didn't tell his parents about his debut as a singer.

Parents only know that he has made a lot of money writing novels, so they feel relieved.

In addition to talking about the reprint of the novel, Natsuki Yuta also conveyed the follow-up news of the manga on the phone.

The editorial department chose a few cartoonist teachers, and wanted to hear the opinions of the original author, hoping to find time to meet.

Kazuto Mogami heard the words, and made an appointment with Natsuki Yuta to meet and discuss tomorrow afternoon.

After that, Kazuto Mogami took the train home.

Even with tens of millions of savings, Mogami Kazuto is still used to taking the tram, swaying in the crowd, listening to the station broadcast, and has a daily atmosphere of integrating into society.

Kazuto Mogami doesn't like to change his pace of life very much, and what he is used to is getting used to it.

Get used to writing, get used to trams, get used to single life, get used to being cheated on by others.

Now that he is asked to take the driver's license test and record the program, Mogami Kazuren is more or less reluctant.

However, habit change is also a habit.

After returning home, Kazuto Mogami put the keys aside, put on slippers and walked into the house.

Seeing the large luggage in the corner of the living room, I calculated the time in my mind, and it was almost time.

Go back to your room to write, and continue your writing life alone.

December 12th is still Mogami Kazuto's rest day.

Kazuto Mogami hadn’t gone out for a morning jog for a long time, and the weather was always bad during this time. Kazuto Mogami simply ordered a home treadmill online, and it cost nearly 20 yen together with the on-site installation fee.

Although it is a bit expensive, this thing is a health investment, and Mogami Kazuto has enough savings in his hands, so it is more expensive.

Mogami Kazuto didn't have any expenses, and he only bought groceries on weekdays.

But once the money is spent, it is absolutely unambiguous to start with.

His biggest expense so far was the purchase of musical instruments and the decoration of the piano room, which cost hundreds of thousands of yen.

Today is Christmas Eve, Mogami Kazuto's arrangement is to sleep at home, the only variable is clear water and sand.

For this reason, Kazuto Mogami also sent her a special message to confirm her work at night.

Qingshui Yousha thought that Mogami Kazuto would invite her to dinner, and immediately said with a sad face that he had work tonight and couldn't come to eat.

Kazuto Mogami was overjoyed and said bluntly that it was all right.

As a result, there was sand in the clear water and he immediately became unhappy, and almost killed Mogami and his family right now, which caused Mogami and Ren a big headache.

In the end, Kazuto Mogami had no choice but to compromise and promised her to have dinner together after the live broadcast ended tomorrow.

So, on Christmas Eve, Kazuto Mogami made a simple dinner for himself, and then went upstairs to his room to write.

However, fate would never let Mogami Kazuto go so easily.

At ten o'clock in the evening, Kazuto Mogami received a message from a certain woman.

"Mogami-san, good evening."

"Good evening, what's the matter?"

"Merry Christmas."

Mogami Kazuto was taken aback, it was only the 24th, and after thinking about it for a while, he probably understood the reason for the other party's visit.

"Well, Merry Christmas, and... happy birthday to you in advance."


December 12th is Aimi Terashima's birthday, and Kazuto Mogami has not forgotten it.

And some time ago, I went to Ochanomizu to buy something for Aimi Terashima's birthday, that is, I met Ayane Sakura in the musical instrument store that time.

"Mogami-san, how have you been lately?"

"Hmm... I have participated in a lot of messy radio programs, and I always feel that the job of a singer is a little different from what I imagined."

"I saw Mogami-san's interview, and the photo was taken... um, it's very handsome."

I also want to know that Aimi Terajima is talking about the photos of Miyano Mamoru who appeared at the same time. Kazuto Mogami felt that those things were embarrassing, and they could be called black history.

However, after that incident, Kazuto Mogami's official account has gained a lot of attention from female fans, and many people who only pay attention to voice actors have gradually become aware of this new singer. This is an indisputable fact.

"Mogami-san, I was a lot faster than I knew it. I watched the promotional PV for the single released today, and the song is great."

"It's thanks to everyone in the company. I'm just in charge of singing, how about you? How is the band? How are you getting along with your new teammates?"

"About this, well... for the time being, I'm the only one in the band."


"It's hard to say the specific situation. Although I'm the only one in the band, I'm going to release a song tomorrow."


"Well, because this project is a bit special, as far as I know, there is only me and another senior voice actor in the project."

Mogami Kazuto became more and more confused the more she listened. Since there were two people, why did she say that she was the only one in the band?
Also, isn't she a singer?How could a senior seiyuu come out?
Mogami Kazuto's head gets dizzy when he hears the word seiyuu now, almost ptsd.

"Well, although he is a bit strange senior, but he is very cute and beautiful, and taught me a lot of things."

"Is that so..."

Kazuto Mogami still maintains an attitude of not wanting to know too much about the seiyuu, and Aimi Terashima doesn't seem to plan to say more about it.

Although the plan has been announced, there are still many things that need to be kept secret, and the senior seiyuu has not officially announced it, so she can't name him yet.

"Mogami-san, there seems to be a live broadcast tomorrow."


"I'll watch it on time (laughs)"

"Although I want to say that it doesn't matter if you don't watch it, thank you anyway."

"Mogami-san isn't very good at dealing with crowds, I know, it's really difficult for you (laughs)"

"That's right, but recently, I feel like I should be getting used to it."

"Isn't it numb (laughs)"

What does she mean by that (laughs)?
Well... there should be no meaning of gloating, Terashima Aimi is definitely not that kind of girl, she must just find it interesting.

"That's right, it's physically and mentally exhausting."

"However, you've had a good time, haven't you?"


Mogami Kazuto recalled his experience after becoming a singer. Singing, participating in broadcasting, shooting photo shoots, and filming MVs.

Compared with the unchanging writing life in the past, it is indeed much more colorful.

It's just that Mogami Kazuto still likes a quiet atmosphere in his bones. It's not so much enrichment, but more trivial matters.

But it's not as annoying as I imagined, and it's so-so and interesting.

"Well, not too bad."

"That's good."

"Tomorrow, I will bring your birthday present to the front desk of the company, and you can just pick it up."

"Hey~~ Can't you give it to me alone? I will go to the company tomorrow morning."


"Anyway, everyone in the company knows that we were good friends before our debut, so it's normal to give birthday presents."

Kazuto Mogami thought about it, and it made sense, so he agreed.

Aimi Terashima didn't take the initiative to ask Kazuto Mogami what gift he bought, which is very her style, if it is clear water and sand, she might have to pester him for a while, asking him what he has prepared.

At this time, only more than 20 days have passed since Shimizu Yousha's birthday, and Kazuto Mogami did not send any real gifts except for the birthday cake he made himself.

Kazuto Mogami thinks that Shimizu and Sandy would prefer the food he made himself to those stylish things.

It's a pity that Kazuto Mogami still doesn't understand the heart of a woman. For a gift from someone he likes, the important thing is not what to give, but the heart that can be preserved.

But if he did that kind of thing, the clear water and sand would probably be even more annoying than it is now. From this point of view, Kazuto Mogami did nothing wrong.

After a brief chat with Aimi Terashima, Kazuto Mogami prepared to go to bed.



The next morning, December 12th.

Christmas day.

Kazuto Mogami got up early, ate breakfast, carried the gift prepared for Aimi Terashima on his back, and went out.

It was snowing lightly outside, and the cold wind was blowing on the face, which was a little painful.

Only at such times would Mogami Kazuto have the idea of ​​quickly getting a driver's license and buying a car.

And when he stepped into the warm tram car, such thoughts dissipated again, and he seemed to be the same as before.

After arriving at the company, Kazuto Mogami went into the lounge. The live broadcast was at seven o'clock in the evening, and it was expected to last for three hours.

The reason why Kazuto Mogami came so early was because he had to hold a small discussion meeting with Dai Qiuhui in the morning.

However, it was still early for the agreed time, and Mogami Kazuto had nothing to do, so he sat in the lounge and played with his mobile phone, stood up from time to time, and went out to exercise his body.

At this time, Kazuto Mogami was in the lounge, watching the reaction on the Internet after the broadcast he participated in last night.

Most people focus on the interaction between Hidaka Rina and Ogura Yui, but the part of Mogami Kazuto imitating Sakura Ayane was sliced ​​by an unknown fan and uploaded to the barrage website. It has now surpassed 5 views.

The seiyuu circle is so big, and the amount of broadcasts is not too small.

Mogami Kazuto couldn't help but glanced at the comment section, and was immediately stunned.

In short, there are all kinds of things to say, but the most popular one is Kazuto Mogami who was conferred the title of Chef Sakura.

This made Mogami Kazuto a bit unacceptable, he is not a voice actor chef, and no one in the chef can cook that troublesome woman.

It seemed that he had done something stupid again, and Mogami and Ren felt remorseful.

The door of the lounge was opened, and Ogura Yui suddenly appeared at the door. After seeing Mogami Kazuto inside, his whole body shook, hesitating whether to go in.

Kazuto Mogami took the initiative to greet her, and Yui Ogura responded hesitantly.

However, Yui Ogura did not come alone. After she greeted Kazuto Mogami, another woman of the same size appeared behind her.

It is clear water with sand.

Seeing Kazuto Mogami in the lounge, Arisa Shimizu smiled slightly: "Good morning, Totsuka-san."

"Well, good morning, Ms. Minase."

Perhaps because of Ogura Yui's presence, Shimizu Yousha acted very calmly, pulled Ogura Yui to sit on the other side of the lounge, and chatted with her with a smile.

During the process, he didn't speak a word with Kazuto Mogami.

This is a bit out of her style.

Doubts are doubts, Mogami Kazuto didn't go up to talk to him, but kept looking down at his phone.

While Shimizu Yusa was communicating with Ogura Yui, his eyes glanced at Mogami Kazuto from time to time.

She really wanted to ask why it was Sakura Ayane who imitated last night instead of her.

Moreover, compared to imitating her voice in the audition, Mogami Kazuto obviously imitated Sakura Ayane's voice much more vividly, which made her somewhat unacceptable.

At the same time, she saw something that Kazuto Mogami had placed beside her. Although she went up to ask about it, due to the presence of Yui Ogura, it was difficult for Shimizu to speak.

Then, time passed by little by little, and in the narrow lounge, the door was pushed open again, and a fourth person ushered in.

"Good morning, Ms. Minase, Ms. Ogura, Mr. Totsuka."

Aimi Terajima looked at the three people in the lounge and greeted them politely.

 Today, I used a computer to code words, which is much more comfortable than a mobile phone. I will go home tomorrow, and I went out for a trip. I didn’t do anything, I didn’t play anything, and it’s still comfortable at home.

(End of this chapter)

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