After getting married, a popular seiyuu suddenly moved to my house

Chapter 236 230.3. Three women in one play, so what about the three female voice actors?

Chapter 236 230. Three women in one show, so what about the three female voice actors?

After greeting the three of them, Terashima Aimi closed the door of the lounge with a "click".

Mogami Kazuto also thought of a similar voice.

Although he felt that he had done nothing wrong, the atmosphere in the lounge made him somewhat uncomfortable.

To be honest, it would be better for him to chat with Miyano Mamoru if he stays with a female voice actress.

Although that is troublesome, at least it is not so scary.

Mogami Kazuto glanced at the corner, thinking about moving him and the chair to sit there.

Aimi Terashima looked at this wonderful space, Shimizu Yusa and Ogura Yui were sitting together, and Mogami Kazuto sat silently opposite them.

Aimi Terashima walked over and sat next to Mogami Kazuto almost without thinking.

Clear water with sand: "..."

Kazuto Mogami: "..."

With so many empty seats, why does she have to sit next to me (him)?

Ogura Yui had the same thoughts, and his impression of Mogami Kazuto dropped a little.

Why is this man surrounded by girls?
Sure enough, he is not a serious person, so he has to stay away.

Aimi Terashima's eyes are almost all focused on Kazuto Mogami. Her thoughts are actually very simple. Yusa Shimizu and Yui Ogura are both her predecessors, and Kazuto Mogami is her contemporaries.

Is it difficult to understand the same period and the same period?

What's more, she was not very familiar with those two people.

Aimi Terajima is different from them. She follows the Two-dimensional real-life idol route that is highly bound to the characters.

I am very familiar with Senior Mimori who was also a Two-dimensional reality idol. After all, the two of them have the same office and belong to the real seniors.

As for Shimizu Yusa and Ogura Yui, they just signed to the same record company as her. Strictly speaking, there is not much intersection.

After sitting down on the chair next to Mogami Kazuto, Terashima Aimi caught a glimpse of the objects placed beside Mogami Kazuto.

"Totsuka-san, is that...?"

Kazuto Mogami heard the words and was about to say something when he immediately felt the sharp gaze of a female voice actor.

Mogami Kazuto raised his head and met Shimizu Yousa's polite and kind smile.

This is a very strange psychology.

Kazuto Mogami dared to swear to God that apart from being secretly kissed by these two women, he had never had any more intimate contact with them.

To say that the relationship between lovers and lovers is so imaginative, it is even more fictitious.

But why.

Where did this uncomfortable feeling of stomach twitching come from?

He can walk upright and sit upright with others, probably.

Just when Kazuto Mogami was full of inner drama and wanted to squat in the corner with some guilt, the door of the lounge was pushed open.

"Totsuka-san, Miss Dai has arrived at the company and is looking for you."

"I'll be right there!"

Kazuto Mogami immediately stood up.

"Three, I'm sorry, I still have something to do, so I will withdraw first."

Therefore, Mogami Kazuto ignored the reactions of these people and immediately left this land of right and wrong.

The air outside the lounge was extremely mellow, and the moment he stepped out, he saw freedom.

After Mogami Kazuto left, the atmosphere in the room was extremely silent, as if the whole space had been cast "the world" by a stand-in messenger, everyone held their breath and concentrated, and no one spoke.

In the end, it is clear water with sand that breaks the stagnation of time.

"Amy-san, long time no see."

Qingshui Yousha smiled sweetly, looking extraordinarily gentle and lovely, without the airs of a senior at all.

"Yes, Ms. Minase."

"Are you busy with band planning?"

"Yes, the office has arranged a lot of things, and today I'm here to discuss the music."

"The office... Aimi-san's office, I remember it's Hibiki, it must be planning to debut as a voice actress?"

Terashima Aimi nodded: "The office has arranged it like this, and I'm still studying at school."

Qingshui Yousha smiled slightly, wondering why that person provoked female voice actors again.

"I've seen the singing video of Aimi-san and Mr. Totsuka, it's amazing."

Aimi Terashima was not humble when she heard the words, but said thank you politely.

At this time, Yui Ogura couldn't help asking: "Aimi-san, are you familiar with Mr. Totsuka?"

Qingshui Yousha remained calm on the surface, silently giving her a thumbs up in his heart.

"Huh? Well... it should be considered familiar, at least I think so."


Qingshui Yousha smiled and hid her right hand behind her back, so as not to be discovered by the two of her clenched red fists.

"Amy-san worked with Totsuka-san before signing the contract, right? Amy-san."

Aimi Terajima thought that there was sand in the clear water and she was simply explaining to Yui Ogura, so she nodded with a smile.

"Well, Totsuka-san is very good, both singing and guitar are very good, I admire him very much."


Qingshuiyousha smiled and said nothing.

Ogura Yui listened to Terashima Aimi's words, thoughtful.

Whether it's Hidakari cuisine or Terashima Aimi in front of me, they all praise Mogami Kazuto.

This is too strange.

Am I the only one who thinks he is a pervert?
Or, did that person only invite himself?
Although he is handsome, he is a pervert, and he can't tell it at all, so it can be seen that he is very good at hiding himself.

Ogura Yuyi felt more and more that this was a dangerous person.

Thinking of being targeted by such a non-judgmental person, the introverted Yui Ogura became even more worried about his personal safety.

Shimizu Yusa looked at Ogura Yui: "Yuyi-chan seems to be very concerned about Mr. Totsuka's affairs?"

"Huh? No, no, no, nothing like that! I'm just a little curious about what kind of person he is."

Ogura Yuyi frantically waved her hands to deny, thinking of the note that person wrote her, she blushed silently.

Now, Shimizu Yousa and Terashima Aimi frowned at the same time, stared at Ogura Yui for a few seconds at the same time, and then their eyes met.

Aimi Terashima recalled what Mogami said to her that night, that her ex-wife was a voice actor... Could it be Yui Ogura?
That's too much punishment!

Aimi Terashima felt that her idea was a bit outrageous, and Kazuto Mogami didn't look like someone who would attack a little girl, so she immediately rejected the idea.

Immediately, he turned his gaze to Qingshui Yousha, only to find that Qingshui Yousha was also looking at her.

The two looked at each other politely and smiled, and looked away tacitly.

Could it be Ms. Minase?

In the narrow lounge, three female voice actors had different questions at the same time.

The source of the doubt is the same person.

(Is that person a Lolicon?)
(Who is Mogami-san's voice actor ex-wife?)

(What is the relationship between Kazuto-san and Miss Amy?)



At this time, Kazuto Mogami, who was the source of the evil, had already fled the scene and came to the conference room alone.

(End of this chapter)

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