Chapter 237 231. I refuse.

"Good morning, Miss Dai."

"Totsuka-san, you are here, good morning."

Kazuto Mogami walked into the meeting room, silently thanking the benefactor who saved him from the fire and water.

"Totsuka-san, I've been waiting for a long time, sorry, I'm late today."

"It's okay, it's not our appointed time yet, you came just in time."

"Just in time?"

Dai Qiuhui looked at Mogami Kazuto suspiciously, Mogami Kazuto smiled lightly without explaining too much.

Dai Qiuhui didn't ask any further questions. After asking Mogami Kazuto to sit down, she got straight to the point and handed Mogami Kazuto a proposal.

Kazuto Mogami twitched his eyelids, pretending to be calm.

"Miss Dai, what is this?"

"There was a boy band recently..."

"I reject."

"...I haven't said anything yet."

Mogami Kazuren smiled wryly: "Miss Dai, you should know that I am not good at dealing with people, so please don't say anything about asking me to join the band."

How could Dai Qiuhui not know about Supreme Heren, it took her a lot of effort to sign him.

Kazuto Mogami is a little withdrawn and has a very strange temper. Although he is very easy to get along with, he never really talks to anyone around him.

It's just that she also had a little bit of luck, just like she didn't understand why Mogami Kazuto suddenly agreed to sign the contract, what if she agreed this time.

Gotta try, right?

"Totsuka-san, do you really not want to take a look?" Dai Qiuhui asked unwillingly.

"Don't watch." Mogami Kazuto was extremely firm.

"The band is fun."

Mogami Kazuto showed helplessness: "Miss Dai, with my temperament, it's really not suitable."

Dai Qiuhui couldn't help showing a disappointed expression. Although the result was similar to what she thought, she still sighed after getting the exact answer.

This project does not mean that Kazuto Mogami can directly appoint Kazuto Mogami if he agrees to participate in the election. At best, she can only provide an audition opportunity.

But since Mogami Kazuto voluntarily gave up this opportunity, she couldn't say more.

However, this will not affect her expectations for Mogami Kazuto. With Mogami Kazuto's conditions, she can completely imagine the scene where Mogami Kazuto becomes popular.

Dai Qiuhui just felt that participating in more projects would speed up Kazuto Mogami's achievements.

"Sorry, Miss Dai, it's hard for you to fight for me."

"It's okay, it's because I didn't think carefully enough, but I believe that even if Totsuka-san doesn't rely on other projects to increase his exposure, he will definitely become popular in the future."

"Thank you."

Kazuto Mogami breathed a sigh of relief, he was really afraid that Dai Qiuhui would bring up the same set of mandatory rhetoric from last time.

"Totsuka-san, there is one more thing I want to confirm with you."

"What is it?"

Dai Qiuhui's eyes sparkled with curiosity, and she asked, "Totsuka-san, did you ever study at the voice actor training institute?"

Mogami Kazuto was taken aback when he heard the words: "No."

"I listened to the broadcast broadcast last night, and Totsuka-san seems to have mastered dubbing skills."

Kazuto Mogami was stunned, and immediately shook his head and said, "I've never taken a voice actor course, but I'm good at imitating other people's voices, and I can't make it to the stage."

"I see." Dai Qiuhui nodded.

After all, Dai Qiuhui is not a professional voice actor. If you switch to a professional voice actor or an animation supervisor to listen to it, you can clearly feel that the skills used by Kazuto Mogami are definitely not sounds that laymen can make.

"I originally wanted to say that if he could debut as a voice actor, Totsuka-san would have more exposure."

"Didn't Ms. Dai say that I would definitely be popular? Of course, I believe in Ms. Dai's vision. Even if I don't rely on gimmicks like bands and voice actors, I will definitely become famous as a singer."

Dai Qiuhui was slightly stunned, looked at Mogami Kazuto for a long time, and burst out laughing.

"Really, I didn't expect Totsuka-san to trust me so much."

"Of course, I haven't forgotten that it was Miss Dai who wanted to sign me all the time. I can't live up to Miss Dai's expectations."

Dai Qiuhui covered her mouth and smiled softly: "Totsuka-san, although I often say that I am not good at dealing with people, but I am very good at saying things that please women."


"Huh? Could it be that Totsuka-san didn't realize it?"

"I don't think so at all."

"People like Totsuka-san are very attractive to girls."

"It's just the face of this society. Once you get to know me, everyone will find me troublesome."

"Totsuka-san really doesn't understand women's hearts, girls are interested in things and people that are different, this is instinct.

Maybe Totsuka-san didn't notice it himself, but a person with outstanding looks, excellent ability, who seems to be favored by a god, always looks lonely and ignores others, and girls will be curious when they see it.

Curiosity is the most fatal emotion for women. "


Mogami Kazuto couldn't understand Dai Qiuhui's words for the time being, but somehow felt that her words had some truth.

"Thanks, I'll make a note."

"Oh? If because of what I said, Mogami Kazuto will start hunting for women on various sets in the future, and strike up a conversation with beautiful female voice actors and singers, then I will be guilty."

Dai Qiuhui made a rare joke, and Mogami Kazuren smiled wryly. The thing he wants to stay away from most now is the female voice actress.

Unfortunately, female seiyuu are the ones who appear the most around Mogami Kazuto, and after debuting as a singer, this number is still on the rise.

After that, Dai Qiuhui withdrew the proposal in her hand, and Kazuto Mogami never looked at the proposal from the beginning to the end.

He was still working on a live broadcast today, and it was only noon, and Kazuto Mogami didn't dare to go back to the lounge and left the company directly.

He sent a message to Aimi Terajima, saying that the thing in the lounge was a birthday present for her. Aimi Terashima quickly replied, thanking him first, and then asking Kazuto Mogami where he was going. Invite him to lunch.

Kazuto Mogami said that he still had something to do and had already left. Although Aimi Terashima was disappointed, she didn't say much.

However, there is sand in the clear water, and there is no movement yet.

Kazuto Mogami was a little uncertain about her current state of mind.

As for the birthday gift for Aimi Terashima, it was a high-end guitar bag that he specially ordered at the Ochanomizu musical instrument store.

Kazuto Mogami didn't know what she liked, but he chose this gift because he thought that Aimi Terashima had been using the old guitar bag that was broken once, and thought she might need it.

Because there was still work at night, Kazuto Mogami was too lazy to take the tram home, so after leaving the company, Kazuto Mogami went to a nearby restaurant, planning to settle for lunch.

 Ask for a monthly pass.

(End of this chapter)

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