Chapter 247 241. Please be her voice.

"Mr. Scrap, I..."

Seeing Sakura Ayane's coy expression, even Mogami Kazuto himself became a little nervous.

He was not afraid of Ayane Sakura's sudden confession. After all, the column of intimacy had a value of -999. With his toes, he knew that it was impossible for Ayane Sakura to fall in love with him suddenly.

She is that Sakura Ayane.

If she said such unthinkable words, she might be hunted down by her with a knife.

But it was precisely because of this that Kazukazu Mogami felt an ominous premonition about her attitude.

It must be something outrageous to make Sakura Ayane, who is the only one in heaven and earth, show such a girly expression.

Mogami Kazuto had to be vigilant.

"Xianren-kun, I hope you can become a voice actor."


Kazuto Mogami imagined many outrageous demands.

For example, asking him to teach her to play the guitar, for example, asking him to stay away from Qingshui Yousha, or asking him to show her all the manuscripts of the fourth volume of "Journey to Death" immediately.

These are all things Mogami Kazuto can think of.

But Sakura Ayane is worthy of being Sakura Ayane, she is the most troublesome girl among the people Kazuto Mogami knows.

What she said would always surprise Mogami Kazuto, bewildered, and caught off guard.

This is the characteristic of Ayane Sakura, her label.

Kazuto Mogami was stunned for a full minute or two, but couldn't respond directly to Ayane Sakura.

Ayane Sakura, on the other hand, changed from her previous proud appearance, and watched the change of Mogami Kazuto's expression nervously.

Mogami Kazuto gradually came back to his senses, his expression returned to calm, he did not immediately refuse, nor turned his head to leave, but asked lightly:

Naturally, Kazuto Mogami would not agree to Sakura Ayane's request, and he did not want to get in touch with the seiyuu circle further.

And a large part of this is thanks to the female voice actors including Sakura Ayane.

Kazuto Mogami does not reject the job of seiyuu, he thinks it is a great profession.

He just doesn't want to have any more contact with these female voice actors.

For example, Sakura Ayane, such as Konishi Saori.

"If you promise me, I'll tell you."


Kazuto Mogami made a gesture to get up and leave.

"Wait a moment!"

Mogami Kazuto looked indifferently at Sakura Ayane who was looking flustered in front of him.

If it was normal, he might be willing to appreciate this woman's deflated posture a little more, but now, the alarm device in his body tells him that it is better for him to leave this place of right and wrong as soon as possible.

"You sit down first, I said, I said that's it."

Mogami Kazuto sat upright, silently waiting for Ayane Sakura to speak.

Sakura Ayane pursed her lips, as if she was worried about something.

After a long time, Sakura Ayane spoke slowly:
"I have a friend……"

Kazuto Mogami immediately interrupted: "The friend you mentioned, could it be yourself?"

Sakura Ayane immediately became angry when she heard the words: "Do you want to listen?"

"If I have to say it, I actually don't want to hear it."


Sakura Ayane could see that she had no dominance at all now, no matter how handsome the man in front of her was, she still thought it was disgusting.

However, I had to suppress my emotions and ask him for something.

"I have a seiyuu friend who is very beautiful, gentle and hardworking.

I have dreamed of becoming a voice actor since I was a child, but because the school does not allow me to participate in entertainment activities, I have been learning about voice actors by myself during school.

After graduating, she devoted herself to the voice actor industry. At first, she really couldn't get any jobs, and she could only do some radio dramas and short animations. Even if it was a passer-by role, she would dedicate herself to interpreting it with all her heart.

This kind of time has lasted for a long time, and in this industry where hard work may not necessarily pay off, it finally paid off.

After accepting the main role, relying on the things accumulated so far, I gained a firm foothold in the industry, and one job after another came one after another, and I worked harder than me.

She really loves the job of voice acting, more than anyone I have ever met so far.

Really... a very gentle and hardworking person. "

Since acquiring voice actor skills, Kazuto Mogami can vaguely distinguish whether what a person says is a superb interpretation or a monologue from the heart.

From Sakura Ayane's words, what Mogami Kazuto felt was just an ordinary girl who cared about her friends.

Sakura Ayane seems to really care about her friends.

Kazuto Mogami has already experienced this point.

in the worst possible way.

It's just that he still doesn't understand what this has to do with making him a voice actor.

Sakura Ayane glanced at Kazuto Mogami who was still calm, and took a deep breath gently.

"Perhaps it's strange for me to say this, the more work the better, even for me, I still control within the limit of my ability and carry out voice acting work.

Everyone says that I have a heavy workload, but it’s not true. I know my limits very well, and I sometimes get lazy, but...

But she seems to have no limit, there are countless dramas to appear in every season, not only that, broadcast, event, live, and singles.

Like a ruthless working machine.

I also told her that you can't squeeze your voice like this.

For us seiyuu, voice is more precious than life.

It is precisely because I have lost my voice that I know better than they how terrible it is. "

Mogami Kazuto had never seen such Sakura Ayane, nor had she ever heard her talk about herself.

That's right.

They are not even friends, just pure "nothing".

Sitting face to face like this is enough to make him feel incredible.

But he was sitting in front of her at this moment, watching her troubled expression and listening to her sad voice.

Mogami Kazuto became more and more confused about what life was all about.

"However, no matter how much I persuade, she will always say this with a gentle smile.

"The pinnacle career of a female voice actor is very short, I want to make my voice remembered as much as possible within this limited time, and leave more works.

Because, this is what I love. "

I couldn't stop her. "

That Sakura-san who was always on top was clenching her fists with an expression of unwillingness.

Kazuto Mogami thought that seeing the sad expression of that Sakura-san who was always causing trouble for him would make him feel better.

In fact, it didn't.

For those who really care about their friends.

Kazuto Mogami is not annoying.

Even if this person is Sakura Ayane.

"If I could stop her more strongly, it wouldn't be..."

Mogami Kazuto remained silent and said, "What happened to that friend of yours?"

Sakura Ayane let go of her tightly clenched palms, and squeezed them tightly again.

"The doctor said that she can no longer continue to be a voice actress."


"But she was a tender child, and the moment she found out about her condition, when she knew she would never have the voice she had before, her career wasn't her concern.

It's the work, it's the audience. "

"Remarkable people."

Mogami Kazuto could only say such words in silence.

Ayane Sakura suddenly raised her head and stared at Kazuto Mogami.

"Small man, no... Mr. Mogami."


"You are very good at imitating other people's voices, have dubbing skills that are not inferior to professional voice actors, don't fool me, I am a professional."

Mogami Kazuto could not refute.

"Her work has been almost completely taken over by other voice actors, I know, that is helpless.

However, I am so unwilling and regretful.

Regret not being more determined to stop her then.

I really hope that I can let her voice continue to the end in the drama I co-star with her.

So I want to ask you, go and audition for the part she's in next week.

With your ability to imitate, you must... be able to do it. "

Sakura Ayane stood up at this moment, like an automatic barrier at a railway crossing where the train was about to pass.

Slowly, but firmly.

Bend down.

"Please, be her voice."

 Remind again, on the 22nd, there will be a cash red envelope draw in the group, and the way to join the group is in the introduction of the work details page.

  Thank you everyone, ask for a monthly ticket.

(End of this chapter)

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