After getting married, a popular seiyuu suddenly moved to my house

Chapter 248 242. The peerless beauty in her mouth.

Chapter 248 242. The peerless beauty in her mouth.

People are often easily swayed by certain emotions.

Family, friendship, love, sympathy.

It is precisely because people make incredible decisions due to emotional factors that there are so many people with very different personalities in the world.

Mogami Kazuto is occasionally dominated by strange emotions, which is human nature.

Just because he doesn't like to show his feelings doesn't mean he doesn't have his own thoughts.

Was Kazuto Mogami touched by the story told by Ayane Sakura?

Maybe a little bit.

But only a little bit.

He admired the voice actor's attitude towards work and his enthusiasm for his career.

However, there are many more suffering people than her in the world, and it is impossible for him to extend his helping hand every time he encounters something like this.

Mogami Kazuto is just an ordinary person, even with a plug-in panel, he is still an ordinary person.

Because they are ordinary people, they will be touched by trivial things, and they will shrink from trouble.

Kazuto Mogami will never be a hero standing in front of the masses and bathed in light.

He just wants to be quiet and be an ordinary Mogami Kazuto.

"The story is very good and touching."

Sakura Ayane revealed surprise: "Then you are..."

"But I refuse."

The joy on Sakura Ayane's face suddenly froze.

Mogami Kazuto looked indifferently, watching Sakura Ayane's expression change from joy to disappointment.

He thought he would see anger on her face, that was the Sakura Ayane in his impression, her most iconic thing.

But she didn't.

"Let's sit down first," Mogami Kazuto said.

Sakura Ayane drooped her head and sat down silently without saying a word.

The atmosphere between the two of them froze a little bit, and then Mogami Kazuto's voice sounded.

"I'm sorry for what happened to your friend, but I think, although we're not friends, we've had a lot of acquaintances. Ms. Sakura should know what kind of person I am."

Sakura Ayane bowed her head and remained silent.

"To be honest, I was taken aback by your request. I don't think our relationship is good, even a little bad. Why does Ms. Sakura think that I will agree to your conditions?"

"You care?"

"Just a little curious."

Sakura Ayane pursed her lips, and said in a low voice: "Because I can't think of any other way, even if I know that I will be rejected by you, you may even be ridiculed by you, saying that I am a self-satisfied justice, laughing at me severely some."

Kazuto Mogami raised his eyebrows in surprise: "I'm not that bad. By the way, do you still know that this is self-satisfaction? It's a bit surprising."

Sakura Ayane looked at him displeasedly: "I'm not an idiot, of course I know what I'm talking about is very unreasonable."

"Then you still say."

"Because I have nothing else to do, that's why I'm begging you like this."

"Even if you are ridiculed by me?"

Sakura Ayane nodded emphatically.

Kazuto Mogami shook his head: "It seems that I was wrong, I thought that after we had dealt with so many times, Ms. Sakura would understand me a bit.

Sure enough, there is no way for people to understand each other? "

Sakura Caiyin frowned slightly: "Is it a life talk again?"

"of course not."

"what does that mean?"

Mogami Kazuto paused, and said softly, "I won't laugh at you."


"I really can't agree to your request, because I don't want to be a voice actor, it's just because I don't want to.

However, I am not denying your concern for your friends. "

"Caring about friends can be done by anyone."

Ayane Sakura was indeed that same Ayane Sakura, and she took things that she believed to be the laws of the world for granted.

What you can do, calmly think that other people must also be able to do it.

That's why she is hated by many people.

Upright, arrogant, unable to hide his words, doing his own way.

"Just caring, but doing nothing, this kind of caring is meaningless."

"So your actual action is to find me?"

"Hey... Mr. Xiaoren, have you ever been told that your speech is really bad?" Sakura Ayane showed a deflated expression.

"I will return this sentence to you exactly as it is."

It always feels like a conversation like this has happened before.

"Mr. Xiaoren, this friend of mine is a peerless beauty. I am offering you a chance to be a hero and save the beauty."

Peerless beauty?

Mogami Kazuto believed such words from Sakura Ayane's mouth.

But what does that have to do with him.

"Would you still introduce her to me?"

"That's impossible."

Mogami Kazuto shrugged indifferently: "I think so."

"After all, didn't you just push me? It's disgusting. Sure enough, no one who writes light novels is normal."

"I have never said such a thing, I would rather push Miyano-senpai."

Sakura Ayane immediately showed disgust in her eyes: "He is a married man."

"Don't say it as if I really singled out Miyano-senpai. I'm not interested in your voice actors."

Sakura Ayane couldn't help showing a strange expression when she heard this.

"Why are you looking at me like that?"

"I'm just wondering, if this kind of words comes from a person who is married to a voice actor, will anyone really believe it?"


"Besides, you seem to have a very good relationship with Qi, Mr. Xiaoren."

"At least it's better than being with you. She won't gossip about me online."

"Hey, just chat when you're chatting, don't open up old accounts, Miss Ben has already apologized."

Kazuto Mogami smiled.

"Obviously I have crossed paths with many female seiyuu, but said that I am not interested in seiyuu, don't you think what you said is contradictory?"

"There are so many."

"Saori, Qi, I, my juniors, and I heard that you have gotten very close to Rinamaru and Yui-chan recently, are you planning to steal my harem?"

"Wait a minute, who is your descendant?"

Kazuto Mogami wanted to ask this question for a long time. Ayane Sakura said that he got his number from her junior, but Kazuto Mogami had no idea who that junior was.

"Huh? Didn't she tell you?"

"I don't even know who you're talking about."


Sakura-san elongated her voice and narrowed her eyes.


"Nothing." She smiled inexplicably.

"So you said it."

"I won't say, just guess for yourself."

Kazuto Mogami was speechless.

This woman really has something seriously wrong with her head.

"Who is the rinamaru you mentioned just now?"

"Higori cuisine."

It turned out to be the case.

"Miss Hidaka and I are not familiar. Except for participating in one of her broadcasts, we have hardly spoken. As for Miss Ogura, after all, she is a senior in the record company, so it is only natural that we have a relationship."

"Huh? What are you talking about? I don't care about that.

Who cares which seiyuu you have a good relationship with.

Although I do feel that you have become a little more powerful recently, don't be too complacent, my harem will not betray me.

If you want to snatch the female seiyuu from me, you should try harder for another 100 years, Mr. Xiaoren. "


(End of this chapter)

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