Chapter 257 251. He was too late.

Kazuto Mogami could understand what his father wanted to express.

Since you don't like the other party, then draw a clear line with the other party as soon as possible.

Once the word "like" is uttered, it will never return to the way it used to be.

I like clear water with sand, and Terashima Ami likes it.

It is precisely because of this "like" blessing that Mogami Kazuto will become late in thinking subtly.

What Mogami Kazuto did must be wrong.

No matter what he thinks in his heart, it is wrong to think about being ordinary friends with the other party, or to wait for someone he really likes.

Even Mogami Kazuto himself can't guarantee that the person he likes in the future must be the person who likes him.

Maybe one day, Mogami Kazuto will fall in love with someone who doesn't like him like the original owner did.

At that time, what will happen to Kazuto Mogami?

Mogami Kazuto hadn't thought about this issue until his father said to him that he realized how much he had gone too far.

So, should he respond?
Said to Qingshui Yousha, I also want to try to like you, so shall we date?
Do not make jokes.

This is the love for girls, the greatest blasphemy.

Love is never something that can be paid for in return.

The former original owner is the best proof.

So, what should I do for myself?
"Dad, I... cherish the friendship I have gained now."

"The friendship you speak of is just the product of your intentionally ignoring each other's love."


What my father said was right, and it hit the nail on the head, making Kazuto Mogami unable to refute.

Seeing Mogami Kazuto's appearance, Mogami Junpei slowly loosened his frown, and sighed helplessly:

"Heren, I can understand your feelings, Dad just wants to tell you, if you really don't like it, then you should say it clearly, then stay away, don't think about what can be friends.

However, if you also have a little affection, then don't get along with each other with the attitude of a superior person.

In a relationship, both parties are equal, and there is really no shame in liking someone. "

"I like it, don't be ashamed..." Kazuto Mogami muttered to himself.

"Of course, people have feelings, anger, jealousy, hate, liking, and love.

Just like I love your mother very much, and I love you very much, because you are my father and my family.

What about you? "

"I also... love you very much."

"I know, this is not such a complicated question, so Dad asks you, those girls around you, you are willing to get along with them, but you are not willing to accept who becomes your lover.

Is it because you just want to be friends with them, you still have someone you can't let go of? "

Kazuto Mogami frowned: "Dad, I told you before, I don't like Saori."

"Dad, I didn't say her name once."


At this point in the conversation, no one continued to say anything. Mother Mochiyo brought tea over at this time, ending the dispute that was not considered a quarrel.

Mogami Junpei seemed to have nothing to say, while Mogami Kazuto was immersed in his own thoughts.

He was thinking about many things, including clear water with sand, Aimi Terashima, and Saori Xiaonishi.

He made sure again and again that he didn't like Saori Xiaonishi, and Mogami Kazuto really admired this girl very much.

Appreciate her bravery, appreciate her excellence and perseverance.

She knew very well where Kazuto Mogami's bottom line was, and never crossed a step.

As for Aimi Terashima, Kazuto Mogami also thought she was an excellent girl, but Kazuto Mogami never even thought about becoming a lover with her.

They have all expressed their feelings to Mogami Kazuto, more than once when there is sand in the clear water.

Perhaps, he should be more determined.


He obviously just wanted to be friends with them, why would he like someone like him?

If possible, Kazuto Mogami hoped that their intimacy with him would be a negative number like Ayane Sakura.

That way you don't have to worry about being liked by them.

The girl who he thought was the most troublesome girl was the least troublesome in terms of feelings.

Sure enough, he is an awkward guy.

It is true that there is sand in clear water.

After what happened today, Mogami Kazuto made up his mind to make a change that is truly different from the past.

He intends to respond positively to Qingshui Yousha and Terajima Aimi's feelings.



Back in the bedroom on the second floor, Kazuto Mogami turned on the phone line, thought about it, and felt something was wrong, so he simply called.

The phone rang once, and it was connected.


"Kazuto-san? Happy New Year!"

"Well, Happy New Year, You Sha."

"I called you just now and you didn't answer. I thought I could spend New Year's Eve with you on the phone. It's a pity."

"Well, I was just taking a shower."

"Hey, what a coincidence, I'm taking a shower too."

"You called me just now while taking a shower."

"I didn't take a shower when I called you, but I'm just taking a bath now, do you hear me?"

The sound of running water came from the phone, presumably it was clear water and sand stirring the water in the bathtub on purpose.

In Mogami Kazuto's mind, the scene of taking a bath and talking on the phone with Shimizu and sand immediately appeared.

Shaking his head, he shook the scene out of his head.

"Heren-san, are you thinking about lustful things?"


Kazuto Mogami hesitated for a while, then denied it.

"Why not!"

The sand in the clear water became dissatisfied, which caused Mogami Kazuto quite a headache.

"Don't take your phone into the bathroom when you're taking a shower."

"But I was wondering if I missed the call with Rensang, hehe, it seems that it was correct when I brought it in."

Kazuto Mogami sighed, "Then I'll call back later."

"Don't, just talk, I haven't seen Kazuto-san for a long time."

"I just saw it a few days ago."

"That's been a few days."

Shimizu Yousha's attack was as fierce as ever, and Mogami Kazuto had long been accustomed to it.

Mogami Kazuto felt that his mentality was a little abnormal, and he shouldn't be used to this kind of thing.

This is something that girls take a lot of courage to do, but I don't know when Mogami Kazuto has gotten used to the attitude of clear water and sand.

Perhaps as she said, if you like to talk too much, it will become cheap, and even the listeners will gradually become numb in a subtle way.

But Mogami Kazuto realized that clear water and sand will not go on like this forever.

The father was right, he was wasting the girl's love and patience.

No matter how active you are in clear water and sand, there will be a day when your patience will run out.

From the perspective of clear water and sand, the most unacceptable thing for her is not that she will be rejected by others, but that no matter how hard she tries, she will always be in that indifferent way.

It seems that he has always placed himself in a position where he can withdraw at any time.

this is not fair.

Therefore, Kazuto Mogami thought that it was time for him to take that step toward her.

He's been, way too late.

 Today I drew a lottery in the group, and all the cash will be credited to the account immediately, and you can withdraw cash directly.

  Woo woo woo.

  Deposit - 500.

  Ask for a monthly pass.

(End of this chapter)

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