Chapter 258 252. He started to take steps.

People are making decisions all the time.

Decide whether to skip class today, decide whether to stand at the school gate on purpose, waiting for the girl you like to leave school.

Decide what to have for dinner that day.

Decide whether to convey your heart to the person you like.

Are these decisions that seem to be made by the collective consciousness of "self" really made by "self"?
Is this a choice made by human beings, or is it already predestined?

No one can find the answer to this question.

Kazuto Mogami occasionally thinks that maybe his awkward personality is not his real self.

He's not trying to shake off his character flaws.

It's just whether there is a possibility that his character, his choice, and his life are being manipulated by something.

For example, the God of this universe, such as God.

He who wrote down a few simple characters, named "Mogami Kazuto", had to execute them meticulously, just to become God's after-dinner sideshow.

Kazuto Mogami knew that such a thing was impossible.

All the choices he has made so far are all shouts from his heart.

Divorcing Konishi Saori, leaving the game company, and becoming a light novel writer.

Life is to make choices at countless forks in the road, and go to a destination that you don't understand.

So, the decision he made now will be right or wrong.

Naturally, no one will come to tell him.

The only thing Mogami Kazuto can confirm is that this is not coerced by someone, or forced out of helplessness, but that he really wants to change the status quo from the bottom of his heart.

Perhaps only in this way can he stand in front of them with a new calm attitude.

"There is sand."

Mogami Kazuto's voice was full of hoarseness, so hoarse that even he himself was startled.

"Huh? What's the matter, Kazuto-san."

The sound of clear water with sand is still sweet, as clear as a gurgling stream in a quiet countryside, even the fish in that stream are happier than those outside.

"If, I mean if, suddenly one day, I disappear.

I'm no longer a light novel writer, I'm no longer a singer, I can't be found anywhere.

Yousha, will you come to me? "

Kazuto Mogami knew that his analogy was bad, but he was really not in the state of playing with words now, so he could only speak out exactly what he thought of.

After waiting for a while, an unusually firm and extremely gentle voice of clear water and sand came from my ears.

"It will not happen."


Kazuto Mogami was speechless.

"If it's really like what Heren-sang said, then Heren-sang must have been hurt beyond my imagination, so he wants to escape from this world.

Just like the original Kazuto-san who didn't want to get close to anyone.

At that time, let alone ask me to find you, I will run away with you directly.

Wherever you go. "

After listening silently, Mogami Kazuto opened his mouth, but his voice was stuck in his throat.

It wasn't until now that he realized how heavy language is. It took so much awareness and courage to say a simple sentence.

"...Yousha, why, can you do this?"

Is it because you like it?

Is it possible to do this just by liking someone?

Kazuto Mogami, who has never really liked or fallen in love with anyone, cannot understand such feelings.

Incredible, incomprehensible, irrational.

However, such feelings can really make him feel a little warmth.

So, can Kazuto Mogami do the same for Shimizu and Usa?

When the clear water and sand disappeared, would he be able to abandon everything and stand by her side before she asked for help, holding her hand and going anywhere.

The answer is already in the heart of Mogami Kazuren.

"Heren-san, you are asking the question knowingly."

"It seems... yes."

"However, since Heren-sang asked this question, I will answer truthfully.

Because, I can't leave Karen-sang alone.

It's the first time I like someone, so I can't accurately describe my state of mind, but seeing Heren-sang happy, I will be happy, and seeing you sad, I will also be sad.

When I see you in despair, I want to be your help more than anyone else.

I also get jealous because you are surrounded by other girls.

I am not mature at all, and I am still on the way of exploring, exploring what love is.

Explore and sang your heart, what exactly you want.

It doesn't matter even if I don't figure it out in the end, even if... someone else figured it out before me, doesn't it matter.

I voluntarily want to do these things for you, and it has nothing to do with Heren-sang.

Please don't, it's a psychological burden. "

If there is sand in the clear water, than what Kazuto Mogami had imagined, the strings in his heart would be plucked tremblingly.

At this moment, Mogami Kazuto finally realized.

He can only bring misfortune to women who like him.

People like Qingshui Yousha and Terashima Aimi, who obviously can choose better and better people, are still willing to like him who is just an empty shell.

Every time Mogami Kazuto belittled himself, they would show sad faces for him.

How long will this boring and meaningless behavior of mine continue?

Now that you know what you did was wrong, why can't you change it.

Kazuto Mogami took a deep breath, telling himself again and again in his heart:

"I'm not an empty shell."

"I can do many things that others cannot."

"I am, Mogami Kazuto."

"I'm sorry, Yusha, for asking you a strange question."

"Heren-san, where are you going?"

"It's okay, I'm not going anywhere."



Hearing what Mogami Kazuto said, Shimizu was slightly relieved.

She also thought that Kazuto Mogami's old melancholy habit had recurred, and she was afraid that his big night's disturbance on the Internet and suppressing the clouds just happened to be at the right time.

Mogami Kazuto is good at everything, but this problem really gives her some headaches. Besides, she is more attractive to girls, which also gives her a headache.

If these two points can be corrected, it will be perfect.

Of course, it's just thinking about clear water and sand, even if Kazuto Mogami remains like this, her mood will not change.

However, it does get a little tiring at times.

Loving someone is not an easy thing.

"There is sand."

"I'm here."

Mogami Kazuto pondered for a while, then said softly: "Tomorrow, no, today is the daytime, do you have time?"

"Huh?" The clear water and sandy voice sounded a little bewildered.

"Didn't you say you haven't seen me for a long time? Then during the day, let's go to the New Year's shrine together."

(End of this chapter)

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