After getting married, a popular seiyuu suddenly moved to my house

Chapter 260 254. New Year's visit and lottery.

Chapter 260 254. New Year's visit and lottery.

This is the first time for Kazuto Mogami to see the posture of Shimizu and Usa in a kimono. With a petite figure and slender waist, Shimizu and Uto, even in a kimono, is still like a little girl next door.

"Happy New Year, You Sha."

Kazuto Mogami responded.

Shimizu Yousha smiled like a flower, leaned back her snow-white neck, and stared straight at Mogami Kazuto's face, as if expecting something.

Mogami Kazuto felt Shimizu's sight of sand and sand, and hesitated slightly.

Clear water with sand is still full of anticipation, and it is just a matter of standing in front of Mogami Kazuren and turning around.

"Kimono, it suits you very well, it looks good."

When Qingshui Yousha heard the words, he immediately showed a "hehehe" satisfied smile.

She had already got the answer she wanted, so she was naturally full of joy, but apart from joy, she was surprised that Kazuto Mogami would be so straightforward today.

In the past, Kazuto Mogami's most likely reaction would be to turn his head without saying a word, maybe he wouldn't even say a good word of praise.

Today, however, Mogami Kazuto expressed his views very frankly, which made Shimizu Yusa very useful, and he felt a sense of accomplishment that his hard work in dressing up finally paid off.

She even thought before coming here, wondering what to do if Mogami Kazuto still looked indifferent when seeing her like this.

After getting along with Mogami Kazuto for so long and attacking her for so long, she has almost reached the state of mind where she wants to see results.

Mogami Kazuto can naturally understand the idea of ​​sand in clear water. He has always noticed this kind of thing, but Mogami Kazuto never took the initiative to say it.

And he is also very clear that his usual ambiguous attitude is the source of the evil that wears down the girl's patience.

That's why he said such things uncharacteristically today.

From the perspective of Mogami Kazuto in the past, he felt that it was inappropriate for him to say such words.

However, he doesn't want to think about such complicated things now.

Girls wear nice new clothes, so let's keep it simple, just boast and let it go.

It doesn't matter what kind of feelings she has for herself.

Kazuto Mogami always likes to complicate things, and now he wants to live a simpler life.

Because it looks good, so I praise it.

If it doesn't look good, then euphemistically say that it may be better to change the style, it is such a simple matter.

And now, it is the time when clear water with sand is especially beautiful.

So Kazuto Mogami, besides praising her for being beautiful, would there be any other choice?
Naturally there is not.

"Hey hey~ Kazuto-san, let's go."

There is a sweet smile blooming in the clear water and sand.


Mogami Kazuto nodded slightly, and slowed down a little, worried that the sand in the clear water wearing clogs would not be able to keep up with his pace.

The sound of clogs hitting the ground echoed in his ears, and he could feel that clear water and sand were very close to him at this moment.

After walking a few steps, he could feel the girl's shoulder gently brushing against his arm.

What kind of mood is Qingshui Yousha at this time, walking with him on the way to the shrine on this special day today.

Mogami Kazuto is unknown.



Washing hands and gargling at Semizusha, Kazuto Mogami was corrected by Shimizu Yousha in many places because of his lack of standard movements.

Seeing the pious and serious look on her serene face, Kazuto Mogami suddenly had the idea that she would be a good fit to wear a priestess costume.

Wearing a red and white priestess costume, with a single ponytail and a broom in hand, she cleans the steps in front of the shrine step by step. In the leisurely afternoon, she drinks black tea comfortably and occasionally kills monsters.

Mogami Kazuto couldn't help but have such a scene in his mind.

Immediately, Kazuto Mogami smiled wryly and shook his head, he didn't want to be entangled by the witch.

During the visit, Shimizu Yousha prayed earnestly, not knowing what he was expecting.

Mogami Kazuto was much simpler, he just rang the bell twice, and there was no other action after that.

Shimizu Yousha looked at Mogami Kazuto strangely: "Kazuto-san, don't you have any New Year's resolutions?"

Kazuto Mogami pondered for a while, then shook his head and said, "I'm not very interested in visiting the shrine, I just want to experience the atmosphere of visiting the shrine in the New Year."

Qingshui Yousha stared at Mogami Kazuto's face for a long time, and said slowly, "Kazuto-san is indeed a weird person."


Qingshui Yousha laughed so foolishly.

"Where is the sand? Do you have any wishes for this year?"

Qing Shui Yousha suddenly narrowed his eyes, and cast a playful glance at him.

"Get out of the order."


After that, Shimizu Yousa took Mogami Kazuto to draw lots. Mogami Kazuto was not interested at first, but Qingshui Yousha couldn't hold back, so he finally drew.

The lucky one was drawn.

Mogami Kazuto didn't quite understand the signature, but he could vaguely understand that it was saying that the new year would bring good luck.

Mogami Kazuto couldn't figure out what kind of luck this was.

In the end, holding the mentality of "if there is a god, I hope this "good luck" can be resolved", I tied it to the tree of the shrine.

After all this last night, Mogami Kazuto looked at Qingshuiyousha who was frowning, and asked, "Yousha, what did you get?"

"Good luck."

"Wouldn't that be nice?"

Qing Shui Yousha puffed up his cheeks in displeasure: "But it's all about career, not love."

Ah this...

Kazuto Mogami didn't know what to say.

Just suddenly want to laugh.

Then, Mogami Kazuto laughed without hesitation.

"What's so funny!"


Kazuto Mogami smiled unabated, Shimizu Yousha was gradually attracted by Kazuto Mogami's smile, and stared at him shyly.



"It's the first time in the new year."


Qing Shui You Sha waved at him.

Mogami Kazuo understood, and bent slightly, Shimizu Yousha raised his clog-wearing feet, and put his thin lips with lipstick close to Mogami Kazuhir's ear.

The warm breath is thin and soft, and the voice is extremely gentle.

"Heren-san, I like you, this is the first confession this year."

Does it mean this?
Before Mogami Kazuto came back to his senses, Shimizu Yousha laughed and took a step back, holding the handbag in both hands, standing up pretty pretty, looking at him from bottom to top.

"Heren-san, your face is very red."

Kazuto Mogami flusteredly touched his face, but there was nothing unusual.

Shimizu Yousha was amused by Mogami Kazuto's behavior.

"Hahaha~~ I just said it casually, and Kazuto-san is too easy to be fooled."

Shimizu Yousha smiled flamboyantly, but Mogami Kazuto had no choice but to shake his head helplessly.

"There is sand."


Mogami Kazuto suddenly raised his hand and stretched it towards Qingshui Yousha.

Qing Shui was startled, but did not dodge in any way.

Mogami Kazuto lightly brushed off the slender leaves attached to her head, his tone was helpless, with a hint of habit and compromise.

"I'm hungry, I'll take you to dinner."

 Today I have something to go out. After returning home, I hurriedly wrote until now. After a long delay, I went to bed first and wrote tomorrow.

  I owe one more, I'm too salty, let's play!
  Woo woo woo.

(End of this chapter)

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