After getting married, a popular seiyuu suddenly moved to my house

Chapter 261 255. The future is the present of the past.

Chapter 261 255. The future is the present of the past.

The two left the shrine, Mogami Kazuto and Shimizu Arisa walked on the slope she had come from.

The surrounding trees had a little snow left, which hadn't completely melted.

The cool winter wind blowing head-on, passed over the face, making it cold.

Presumably when spring comes, the cherry blossom petals all over the sky will cover this monotonous slope with gentle pink.

I wonder if Kazuto Mogami could still walk on this ramp with the people around him at that time.

Mogami Kazuto couldn't help but look down at Shimizu Yusa's feet in clogs, wondering if he would feel cold with only socks on.



"Can you...don't keep staring at my feet, I'm a little shy."

There are sands in the clear water and the head of the gnat is reddish, as if it has been dyed by the crimson sunset of winter, it is extraordinarily gentle, obviously it is only daytime.

Kazuto Mogami looked away in embarrassment, staggering the eyes that met Shimizu and Yousha.


"There is sand."

"You speak first."

"You speak first."

In this winter's New Year, they walked on the long ramp, with smiles climbing to the corners of their mouths.

Looking at the wind, looking at the scenery, looking at the near future, we will take our own steps together.

Qingshui Yousha smiled and said, "Kazuto-san, thank you for inviting me to pay a New Year's visit today."

"Well, you're welcome."

Mogami Kazuto responded lightly.

Qing Shui laughed "hehehe", she seemed to be really happy, the joy visible to the naked eye appeared on her petite and fair face.

In the beautiful eyes, there is a soft light full of love, so Kazuto Mogami dare not look directly.

So far, Qingshui Yousha has done too much, but he never seems to really change anything for her.

It's really hard to understand a girl's mind, Mogami Kazuto never thought that there would be a girl who would be so active towards him.

Because of this, most of the time, Kazuto Mogami couldn't refuse all kinds of requests for clean water and sand.

Perhaps it was precisely because the girl beside him was clear water and sandy, that Kazuto Mogami retreated to this step.

Shimizu Yousha took a step forward, and Mogami Kazuto took a step back.

But now, the back of Mogami Kazuto has long been unknowingly against the wall.

It's time for him to retreat.

Qingshui Yousha's aggressive smile and gaze made him have no choice but to respond.

What a beautiful girl.

Kind, gentle, playful.


If I want to find a girlfriend in the future, I will definitely use such a girl as my benchmark.

However, isn't the word "future" the same as "past present"?

Kazuto Mogami kept thinking, why did he keep clear water and sand by his side?

It's not like Aimi Terashima, who refused to contact her again after she refused.

Kazuto Mogami remembered.

Because Qingshui Yousha is Xiaoxi Saori's best friend, that's why she never treats her as a love object.

But now, Xiao Nishi Saori has already left his life.

Then the identity of clear water with sand completely changed at that time.

The reason why Qingshui Yousha stayed by his side also changed without his knowledge.

Mogami Kazuto has always known about this kind of thing, but he deliberately didn't notice it, deceiving his heart, like a seasoned Tokyoite.

Until Qingshui Yousha bravely expressed his sincerity to him and encouraged him to break up with Saori Xiaoxi.

Therefore, Kazuto Mogami finally drew a clear line with Saori Konishi, and realized that he didn't like that ex-wife.

Thinking back now, how much courage Qingshui Yousha had at that time must have been a level that Mogami Kazuto would never be able to reach in his life.

"Heren-sang, just now, you seemed to have something to say to me."


Shimizu's beautiful side face was imprinted in Mogami Kazuto's eyes.

"Is... what?"

Qingshui Yousha seemed to realize something, and gradually stopped walking, looking up at Kazuto Mogami nervously and full of expectation.

Kazuto Mogami could only look down at her, the flower ornament on her head was pretty, but not as pretty as hers.

The beating of the heart somehow quickened.

It seems that something similar has happened before.

Kazuto Mogami opened his mouth, but found that he couldn't make a clear voice, even when he sang in front of the company, this situation never happened.

Are you nervous?
Or is it hesitation?

Seeing that Kazuto Mogami remained silent, Shimizu Yousha lost his composure, and stretched out his hand to lightly tug at the hem of his coat, pulling it slightly.

"What do you want to say?"

Shimizu Yousa expressed his feelings with actions, and it was this initiative that repeatedly hit Kazuto Mogami's lonely and cold psychological defense line.

Does Kazuto Mogami like clean water with sand?

He doesn't understand what liking is, so he can't express his heart clearly, but Kazuto Mogami feels that there should be a little bit of it.

It's not the friendship he mentioned before, but from the standpoint of the opposite sex, whether he is willing to go on with this lovely girl beside him.

Just like at this very moment, they are about to finish walking the ramp under their feet together.

Well, maybe it's like liking it.

Well, probably so, why not.

Gentle, kind, understanding girl, why don't I like it.

Kazuto Mogami has never denied the excellence of Shimizu and Yousha, presumably no one in the world would dislike such a girl.

Kazuto Mogami thought of what his colleagues in the game company once said to him, no one would dislike Inori Minase.

At that time, Kazuto Mogami swore that he didn't like it.

After all, he still smells really good.

It's just Mogami Kazuto's favorite, which may be a little different from others.

If we talk about the liking between lovers, it is necessary for the other party to be unforgettable until death.

Then Kazuto Mogami felt that he hadn’t reached that point yet.

It's just that the girls who have appeared by his side so far, only the clear water and the sand, will truly stand in his position, consider and run around for him.

What Kazuto Mogami likes is this thoughtful kindness.

But right now, Qingshui Yousha is the one who has this kindness.

So liking kindness is the same as liking Qingshuiyousha, right?
This argument is so absurd that Mogami and Ren himself feel a little bit forced.

But Kazuto Mogami also hopes that he can become brave, and wants to take a step that he has not been able to complete so far.

"There is sand."


Mogami Kazuto saw that her hands were shaking slightly as she gripped the hem of her clothes, and her thin lips were tightly pressed on her pretty face.

Only then did I realize that even a brave girl like her would panic and be at a loss because of this.

Mogami Kazuto took a slow breath.

"Yousha, I..."

The cold wind of January blew by, brushing her sleeves and plucking his hair.

But again, the voice of that person was brought.

"Heren? Is there sand?"

Mogami Kazuto and Shimizu Yousha were taken aback at the same time, and they turned their heads to look at the source of the voice in unison.

On the long ramp, the eyes of the three met.

They all stopped in place.

They stand here side by side.

She was alone, standing there.

(End of this chapter)

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