After getting married, a popular seiyuu suddenly moved to my house

Chapter 263 257. Every choice means that she is about to lose something.

Chapter 263 257. Every choice means that she is about to lose something.

The snowflakes that were originally falling gently turned into heavy snowflakes flying all over the sky unconsciously.

Kazuto Mogami held an umbrella and covered himself and Shimizu and sand in it.

Just like last summer, when she was shielding her from the sun in front of the shopping street.

At that moment, at this moment.

At that time, there was sand in the clear water, and he was a good friend of his wife.

Today's Mogami Kazuto is the man she falls in love with.

The intricate interpersonal relationship is the culprit that caused this silence.

Kazuto Mogami always thought that if there was sand in the clear water, no matter where he was with her in any space, even if he didn't speak, he wouldn't feel the slightest embarrassment.

The relationship between them is like a glass of water, which is always there, and when needed, they take a sip to nourish each other.

But Kazuto Mogami found out that his thinking was wrong.

It was precisely because they had been alone all this time that the atmosphere between them seemed so weird when someone abruptly squeezed into the space that belonged to them.

And such a change can only be caused by Saori Xiaonishi.

No one else can.

Assuming that it was Ayane Sakura today, Kazuto Mogami could think of the worst situation, that is, that troublesome woman who insisted on dragging clear water and sand away, and let herself stay away from her Kinosuke.

That's all.

But Xiao Xi Sazhi's words and her smile are still in Qing Shui Yousha's heart, and they can't be lingered.

Shimizu Yusa once helped Mogami Kazuto to untie the knot related to Xiaonishi Saori.

But Kazuto Mogami wanted to relieve Shimizu Yousha of her troubles at this time, but he couldn't.

This may be the weakness that Qingshui Yousha has never shown to Mogami and Ren so far.

It might be too much to say that, but Mogami Kazuto breathed a sigh of relief seeing such clear water with sand in it.

As a girl, Qingshuiyousha is so perfect, she can't see the ugliness that mortals should have, like a fairy from the nine heavens, her body is full of all beautiful things.

And when Mogami Kazuto realized her weakness, he finally, from this almost perfect girl, felt the flaws that ordinary people would have.

There is sand in the clear water, and he is an ordinary person like him.

Mogami Kazuto, who noticed this, couldn't help feeling a little bit of joy.


"...Huh? What's the matter?"

Qing Shui You Sha pursed his lips slightly, and said in a low voice, "Just now, I'm sorry."

Mogami Kazuto was silent for a while, and asked, "Why?"

"Just now, I wanted to invite Saori without your consent. I'm sorry, but I know you have a bad relationship with her."

Qingshuiyousha still blames himself, but Mogami Kazuto thinks that the reason for Qingshuiyousha's self-blame should be more than that simple.

But Mogami Kazuto is not a person who can't understand the air, and will not continue to say things that embarrass Qingshuiyousha, even if he knows the truth.

"You don't need to apologize for such a small matter. I didn't take it to heart at all. You and her are friends. It's only natural for you to say that. I can understand."

Mogami Kazuto could only use a calm tone as much as possible, trying to erase the uneasiness in Shimizu Yousha's heart.

Just like when there was sand in the clear water, standing beside him time and time again, comforting him.

Not only is there clear water and sand, Mogami Kazuto also wants to be her help and courage wherever he can.

What he thought before, that he might like clear water with sand, was not just groundless.

Kazuto Mogami likes her thoughtfulness, her kindness, and everything she does for herself.

On the other hand, if one day, Shimizu Yousha no longer considerate and no longer has kindness, will Kazuto Mogami still like her?
Kazuto Mogami is unclear.

But what he can be sure of is that if Aisa Shimizu changes, she turns into something he dislikes, and becomes a girl who is even more troublesome than Ayane Sakura.

At that time, Kazuto Mogami would still love her without hesitation and would be willing to tolerate all her flaws.

Then, it must be true love.

But if not, then it would mean that he is just a bastard who enjoys others' unconditional sacrifices for him.

This is Kazuto Mogami's conclusion on "like".

However, he has not yet ushered in the opportunity for verification.

Qingshui Yousha lowered his head, and after a moment of silence, he said softly, "Thank you, Herensang."

Mogami Kazuto shook his head: "Are you hungry?"

"Well, a little bit."

"A little?" Mogami Kazuto asked deliberately.

Shimizu Yousha met Kazuto Mogami's eyes, and finally burst out laughing.

"Well, billions of points."

Kazuto Mogami also laughed.




Xiao Xi Saori clasped his hands devoutly, making an inexplicable New Year's wish to the gods.

She knew very well that there were no gods in this world.

At least, there is no god who will help her achieve her wish.

The gods are all superior beings, and they like to see the funny appearance of small mortals struggling ugly.

She herself is the prime example.

Even so, she still threw away the incense money and made her wish.

She is not a greedy child, only one is allowed.

But she thinks that she is a person chosen by the gods, and she is not eligible to enjoy any gifts from the gods.


"I hope I won't hurt anyone but myself again because of my choice."

Even if she feels that this wish will not work, she still hopes so, which is also the cowardly part of human beings.

After making the wish, Saori Xiaoxi didn't go to draw lots.

Since that snowy night that year, she didn't like to do such things that required choices.

For her, whether she draws a lucky draw or a bad draw is all in her mind.

In her script, it has long been written that after any lottery is drawn, there will be corresponding consequences.

In this case, it is better not to smoke.

As the snow fell harder and harder, Xiaoxi Saori looked at the satchel he was carrying, and the only umbrella had been given to Qing Shui Yousha.

She even knew which restaurant they would go to for dinner.

In fact, the difference between the choices at that time was only whether to hand the umbrella to Shimizu Yousha or to Mogami Kazuto.

But when she was making a choice, she exceeded the time limit, and in exchange for a profound spur.

If you hand the umbrella to Mogami Kazuto, Mogami Kazuto will take it after hesitation, and if there is sand in the clear water, he will become sad and lost because of his behavior.

Xiao Nishi Saori didn't want to see that ending.

But on the contrary, in the choice of handing the umbrella to Qingshuiyousha, she saw that scene.

After 2 minutes of torment, Saori Xiaonishi made a choice.

Anyway, she no longer has the right to happiness, so at least...

She wanted to see her friends, to see the clear water with sand and happy appearance.

(End of this chapter)

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