After getting married, a popular seiyuu suddenly moved to my house

Chapter 264 258. She doesn't want to be a coward.

Chapter 264 258. She doesn't want to be a coward.

Sitting in a nearby restaurant, the last one finished ordering, looked at Qingshui Yousha, and asked, "Yousha, is there anything else you want to eat?"

He was turning his face sideways, looking at the snowy clear water and sand outside the floor-to-ceiling window, finally turned his head, pursed his lips and shook his head.

Mogami Kazuto understood, and let the waiter go on.

Qingshuiyousha, who is usually always chirping to find topics, was unusually quiet today, and even looked at Mogami Kazuto much less often.

It seems that meeting Saori Xiaoxi today really touched Qingshui Yousha quite a lot.

Even now, Kazuto Mogami doesn't want to think about why Saori Konishi happened to appear in that place.

Whether it was a coincidence or intentional, Mogami Kazuto didn't want to talk to him. He felt that this was the way that suited him and Mogami Kazuto.

Xiao Xi Saori is a smart person, she must be able to read his mood from her own attitude.

Just like Mogami Kazuto could see the lonely conflict in her eyes.

What is she contradicting?

Kazuto Mogami felt that he might be contradicting him.

But that kind of thing is fine anyway, Kazuto Mogami doesn't want to waste his precious brain cells on such things.

Until the time when the waiter brought the dishes, the clear water and sand were uncharacteristically, without any language.

And Kazuto Mogami didn't take the initiative to ask anything, just like her, he kept looking at the heavy snow falling outside the window.

I don't know when the snow will stop.

White snowflakes, with a sense of coolness, floated down from the air and landed on the concrete floor, like a thin layer of icing icing on a freshly finished mousse cake.

After serving the dishes, the waiter went down, and Mogami Kazuto let the clear water with sand to eat while it was hot, she nodded silently.

One bite, two bites...

She still ate very fast, and Mogami Kazuto was always in disbelief, how could so much food be stuffed into that small cherry mouth.

A stomach with clear water and sand is still one of the seven wonders of the world.

"There is sand."


Mogami Kazuto called her name softly, normally, she would raise her head immediately and ask him what's wrong with a smile.

Only this time, Qingshui Yousha was silent for a few seconds before slowly raising his head, not even daring to look at Moshangheren.

Shimizu Yousha is also a mortal, she is not as brave as Mogami Kazuto imagined before, she is just an ordinary, cute girl that can be seen everywhere.

When dealing with Mogami Kazuto's problems, she can give him advice rationally and clearly.

But when this kind of thing happened to her, she couldn't help but think too much uncontrollably.

One side is my best friend, and the other side is the person I like.

Yousha Ming Qingshui knew that something like today would happen one day, but he kept turning a blind eye.

And the more she didn't face it, the more timid and overwhelmed she would be when this happened.

The reaction she showed when she met Xiaonishi Saori just now was her poor answer sheet.

"Yousha, can you tell me, what are you thinking now?"


Faced with Mogami Kazuto's question, Shimizu Yousha remained unmoved.

Mogami Kazuto suddenly chuckled.

Qingshui Yousha was provoked by this slight laughter, her eyebrows slightly raised, and she looked at Mogami Kazuto suspiciously.

"Heren-san, what are you laughing at?"

Seeing her, Mogami Kazuto was finally willing to look at him, his handsome face evoked a slight smile, and his voice was clear and shallow.

"Now there is sand, which makes me feel very fresh and interesting."


"Well, because I haven't been able to see this side of you so far, I thought Yousha was a girl who was not afraid of anything."

Kazuto Mogami spoke his mind truthfully.

Shimizu Yousha stared at Mogami Kazuto for a while, a dim light appeared in his eyes.

"Heren-san, are you disappointed in me?"


She squeezed her fingers quietly, and said softly: "I don't want Kazuto-sang to see my shameful side, but at that moment, I still couldn't suppress the guilt in my heart.

I... don't deserve to be Saori's friend. "

Kazuto Mogami was a little surprised that Shimizu and Yousha would say such words.

As expected, he still doesn't know enough about Qingshuiyousha. This seemingly perfect girl has many sides that he doesn't know about.

Mogami Kazuto couldn't help but wonder if he would be attracted to her if Shimizu Yousa was willing to show every side of her in front of him.

It seems that if he wants to fully understand the girl in front of him, he still has a long way to go.

"Nothing like that."

"Yes! I just... didn't even dare to look into Saori's eyes seriously!
I clearly know Saori's intentions, but I still..."

She was speaking louder and louder.

"There is sand!"

Kazuto Mogami stopped Shimizu Yousa from continuing, and winked at her.

Qing Shui was stunned in place, looking around slowly, the few diners at all looked at them in surprise.

It was only then that Qingshui Yousha noticed his attitude, and gradually lowered his head, and only then did the diners around look back, but there were still some people who occasionally looked at them.

"Sorry, Kazuto-san."

"It's okay, let's drink some water first." Mogami Kazuto said gently.

There was sand in the clear water with a "huh".

After the clear water and sand gradually returned to calm, Kazuto Mogami exhaled slowly and said earnestly:

"Yousha, you may have made a mistake, neither me nor her, we have never had the kind of affection you think for each other.

She is.

Me too. "

There is sand in the clear water and nothing to say.

"So, I don't think you should have this burden, it's too tiring."

In my impression, Kazuto Mogami seemed to have never spoken to her so gently, Qing Shui Yousha could only smile wryly in his heart.

The special treatment she had been looking forward to for a long time did not expect to appear in this way.

If the tenderness was only out of sympathy or comfort, Qingshui Yousha felt that she should not need it.

What she wanted was a deeper, denser, and hotter feeling.

Qingshui Yousha shook his head silently, looked at Mogami Kazuto, and said firmly: "Kazuto-san, maybe you are right, but I think this is a burden that I can feel, and it is a very important thing in being a human being.

For Qingshuiyousha, if I don't feel this conflicting feeling, I am not Qingshuiyousha. "


"It's okay, I will rely on myself to overcome this inner conflict, I don't want to be a coward.

I want to be a role model for Kazuto-san.

Let me see, what is the attachment of clear water with sand. "

Kazuto Mogami wanted to tell her not to force himself, but when the words came to his lips, he swallowed them back, and put on a smiling face like a spring breeze.

"Well, I believe you."

(End of this chapter)

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