After getting married, a popular seiyuu suddenly moved to my house

Chapter 276 270. The misunderstanding is resolved, but it seems that it has not been resolved at all

Chapter 276 270. The misunderstanding is resolved, but it seems that it has not been resolved at all. (Happy New Years Eve!)
Mogami Kazuto finally noticed that the source of Ogura Yui's attitude was the note in her mouth.

This is information that Mogami Kazuto does not know, and there is a decisive information gap between the two.

It was this poor information that led to Ogura Yui's timid attitude.

Kazuto Mogami was eager to know what Yui Ogura saw on that note.

"Miss Xiaocang, I don't know about the note you mentioned. I think there must be some misunderstanding."

Yui Ogura watched him silently, feeling faint expectations for the "misunderstanding" in Mogami Kazuko's mouth.

Ogura Yui is a kind child, she would rather believe that the world is beautiful, if Mogami Kazuto can give a reasonable explanation, she is very willing to believe it.

The premise is that this explanation is tenable.

Therefore, Yui Ogura truthfully told what he saw on the note.

Kazuto Mogami didn't respond at first, but when he heard that it was the room number of the love hotel, Kazuto Mogami froze in place.

If he remembered correctly, the bouquet of flowers should have been handed to him by a female staff member at the shooting scene. He didn't think about it at the time, and naturally he didn't bother to check whether there was a note in the flower.

Who knew there would be so many twists and turns.

Even though Mogami Kazuto has been able to deal with strange women's street chats without changing his face, but facing the sudden invitation from a strange woman to make a date, Mogami Kazuto obviously doesn't know how to deal with it.

Kazuto Mogami didn't even doubt the credibility of Yui Ogura's words. Based on the strike-ups he has encountered so far, it is really very possible to encounter such a thing.

In this way, Mogami Kazuto also understood that Yui Ogura always looked wary of him, and that was the problem.

The whole big silent incident.

Kazuto Mogami felt that it was quite necessary for him to explain that this was not a joke, assuming that the person involved in this incident was not Ogura Yui but Sakura Ayane.

Kazuto Mogami had no chance to explain, and would be sunk into Tokyo Bay.

On the other hand, Yui Ogura's personality is much softer. After the incident, she was always troubled by herself and never caused trouble to others.

Belonging to Ayane Sakura is two extremes.

Kazuto Mogami wanted to resolve this matter as soon as possible. Although it was an oolong, if the outside world spread that Kazuto Totsuka was a pervert who preyed on the younger loli seniors of the same company, then his life would be over.

If the incident really develops to that point, Kazuto Mogami's suggestion to himself is to remake.

Kazuto Mogami coughed lightly, and wanted to sit down beside Yui Ogura and talk to her earnestly.

As soon as he sat down, Ogura Yuyi jumped away vigilantly like a rabbit being targeted by a hunter, and moved several positions.

"Then what, Miss Ogura."


Ogura Yui looked at Mogami Kazuto carefully, for fear that he would do something here.

Mogami Kazuto rubbed the center of his brows with a wry smile, for a moment he didn't know where to start.

It can only be said that this thing is really weird.

"I want to clarify that I don't know about the note you mentioned. I didn't write it, and I didn't know there was such a thing in the bouquet of flowers."

Yui Ogura was taken aback, he didn't expect Kazuto Mogami to shake the ground so cleanly, he still had a doubtful expression on his face.

"I received the bouquet of flowers from the shooting scene, because it was handed over by the staff, I didn't check it, so I brought it back."

"What Totsuka-san means is that the person you want to invite on that note is actually you?"

Mogami Kazuto smiled wryly: "Probably so."

Ogura Yui lowered her head slightly, lost in thought.

Immediately, he raised his head and glanced at Mogami Kazuto who was having a complicated expression. It was indeed a handsome face that was pleasing to girls.

He is tall and strong, with handsome facial features that girls can't refuse, and is full of talent.

Just like the chosen one in a fictional work, he was born to be the protagonist's destiny.

Could such a person really be a perverted lolicon?
It has to be said that people are creatures who look at their faces, and Yui Ogura is no exception.

If Kazuto Mogami could give a reasonable explanation, she would put aside her previous prejudices and believe him.

This can be regarded as the hidden advantage of the handsome guy in Tokyo.

Kazuto Mogami continued: "Miss Xiaogura, although I'm not easy to get along with, I can still tell the difference between what I can do and what I can't do."

"But I just received it. You have to find a way to make me believe you."

When Mogami Kazuto thought about it, this was indeed the truth, but he still hadn't figured out the ins and outs of the incident.

After much deliberation, he really came up with a way, so he decided to try it.

He tried his best to make his voice sound gentle, so as not to put pressure on Ogura Yui: "Miss Ogura, I don't think we had much intersection before."

Ogura Yui shrank her body and nodded silently.

"Look, how can anyone with a certain IQ take a random shot at someone who has no relationship with him and who doesn't even know his personality?"


"Think about it, if Miss Xiaocang is a very serious person who can't tolerate sand in your eyes, wouldn't my behavior cause trouble for myself?"

Ogura Yui was silent.

Kazuto Mogami continued: "If it were me, I would never do such a risky thing. If I were really a lolicon who likes younger seniors.

I will first borrow my fellow agency status and let Ms. Dai keep arranging opportunities for me to cooperate with you.

And Ms. Xiaocang's singing skills don't seem to be very good. I have quite a lot of experience in this area. Even if I use this as an excuse to approach you, I think the success is quite high.

And using private teaching as an excuse to become a good friend who can go out with you, Miss Xiaocang seems to be very ignorant of the sinister appearance of society, and things will naturally be simple after that.


At least I think it's more reliable than a note directly to you.

Ms. Ogura shouldn't think that I'm not qualified to teach you, right? "

Facing Kazuto Mogami's long speech, Yui Ogura was dumbfounded by hearing it directly, and she put herself in the shoes of Kazuto Mogami and thought about the plan that Kazuto Mogami said.

First of all, she did admit that Kazuto Mogami's singing skills are quite outstanding. If Kazuto Mogami is willing to teach her in this regard, Yui Ogura feels that she probably cannot refuse.

The two are both juniors of the same record company, and they have also participated in her broadcasts. If that incident hadn't happened, it would not be impossible for them to become good friends now.

Good-looking, talented, and humorous (referring to broadcast accident physique), such a man is really hard to refuse.

If all of this was arranged by Mogami Kazuto, according to his plan, then it is very likely that he will succeed.

As a result, Ogura Yui looked at Mogami Kazuto more vigilantly than before.

 Happy New Year's Eve everyone!
  In the new year, my wish is a boutique, thank you for your support!
  Happy New Year Duck!
  Ask for a monthly pass!
(End of this chapter)

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