Chapter 277 271. Take you for a ride.

In short, Ogura Yui has fully understood the fact that Mogami Kazuto firmly denied that he wrote the note.

This matter was indeed full of loopholes, and she also felt that Kazuto Mogami would not be so careless, so what he said should be true.

This was indeed an oolong incident, and Kazuto Mogami didn't have that kind of thought about her.

Logically speaking, Yui Ogura should breathe a sigh of relief, but she is not in that mood at all at the moment.

Rather, she felt more and more that Mogami Kazuto couldn't get along with him.

The scheming is too deep, you must stay away!
The plan just now, she heard was horrifying, how could a girl get along with him calmly after hearing about this kind of thing!

Level [-] danger!
After Kazuto Mogami finished speaking, he silently observed Ogura Yui's reaction. He thought that as long as the misunderstanding was resolved, Ogura Yui would show a relieved smile.

However, the facts seem to be slightly different from what Mogami Kazuto had expected.

The misunderstanding was cleared up, but Yui Ogura's heart defense line seemed to be a bit stronger.

But this is not what Mogami Kazuto cares about. What he is afraid of is that he will be given a strange reputation, which will bring him a lot of trouble.

As for what kind of impression he has among female voice actors, that's not what he cares about.

Be yourself, as for what others say, it is their business.

It sounds chic, but it still depends on the situation.

Ogura Yui still looked at Mogami Kazuto with vigilance: "Totsuka-san."


"Totsuka-san, do you like petite girls?"

Hmm... How should I answer this question?

In the final analysis, Kazuto Mogami doesn't even know whether he has someone he likes or not. He is suddenly asked to answer the specific characteristics of the person he likes, and Kazuto Mogami really doesn't know how to answer.

After hesitating for a long time, Kazuto Mogami had no choice but to say: "I don't think I should have a specific favorite type, and use certain appearance characteristics to frame the people I like. I always think that this approach is biased."

Kazuto Mogami came from time travel, his current appearance is not really his.

That's why he pays more attention to inner things than others.

Such as character, such as quality.

It's hard for him to say whether his current appearance is Mogami Kato, so he hopes that others will pay more attention to something more core about him than his appearance.

Perhaps this inner core will not be very attractive, but this is the essence of him as the supreme and human being.

Thinking about it differently, he thinks that girls should have the same idea.

Assuming that a person likes big breasts, short hair, and hooked nose, must he follow this standard to find someone he likes?
Kazuto Mogami thinks otherwise.

After hearing Mogami Kazuto's answer, Ogura Yui was thoughtful, and Mogami Kazuto also remained silent.

After a while, Yui Ogura suddenly said:

"What does Totsuka-san mean, as long as it's a girl, anyone will come?"


Why do you understand it like this?
Now he sincerely feels that the girls in the island country are not so powerful.

Mogami Kazuto sighed helplessly: "I mean, as long as it's a girl I like, I won't pay special attention to her appearance."

"In other words, petite girls are also in Totsuka-san's strike zone, right?"

Why is the way she talks so weird?

Let Mogami Kazuto have the illusion that he likes petite girls.

Mogami Kazuto has absolutely no such habit.

He sighed: "If you insist on saying that, I have nothing to say."

Ogura Yui blinked, stared at Mogami Kazuto for a long time, and nodded slowly.

"In short, about the note that Ms. Ogura said, it is a complete misunderstanding. I hope you can understand."

Ogura Yuyi nodded silently: "I see, I'm sorry I said something strange."

"No, I'm the one who wants to apologize. It's my negligence that caused you unnecessary misunderstanding and panic. I'm really sorry."

Mogami Kazuto's sincere expression somewhat made Ogura Yui's face look better, and she gradually believed that it was a misunderstanding.

However, due to Mogami Kazuto's performance, she still can't be completely at ease with Mogami Kazuto, and presumably she will still try to get along with him in a way that does not interact with him as much as possible in the future.

And this can be said to be exactly what Mogami Kazuto wanted.

In the end, the misunderstanding ended in reconciliation.

Kazuto Mogami understood the reason why Yui Ogura was so wary of him, and Yui Ogura no longer needed to be as frightened as before.

It is a relatively harmonious ending.

The only thing that made Ogura Yui a little concerned was that Mogami Kazuto's attitude was very calm and calm from the beginning to the end.

Except for the puzzled expression when he first learned about the note, he always had an indifferent expression at other times.

She originally thought that Totsuka Kazukai was the kind of guy who deliberately pretended to be deep and melancholy to attract girls, and the main reason for thinking this way was also based on the note with the room number written on it.

But judging from this contact, she found that Mogami Kazuto was really indifferent to everything, and his personality was a bit withdrawn. Yui Ogura wondered how such a person found friends.

The answer is simple, Kazuto Mogami has no friends.

Except for people like Shimizu Yusa and Terashima Aimi who like him, as well as seniors who have intersected at work, Mogami Kazuto has no friends in this world.

This may sound a bit lonely.

Kazuto Mogami would not want to have a close friend who grows potatoes in Hokkaido and writes letters to each other.

Unfortunately, this cannot be forced.

When Kazuto Mogami walked out of the gate of the King Records headquarters and was about to head towards the station, a private car slowly reversed from the parking lot, blocking Kazuto Mogami's way.

Kazuto Mogami glanced at the driver's seat, and couldn't see the figure inside clearly through the window, but Kazuto Mogami obviously recognized the car.

He silently took two steps back, intending to avoid it.


The harsh car horn rang beside my ears, and the automatic car in the driver's seat slowly descended.

Sitting in the driver's seat, the two mountains with full chest are divided into two by the black cliff named "Seat Belt".

The short-haired woman raised her left thumb and gestured towards the co-pilot's seat.

"Well, let's take you for a ride."

Kazuto Mogami glanced at her indifferently. She might have thought that her one-handed driving posture was handsome, but it was a pity.

Mogamikazuto has no interest in this.

 Happy New Year everyone.

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(End of this chapter)

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