Chapter 279 273. Lottery, travel, escape.

The reason for Mogami Kazuto to work is actually not simple, nor can it be said that it is purely for money.

He was always pushed to the shelves.

The reason why he wrote novels was because he could only write novels at that time.

And being able to do what you like without having to show your face, there is no job more suitable for Mogami Kazuren.

Kazuto Mogami is very satisfied with his job as a light novel writer.

The more important reason is that this is his only ability that really belongs to him, and it is not obtained by cheating.

It is the most important original intention of Supreme Heren.

To prevent him from gradually forgetting that he was once an ordinary person after acquiring the skills on the panel.

There are always people who think that getting a panel means being chosen by the heavens, the protagonist in the story, who should be domineering and the most eye-catching existence in the whole world.

It's really a pity, Kazuto Mogami probably won't be able to become that kind of person in this life.

He is timid about the ability he has obtained out of thin air, which is the timidity that only belongs to cowards.

So Kazuto Mogami considers himself more of a light novel writer than a singer.

Even if this profession is not handsome, it will still be considered as a dead house who wants to marry a voice actor.

Therefore, according to this statement, Kazuto Mogami's answer "the reason for working is because of money" is actually a lie.

But Mogami Kazuto has long been used to lying, and I believe Sakura Ayane will not see it through.

Anyway, in her heart, she has always had a bad image, and Kazuto Mogami doesn't mind adding to this image.

"I can't even remember why I work."

Kazuto Mogami adjusted his sitting posture and looked at Ayane Sakura who was sitting in the driver's seat.

He could see that Sakura Ayane seemed to have something on her mind.

But he didn't ask.

He is afraid of trouble.

And with Sakura Ayane's temperament, it is very likely that after Mogami Kazuto asked, he would reply with a disgusted and vigilant tone:
"Huh? Are you caring about me? It's disgusting, you don't want to chase me, Mr. Xiaoren. I might think about it after 100 years. Now I can only say sorry!"

Kazuto Mogami didn't want to make fun of himself, but he couldn't keep silent.

In the end, he pondered for a long time, and said slowly: "If you feel tired from work, you should just rest. For Chinese New Year, it's normal to take more rest."

Ayane Sakura was driving, so she couldn't look at him for too long, so she could only look at the road conditions, and said with some displeasure, "Have you ever been told that your comforting skills are really bad?"

Kazuto Mogami immediately showed surprise in his eyes: "What gave you the confidence that I will comfort you? Is it the face you showed me before?"


See, Sakura Ayane is definitely not the opponent of Mogami Kazuto in terms of smacking people.

Sakura Ayane took the time to glare at Mogami Kazuto, but Mogami Kazuto pretended not to see it.

"Scumbag, you are such a scumbag, but if you are uglier, I guarantee you will never find a girlfriend with your personality."

"Don't bother you."


In fact, Kazuto Mogami really wanted to say, if you were ugly, you would definitely not be able to find a boyfriend with this personality.

But Mogami Kazuto thought about it again, and felt that this could not be said, otherwise, wouldn't it be turning a corner and praising her for being beautiful.

He will not be fooled.

After five or six minutes of silence, Ayane Sakura kept driving in silence, and Kazuto Mogami watched the changing scenery outside the window, and finally couldn't help it, so he had to speak up.

"Where are you taking me?"

"I'm going to the office. I can't take you home. I'll take you to the station near the office first."

"It just doesn't make sense."

If that's the case, why did you specifically drive him into the car?

Sakura Ayane's behavior always made him elusive, if he met by chance, he felt that there was no need for Sakura Ayane to let him get in the car.

Maybe they really just met by chance today, but Kazuto Mogami felt that Sakura Ayane should have something to say to him.

Maybe it has something to do with what she just said.

Mogami Kazuto couldn't help but feel curious. It turns out that even people like Ayane Sakura are troubled by work.

He thought that the other party was just a young lady who came out to experience life.

"Anoza, the best."


"If, I mean, if, one day, you suddenly won a billion yen lottery, what kind of life would you live?"

"Did you win the lottery?"

Mogami Kazuto's first reaction was that this woman won the lottery.

"I said yes!"

Mogami Kazuto didn't understand what she wanted to ask, but he still imagined that scene in his mind.

He doesn't have anything to ask for money himself, and he will probably leave some of it to his parents so that they can take care of themselves.

As for the remaining money, he may leave Tokyo and go far away.

To look for the self in the previous life, whether there is a trace of something that belongs to him in a certain corner of this world.

If he could meet his former relatives, Kazuto Mogami felt that he would leave the money to them without leaving any money, and then turned around and left.

His wish cannot be fulfilled with money, so whether it is one billion or ten billion, it will not make much difference.

After a long time, Mogami Kazutale said ambiguously: "I will... embark on a journey."

"Is it travel?"

"You could say the same."

Kazuto Mogami could not go into further detail.

"Leave this city, go to a distant place alone, sit alone on the Shinkansen with no one, drink coffee quietly, and read a book quietly."

"Winning one billion yen, you want to charter a whole Shinkansen by yourself, you are really a weirdo."

Kazuto Mogami gave her a helpless look, and it was strange that she could understand it like this.

"Anyway, if you say it's true, then it's not up to me."

Ayane Sakura finally showed a light smile, her eyes shone with a decadent glint that didn't suit her temperament.

"'s a little bit like me."

Kazuto Mogami looked at her suspiciously.

"how about you?"


"If you win a billion dollars, what will you do with it?"

"You don't need it, I have it at home, and more than that."


Why did you talk about the sky to death?

"However, I have never made so much money by my own ability."

"It's not easy for a voice actor to earn a billion dollars."

"It's not easy, but it's not impossible for me."

She spoke seriously, and Mogami had every reason to suspect that she was at Versailles.

"Then... what would you do if you suddenly had a huge sum of 10 billion yuan?" Mogami Kazuto asked.

Sakura Ayane thought for a long time, and finally said in a half-joking tone: "Well... escape."

"get away?"

Sakura Ayane laughed hahaha: "If you have that much money, of course you have to run away from lM."


She was obviously smiling, but Mogami Kazuto couldn't catch the smile from her eyes.

"Well... Anyway, this is just a matter of if, of course I can say whatever I want."


Kazuto Mogami stopped talking, and the atmosphere in the car fell into silence again.

Not long after, the car stopped by the side of the road, Sakura Ayane turned her head, and squeezed out a sweet smile that made Kazuto Mogami feel very uncomfortable after seeing it.

"It's here, Mr. Scumbag."

"Well, thank you."

Kazuto Mogami unbuckled his seat belt and got out of the car without saying a word.

It took a lot of effort to close the co-pilot's door tightly, and the window was immediately lowered.

Ayane Sakura seemed to be holding a transparent barrier between the world and talking to him.

"Hey, if you win one billion yen one day, take me with you when you want to travel."

"Huh?" Mogami Kazuto was astonished.

"What's the matter! I didn't take you for a ride just now, cheapskate!"

Kazuto Mogami froze in place, not knowing what to say.

In the end, Sakura Ayane ignored him, kept smiling, and turned her head again.

With one kick of the accelerator, he walked away.

(End of this chapter)

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