After getting married, a popular seiyuu suddenly moved to my house

Chapter 280 274. There is always a flag on Mogami-san.

Chapter 280 274. There is always a flag on Mogami-san.

Watching the car shadow of Ayane Sakura gradually go away, Kazuto Mogami waved his finger silently and opened the panel.

Clicking on the column of intimacy, the value of Ayane Sakura changed to double digits for the first time.

The dazzling -99 looks like the crit value generated by hitting monsters in rpg games.

Mogami Kazuto realizes that something is wrong, Sakura Ayane's intimacy is always different from others.

The first negative intimacy.

Whether it is falling or rising, the leap in value is the most exaggerated one.

But now, her stats are rising extremely, which makes Kazuto Mogami feel a little unnatural.

This is that Sakura-san.

That arrogant, unruly and self-willed Sakura Ayane.

Kazuto Mogami does not deny that Ayane Sakura does have unique shining points, but in contrast, there are definitely many bad places.

Such girls often have erratic thoughts, which makes Kazuto Mogami unable to figure it out.

Shaking his head, Mogami Kazuto laughed at himself, since when did he think about what Ayane Sakura was thinking.

There is no relationship between himself and her.



After returning home, Kazuto Mogami received a call from Dai Qiuhui.

"Hello, Totsuka-san?"

"Yes, what's the matter?"

"I forgot to tell you just now, about your first single, the release date has already been finalized."

"Eh? Oh... what time is it?"

"The 14th of next month."

On the 14th of next month...

"Valentine's Day?"

"Yes, you may need your cooperation before that, and it won't be too complicated to record a few tens of seconds of promotional video."

"Oh, okay."

"What's more, in order to promote your first single, the company arranged for you to be a guest on a popular radio show. Remember to perform well then, this is your first battle."

"Huh? It's... on the radio again?"

As soon as Kazuto Mogami heard the words "broadcast program", he couldn't help feeling a little headache.

"Don't be like this, this is related to your sales, you also want to fight a good battle."

"Well...that is indeed the truth."

"This is an opportunity that was finally given to you, so take advantage of it."

"Thank you, Miss Dai, I will try my best."

"Well! I am very optimistic about you!"


After hanging up the phone, Mogami sat down on the sofa in the living room, staring at the ceiling in a daze.

Even now, Mogami Kazuto has become numb to such things.

At the beginning, there may be feelings of repulsion, but after having relevant experience, I found that it was just a little troublesome, and it was not that much resistance.

Unknown once and familiar twice, Mogami Kazuto has gradually become a frequent guest on various radio programs without knowing it.

He couldn't say whether this was a good thing or a bad thing, but it was beyond his control when things reached this point.

Since you can't influence other people's decisions, take any job seriously.

Writing is, singing is, being on the radio is, of course.

In the evening, Mogami and Ren were sitting in front of the computer desk after taking a bath, watching the relevant comments of "Super City: Area 53".

Because only the first episode is released, the plot shown is limited, and the audience this year is quite strict. For the OP of the animation, they almost view it frame by frame, trying to find clues about the subsequent plot from the screen disclosed by the OP. Leeuwenhoek.

And in the process of repeating this, of course, the op sung by Kazuto Mogami became enigmatically poisoned.

Therefore, compared to the plot of the animation itself, it is Mogami Kazuto's song that has attracted the attention of many people so far.

How to say that sentence, since ancient times, meat has produced burning songs.Although "Super City: Area 53" is not a meat fan, the music itself is second only to the painting and plot for animation, and it can make the audience feel shocking.

Sometimes, it is precisely because of the music that complements the plot that the audience feels more than doubled the passion and emotion.

The theme song of an animation is the audience's initial impression of the music level of an animation.

Kazuto Mogami, on the other hand, fulfilled this mission perfectly.

With high-pitched and passionate timbre and extremely stable pitch, he presents his most perfect singing voice to the audience at this stage.

For a song, many people like it, and many people don't like it.

But the technique mastered by a singer is hard to be denied, especially by laymen.

Whether it's blowing or black, it's there, and anyone is welcome to criticize it at any time.

It would be hypocritical for Mogami Kazuto to say that he is not at all proud of the fact that his songs are attracting attention.

As an incompetent ordinary person, when he is sought after by the masses, in addition to the sense of satisfaction he should have, he will naturally feel helpless.

I worry that one day, this power will leave me, and the fact that I am an ordinary person will be exposed by it.

Therefore, Kazuto Mogami, apart from being a little uncontrollably proud at the first moment, has been quite calm since then. He is not a person who worries about gains and losses.

If some things are destined not to belong to him, then when those things leave, he will say goodbye to them freely.

Things are, ability is.

However, people are different.

This is one of the things Mogami Kazuto is least good at, but once he does it, he will be more ruthless than he imagined.

As for the example, it already exists, doesn’t it?


The next day, Kazuto Mogami woke up early, but the weather was still very cold.

He didn't go out for a morning run today, but jogged five kilometers on the treadmill in the living room.

Shower, change clothes, wash, eat, go out.

Kazuto Mogami went out earlier than usual today, because this morning he was going to the company to record a short video celebrating the launch of the anime and post it on his official account.

Of course, the main purpose is to let more people know about Totsuka and the singer through this theme song.

Then it is logical to turn these people into his fans, so as to contribute to the sales of his order.

When I came to Tsukishima Station, checked the ticket and entered the station, I stood silently on the platform, waiting for the arrival of the tram.

During this waiting time, Kazuto Mogami could always feel a unique "quietness".

The quietness here does not refer to the number of passengers around.

Standing there silently, unlike places like Shibuya Shinjuku where countless girls would come to strike up a conversation with him.

But in Yuedao, he almost never encountered that kind of thing.

Mogami Kazuto enjoyed the silence very much.

However, Mogami Kazuto always has a flag on him.

Just when he had the thought of "really quiet", someone behind him reached out and patted his shoulder.

(End of this chapter)

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