Chapter 281 275. The real singer.

Kazuto Mogami turned his head silently, standing behind him was Maaya Uchida who hadn't seen him for a long time.

The light apricot woolen coat and the milky white scarf look very warm.

The long black hair was piled up on top of the scarf, forming a fluffy appearance.

With five fingers spread out, the smile is like a flower, and the smiling eyes are full of surprise and joy.

She waved lightly at Kazuto Mogami.

"Good morning, Mr. Mogami, what a coincidence."

She is still as good-looking as ever, both in appearance and dress.

Mogami Kazuto didn't like the behavior of arranging girls together to compare their appearance, but he still subconsciously had the thought "she's so beautiful".

It's hard for Kazuto Mogami to imagine what kind of man would not like this kind of girl.

Oh, except himself.

Kazuto Mogami is not a guy who looks at his face, just like he hopes that someone will like his inner core hidden under his appearance, what he values ​​is also a girl's heart.

Kazuto Mogami took a step back and greeted Maaya Uchida.

"Well, good morning, Miss Uchida, what a coincidence, are you going to work?"

Uchida Maaya didn't seem to notice Mogami Kazuto's deliberate retreat, and she still smiled nicely.

"Yes, I'm going to the office to report. Even if the new voice actor can't get a job, he still has to go to the office to show his face every day."

"That's it."

"Well, where's Mogami-san? Could it be that he's going to work too?"

Facing Uchida Maaya's curious expression, Mogami Kazuto nodded after a slight hesitation.

She showed a very happy look: "Mogami-san, have you found a job?"

Mogami Kazuto couldn't tell whether it was a serious job, so he could only nod ambiguously: "It's about the same."

Uchida Maaya smiled lightly, did not ask what kind of work Mogami Kazuto was doing, stared at Mogami Kazuto for a long time, and suddenly said, "Mogami-san, you dyed your hair."

Mogami Kazuto was taken aback, and touched his hair with his hand: "Ah... You said this, um."

"Atmosphere change?"

"It's just for work." Mogami Kazuto answered truthfully.

"That's it."

Uchida Maaya thought for a long time, but she still couldn't hold back her inner curiosity. While peeking at Mogami Kazuto's expression, she asked softly, "Excuse me...what is Mogami-san doing now?"

Mogami Kazuto glanced at Uchida Maaya, and what came to mind was the scene of meeting Uchida Yuma not long ago.

Mogami Kazuto didn't have any expression on his face, turned his head to the side, and said lightly: "The tram is coming, sorry, I have to get on the train."


"If you go to IM, it seems that the bus is not the same as mine. See you next time, Ms. Uchida."

"Huh? Okay... okay, goodbye, Mogami-san."

Mogami Kazuto showed a shallow polite smile, and immediately stepped on the train.

When the train started again, Uchida Maaya, who was standing on the platform, could not help but tilt her head in doubt.

"Huh? Mogami-san, why does he know how to get to IM's office?"



After Kazuto Mogami arrived at the King Records headquarters, he went directly to the studio. Dai Qiuhui was already on standby in the studio.

Seeing Kazuto Mogami walking in, he stepped forward and handed him a script.

It is said to be a script, but in fact there is only one piece of paper, and the number of words is very few.

In addition to the table book, it is a pure black mask.

Dai Qiuhui has not forgotten that Mogami Kazuto is still showing his face NG.

Although there was a broadcast accident in the last Christmas live broadcast, there were not so many people paying attention to Kazuto Mogami at that time, so few people would care about Kazuto Mogami who showed his face.

Of course, there are not no people who took the opportunity to take screenshots, but since Mogami Kazuto's current reputation is not so great, it didn't cause much trouble.

But if you really want to spend your time searching for what Totsuka Kazu looks like, it's not too difficult.

Mogami Kazuto took the mask and the script, and Dai Qiuhui told him a few things to pay attention to when shooting, and asked Mogami Kazuto to go aside to familiarize himself with the lines.

Mogami Kazuto sat in the rest area beside him, silently looking at the words on the script. In fact, there were only a few paragraphs in total, and it took a few minutes to memorize them.

So, not long after, Kazuto Mogami started his promotional video recording.


"Hi everyone, I'm Kazuto Totsuka, and I'm the singer of the theme song "metropolis;" in "Super City: Area 53".

When I sang the song "metropolis;", I was really happy during the process. I integrated my various feelings into the lyrics and tune.

It would be my pleasure if everyone likes it.

I am still a newcomer, and there must be many audiences who are unfamiliar with me. I will show you more songs in the future.

Thank you so much everyone. "

Kazuto Mogami ended the recording very smoothly, because it was just a short video of tens of seconds, and as long as Dai Qiuhui confirmed that there was no problem, it could be sent directly on the official account.

At that time, presumably the relevant accounts of the animation group and some animation information hosts will also repost, which can greatly increase Kazuto Mogami's popularity.

With the performance of the animation theme song this time, if the sales volume and word-of-mouth reach a certain level at the same time, it means that Kazuto Mogami can gain a foothold in the animation music circle.

Thinking about it later, maybe Akihabara in the future will be filled with Totsukazu's singing voice.

What a strange thing, this is obviously Terashima Aimi's dream.

But now, Kazuto Mogami has embarked on this road called music, and he is no longer allowed to turn back.

Mogami Kazuto is a somewhat negative guy, but he doesn't like failure.

Now that he has done it, he should try his best to show his full strength. If that still cannot be recognized or accepted by others, then he has nothing to say.

At noon, Kazuto Mogami went to a nearby family restaurant and settled for a simple lunch.

By the afternoon, the video of Kazuto Mogami's simple promotional introduction had been released.

Kazuto Mogami's current official account only has 3 followers, and most of them are readers of "Journey".

Compared with singer Totsuka Kazu, the light novel writer is the impression that this name gives to the world.

Except for this part of the readers, the rest are the fans of Mogami Kazuto, and these fans are all the fans accumulated when Mogami Kazuto was still a cover blogger.

After all, he is still a singer who has not officially released a single. Before he has official works, such a state is a matter of course.

But it's different now. The songs sung by Kazuto Mogami are broadcast on TVs across the country.

Although it is only the theme song of the late-night animation, it is the first step in Kazuto Mogami's career as a singer.

is the beginning of everything.

And from now on, Totsuka Kazu will be a real singer.

(End of this chapter)

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