After getting married, a popular seiyuu suddenly moved to my house

Chapter 288 282. She is always in strange places, inexplicably honest.

Chapter 288 282. She is always in strange places, inexplicably honest.

Kazuto Mogami left the building alone, glanced at his phone, thought it was still early, and took a detour to a nearby bookstore, planning to buy some books back home.

After arriving at a nearby bookstore, Kazuto Mogami first saw the LCD TV hanging from the ceiling, on which various promotional PVs of light novels were playing.

The moment Kazuto Mogami entered the store, the animation PV of the forthcoming volume [-] of "Traveling" happened to be playing on the TV.

As the sales volume of "Journey to Death" continues to grow, the original static illustration PV has also been upgraded to short animation production.

Although it was only 30 minute and [-] seconds, after seeing the characters that could only be presented in text and illustrations, they were suddenly endowed with colors, movements, and even voices.

Such a shock will give the reader a great sense of accomplishment.

"I've been a fan of this novel since the first volume."

Looking at the things they love, step by step from no one cares about them to emerging ones, is like playing a nurturing game. When a certain achievement is achieved, it can bring them another sense of spiritual satisfaction.

And this sense of satisfaction also exists for the author himself.

Listening to Sakura Ayane's voice coming from the TV, Mogami Kazuto felt a strange feeling for no reason.

Although he is such a troublesome guy in reality, he can transform into different characters with a changeable voice only when he is working.

I have to say, such a skill is pretty cool.

At least in terms of work, Kazuto Mogami is willing to recognize her.

Walking to the counter that sells light novels, Kazuto Mogami saw his own book at a glance. It was placed in the most conspicuous best-selling position. In order to make it easier for readers to pick up and read, he also specially prepared a trial sample.

At this time, for a few seconds, a young man who looked like a junior high school student was standing in front of the bookshelf, watching intently.

Light novels are different from traditional literature. They are just the product of the author's delusion, and they are commodities that are respected by sales.

In this era when sales are king, no matter what kind of novel it is, as long as it can sell well, it can be called a masterpiece.

Kazuto Mogami is well aware of this truth, he has already passed the age of "pursuing the writing dream in his heart".

Kazuto Mogami is indeed unwilling to cater to the market, but it is undeniable that in the process of creation, he occasionally thinks about what kind of content will be accepted by readers.

This is a matter of course.

Creation is a solitary thing.

But creation can only be called creation if it is seen by others, otherwise it is just pure self-indulgence.

Fortunately, Mogami Kazuto's words are being recognized by many people.

Kazuto Mogami wandered around the bookstore for a long time, and bought the latest volume of a certain writer-teacher series who wanted to marry a voice actor.

I heard that the last volume was already a year ago.

This is a speed that Mogami Kazuto can't understand. He only writes about a hundred thousand words in a year. Instead, he is curious about how to do it.

But this series is still the No.2 of last year's "This light novel is really amazing!".

Is it because of the animation effect?

Kazuto Mogami became interested in animation for the first time.

If it is going to be animated, Ayane Sakura, who has just dubbed the pv and radio drama, should be given priority to dub the heroine.

Do you reject it?
If it was before, Mogami Kazuto might have such an idea.

But now, Kazuto Mogami already knew the professionalism of Ayane Sakura very well, and Kazuto Mogami would naturally not object to being able to invite a super popular voice actress like her.

I don’t know since when, Kazuto Mogami will adopt two attitudes towards the female voice actress named Ayane Sakura.

In private, Ayane Sakura is arrogant and defiant, the trouble in the trouble.

But after witnessing her working posture with his own eyes, Kazuto Mogami gradually changed his opinion of her.

At least in terms of business capabilities, Sakura Ayane is indeed at the top of the industry.

Well, if such a day really comes, Kazuto Mogami will not object to it.

But thinking of her proud and arrogant expression, Mogami Kazuto could only shake his head and smile wryly.

Animation or something is too far away from him.

He took a few selected light novels to the counter to check out, and then walked silently towards the station with the novels in the paper bag.



Ayane Sakura returned to the office after recording the broadcast with Kazuto Mogami.

As a popular voice actress in the industry, her daily schedule is fully arranged, and now that she returns to the office, she also has a lot of scripts to bring back.

The profession of seiyuu, even after becoming famous, needs to be like a newcomer, constantly rushing to audition scenes.

You can only get a job if you pass the audition.

This point, even Sakura Ayane is no exception.

But the difference is that as the popularity of voice actors continues to rise, there will be many jobs that the original author actively specified.

In addition to dubbing, well-known voice actors also work on radio programs and enevt.

If you follow the idol route, you still need to publish photos, release records, and hold live.

A voice actor like Ayane Sakura is busy almost every day until late at night, and rarely has time to rest.

After finishing this broadcast, she will go to other recording studios to record the next episode of Catapult.

After arriving at the recording studio, Sakura Ayane greeted the on-site staff for the first time, and then in the lounge, she met her broadcast partner whom she hadn't seen for a long time.

"Yeah! Good afternoon, Saori."

"Good afternoon, Caiyin."

Saori Konishi was the only one in the lounge, and Ayane Sakura pulled out the chair and sat down opposite her.

This is not the first time they met after the New Year, so the two just greeted each other in a very ordinary way.

"Caiyin, why do you look tired again? Did you really take a good rest during the Chinese New Year?"

"Huh? Does my complexion look bad?"

"It's not that it's bad, but it's obviously not very good. Or is it that someone provoked you? Generally speaking, isn't it you who provoke others?"

"I said, is my impression so bad?"

Xiao Xi Saori stared at her face for a long time, before hesitating to speak, he lowered his head.

"What did you say!"

"Ahahaha, I'm just teasing you, Caiyin, you often don't manage your body well, if this continues, acne will appear on your face again."

"Well...the only thing I can't stand is this."

"Then take a good rest. Your workload is outrageous even when I see it."

"I, I know..."

Inexplicably, he was preached, obviously he was the senior.

Well... In terms of age, Saori Konishi is indeed older.

"Just came back from the set?"

"No, record a personal broadcast." Sakura Ayane replied truthfully.

Saori Xiaoxi nodded: "Oh, the one on Lonely Radio? Who is the guest? Is it pear bear?"

After waiting for a long time, Sakura Ayane did not speak, so Xiao Nishi Saori looked at her strangely.

"what happened?"


Sakura Ayane carefully looked at the lounge, and after repeatedly confirming that no one else was present, she put one hand over her mouth and said mysteriously:
"Brother ex-husband."


(End of this chapter)

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