Chapter 289 283. Her temptation.

"Ah Choo~~"

Walking in the cold wind, Mogami Kazuto rubbed his nose and sneezed twice.

Mogami Kazuto didn't believe that someone would sneeze when someone whispered behind his back. His first reaction was that he didn't keep warm.

After returning home, Kazuto Mogami went to the kitchen to boil a pot of water, and then began a leisurely fishing life.



"This program is a cultural broadcast and I want to broadcast with Oonquan.

Sakura-san wants to do broadcasting with me.

I also want to communicate with Sakura-san.

And the beginning of the unprecedented experimental nature of the program. "

In the recording studio, the two female seiyuu were still sitting face to face in front of the recording station, and the staff gathered in a place where the camera could not capture.

"Sakura-san, the recording just started in the new year, and you look very depressed."

"Hey~~~ Because there are too few vacations."

"Speaking of which, Sakura-san will cry every year because she can't recover from the vacation."

"Why did you say this suddenly, I didn't cry this year!"

"Ooh! It's amazing."

"Being told by Xiao Xisang, I always feel inexplicably angry."

"That's a compliment."

"But I don't hear the compliment at all."

Even when Ayane Sakura is recording the show, she basically shows her true self. Unlike Saori Konishi, she is not good at hiding herself.

"There are few rests. Doesn't it mean that Sakura-san is serious about his work? Before he came to record Sling, he recorded the Lonely Radio."

"Don't mention the names of other shows on the show! Well...even though it's my own show."

Sakura Ayane took a peek at the supervisor outside the arena, the expression on her face did not change much, and there was no sound of stopping in her ears, so it should be all right.

I don't know if it's Sakura Ayane's illusion, but in the process of chatting with Konishi Saori, she always intentionally or unintentionally tries to bring the topic to Mogami Kazuto.

To be honest, Sakura Ayane still can't figure out what kind of relationship they have.

She didn't know more in-depth information, but thought that since the two were willing to get married, their relationship should be considered good, and she also heard that they were childhood sweethearts.

At least it won't be as bad as her own relationship with Mogami Kazuto.



With the chatting between the two, amid staff-sang's heroic laughter from time to time, the show gradually came to an end.

It's time for a product test.

Ayane Sakura picked up the curry rice placed on the recording desk and asked the staff to heat it up.

When the curry rice was back in her hand, Ayane Sakura couldn't wait to lift the lid, and Saori Nishi who was on the side had already moved over with a spoon.

"It smells so good."

Ayane Sakura moved the curry rice between the two of them, slightly raised her short hair and put it behind her ears.

Looking at the heated curry on the table, I suddenly remembered something, and blurted out: "Ah... Speaking of which, I have been to a family restaurant before, and the curry rice in it is super delicious."

"Hey! Are you challenging sponsors! Now is the time to promote new products."

"Hahahaha! That's right, but that restaurant is really super delicious. Next time, Xiao Xisang can invite me to eat."

"Why did it suddenly become the unfolding that I want to treat you to dinner?"

"Because when I went to eat before, I was the one who treated the guests."

"It's none of my business! I didn't eat it, so who did you go with? It turned out to be your treat."



Seeing Saori Konishi's astonished expression, Ayane Sakura suddenly came to her senses and realized that this was something that could not be said.

However, there was no supervisor's voice in her ear, and she couldn't help but wonder if she could even talk about this kind of thing. Slinging Stones is really a loose program.

Konishi Saori showed a visibly shocked expression after hearing Sakura Ayane's words.

She never knew about this story.

Her cognition was still in the period when Mogami Kazuto and Sakura Ayane were in conflict, and she couldn't recover all of a sudden.

But Xiao Nishi Saori is a person who is extremely good at hiding himself, and he quickly reacted in line with his personality.

"Totsuka-san... umm, speaking of Totsuka-san, that person's cooking is really good."

"Yes, if possible, I hope he can start a cooking show, it should be very popular."

Xiao Nishi Saori folded her hands on her chest, showing a complicated expression: "Well... he probably can't do it, Totsuka-san is not very good at dealing with people, so he probably can't do that kind of thing."

" seems to be the case." Sakura Ayane laughed very happily.

Xiaonishi Saori laughed in conjunction with Sakura Ayane, and asked very casually: "Compared to this, I am more curious about why you went to the family restaurant for dinner with Totsuka-san."

Sakura Ayane heard the words, her expression was natural without any change.

It was completely within her expectation that Saori Nishi would have such a question, and the rhetoric she prepared was perfect.

"I recently received a radio drama job, and Totsuka-san is the original author, so I used work as an excuse to ask him some questions."

She lied, but not quite.

"I see, no wonder it's your treat.

Speaking of which, I almost forgot that Totsuka-san is also a light novel writer. It's really amazing, and it gives people the feeling of the protagonist of a light novel. "

Compared with Ayane Sakura, Konishi Saori's ability to pretend to be stupid is not only 01:30 points higher.

Obviously, no one knows more about that person than she does, but Xiao Xi Saori can still pretend to be a bystander, "I don't know him very well, I only know that he is very powerful".

Among the people present, who would have thought that the "really powerful person" in her mouth used to be her husband who lived under the same roof as her.

For some reason, in the face of Konishi Saori's superb acting skills, Sakura Ayane felt admiration in her heart, and inexplicably felt a trace of other subtle emotions.

Ever since she learned that the relationship between them was held in the hands of little Nishi Saori, she gradually began to not understand her relative and friend.

I don't know what she was thinking.

It's just that due to her position, she couldn't ask in detail.

And right now, the broadcast is being recorded, and even if something should not be said, it will be cut out in the later stage.

As a result, Sakura Ayane had the idea of ​​testing her.

Sakura Ayane's execution ability can be regarded as one of her strengths.

Now that she has a clear idea, she will definitely do everything possible to realize this idea.

Although sometimes, this kind of executive power will not blindly bring her good results.

But even so, she would still let it go.

"By the way, there is something I have to say about going to the family restaurant for dinner just now."

(End of this chapter)

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