After getting married, a popular seiyuu suddenly moved to my house

Chapter 290 284. The beginning of her intervention.

Chapter 290 284. The beginning of her intervention.

"Um...about curry, I can't eat spicy things at all.

Well~ In short, I want to take a bite as a souvenir.

Then, there is no memory of that time. "

In the middle of speaking, Sakura Ayane suddenly laughed amused by herself.

"It was so spicy that my memory of that period disappeared, and then... Totsuka-santa, help me finish all that curry.

Thank you so much for being able to eat this super spicy curry for me.

Very handsome, the stomach is really handsome. "

Sakura Ayane specially used a very relaxed tone. No one could have imagined that she and Mogami Kazuto actually have an incompatible relationship.

But at this point, Sakura Ayane has no malice towards Mogami Kazuto.

After all, she herself was the one who caused the harm, and she even almost caused a catastrophe at one point, so she thought about it in private.

Sakura Ayane had of course apologized in front of Mogami Kazuto, but Mogami Kazuto would provoke her with words every time.

She really couldn't bear it, so she pretended to be arrogant.

In fact, if Mogami Kazuto was willing to soften his attitude, Sakura Ayane felt that she would not mess with him.

Mogami Kazuto thought she was troublesome and was unwilling to deal with her.

Ayane Sakura thinks that he loves to hate people, and she is unwilling to let go of her figure.

In short, these two people are awkward monsters who can't lose to each other.

But that's not the point right now.

The point now is that Ayane Sakura really wants to know what kind of relationship is between Saori Nishi in front of her and Kazuto Mogami.

It's not that I want to get involved, at best, I'm just curious about unknown secrets.

The information that Sakura Ayane knew was very limited.

They are childhood sweethearts.

Konishi Saori proposes a fake marriage, and Mogami Kazuto agrees.

Then divorce.

It just doesn't make sense.

Sakura Ayane wanted to ask Xiaonishi Saori about this matter several times, but she cleverly avoided it every time.

For example, before recording the program, when Xiao Nishi Saori heard the words "ex-husband brother", she reacted surprisingly calmly, although she was a little shocked at first.

But in the end, she didn't ask anything.

Just a very calm "oh".

Regarding this, Sakura Ayane was quite disappointed, she thought that Xiao Nishi Saori would take the initiative to say something because of this.

I have to admit that negotiating or negotiating with someone is indeed Sakura Ayane's weakness.

Not to mention Xiao Nishi Saori, even when she quarreled with Kazuto Mogami, she failed to win once.

Then, in the process of recording the broadcast, talk about something that happened between herself and Mogami Kazuto that she didn't know.

How would she react?

The answer is very simple.

Xiao Nishi Saori laughed.

It is the business model of a comedian that she is good at.

Under that smiling face, Ayane Sakura couldn't see anything that belonged to Saori Konishi.

Like a palette dropped into a sink, the pigments dissolve in the water and mix into colorful colors.

Can't see the sincerity hidden under the dazzling colors.

"Really, Sakura-san, if you can't eat spicy food, don't order it.

If I were Totsuka-san, I would definitely think "what is this guy doing?", it would be too embarrassing! "


The attack was completely neutralized!

Although very unwilling, Ayane Sakura couldn't continue talking on this topic. The supervisor's voice came from behind her ears, telling them to finish the show while eating quickly.

So, the two female voice actors pretended nothing happened, fed each other friendly, waved at the camera, and bid farewell to the audience.



After recording, in the lounge.

Ayane Sakura and Saori Konishi each packed their own things, neither of them took the initiative to speak.

This kind of atmosphere is actually quite embarrassing, and it is the most difficult atmosphere for Sakura Ayane to deal with.

She wasn't the type who was good at finding topics or activating the atmosphere, and her temptation was too obvious about what happened on the radio just now.

Perhaps the other staff members simply thought that Ayane Sakura was chatting casually, and that was because they didn't know the relationship between Kazuto Mogami and Saori Konishi.

Sakura Ayane felt that she might be reckless, and was hesitating in her heart, how should she speak to Xiaonishi Saori.

"Colorful sound."

At this time, Xiao Xi Saori took a step ahead of her and called out her name.

Sakura Ayane raised her head silently, watching Saori Nishi walking towards her.

The cheerful business expression had faded from her face, she was gentle and calm, she was when she was getting along in private.

Sakura Ayane also gradually lost the confidence to call such Saori Konishi the real Saori Konishi.

Obviously, they are good friends.

Konishi Saori came to Sakura Ayane and stared at her quietly for a few seconds.

It was these few seconds that made Ayane Sakura smell a strange smell from her friend.

Should it be the atmosphere, or something else.

In short, it was quite different from the little Nishi Saori in her impression.

In the next second, a gentle smile appeared on Nishi Saori's face.

"Is there any arrangement for a while? I'm hungry, let's have dinner together."


Sakura Ayane blinked twice blankly, it seemed that because the unfolding of the matter was different from what she imagined, she just froze on the chair, unable to say a word.

"What's the matter? Will there be work soon?" Saori Xiaoxi wondered.

"Today... is, already gone."

"So, shall we go together then?"


"Then I'll go out and call to see if there is any space."


When Saori Nishi left the lounge, Ayane Sakura sat on the chair for a long time before her tense nerves gradually relaxed.

She didn't know what words to use to describe the feeling she had just experienced.

Like a young child, alone in the night school adventure, scribbling on the blackboard in the classroom, and hearing rhythmic footsteps in the corridor.

Frightened, he hid under the podium.

The classroom door was opened, and the halo of the flashlight shone on the floor, printing out an elongated black figure.

The air froze for a few seconds, the lights disappeared, and the door slammed shut.

Haven't had time to breathe out yet.

The light of the flashlight bloomed again, and the pale face hanging upside down from the top of the podium looked like a dead body with indifferent eyes.

At that moment, trembling hit the whole body.

What Sakura Ayane felt was just such an illusion.

Maybe she was thinking too much.

But Sakura Ayane still couldn't help having the thought that her friend gradually turned into someone she didn't know.

Sakura Ayane has no feelings of fear or panic.

It's just a simple thought, the smile that Xiaonishi Saori showed.

very much.



(End of this chapter)

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