After getting married, a popular seiyuu suddenly moved to my house

Chapter 292 286.1. On January 29, it started from sitting and passing.

Chapter 292 286.1. On January 29, it started from sitting and passing.

The phone screen gradually returned to the interface of the address book. Ms. Sakura sat cross-legged on the bed in silence, pressed the lock screen button, and at the same time as "Gada" sounded, the phone was thrown on the soft pillow.

Because the newly replaced phone case is made of silicone, which can act as a buffer, she can throw it out so recklessly.

Sitting on the bed for a long time, she slowly took a deep breath.

"Huh... don't be angry, don't be angry, today is my birthday, if you get angry on my birthday, you will get wrinkles."

She secretly used the strange superstition she read from which website she didn't know, trying to calm her troubled mood.

After a while, she picked up the phone again, and there were several messages on the line, all of which were birthday wishes from friends.

After replying to each item carefully, after finishing all this, charge the phone, turn off the lights, and get under the covers.

Lying in the dark bedroom, Ms. Sakura opened her eyes wide, looking at the gradually clear ceiling, the more she thought about it, the more she felt angry.

It is true that a large part of what she said on the radio at that time was to test Xiao Nishi Saori.

But that doesn't mean she lied.

But when she thought that that guy would also hear the content of the broadcast, she became restless. She was afraid that he might misunderstand, so she wanted to call to explain.

The most anticipated expectation in her heart is nothing more than to hear Mogami Kazuto say "you are interested in me, right?"

Then, in a very disdainful tone, she scolded him harshly, and advised him not to be fanciful. .

Tell him that it is a job requirement, and then say triumphantly, "How could Miss Ben like you, give me another 100 years of hard work."

Finally, in the attitude of a winner, hang up the call.

Don't be too cool.

However, the development of the matter seemed to deviate from what she expected.

The same "work needs", saying it from my own mouth, and being said by Mogami Kazuto, the mood is completely different.

"What are you doing, that guy! You have no bones at all! I'm so mad!"

Kazuto Mogami naturally didn't know that his simple sentence caused Ayane Sakura to roll back and forth in bed on her birthday, unable to sleep well.

In contrast, Mogami Kazuto slept very soundly.



1 month 29 day.

The temperature has shown signs of warming recently, Kazuto Mogami went out for a morning jog after a long absence.

Compared to the treadmill at home, Kazuto Mogami still prefers to jog on the street while breathing the cold air, silently counting the number of utility poles.

After the morning run, he took a shower, and Kazuto Mogami was lazy today. Breakfast was sandwiches and milk bought at a convenience store.

After eating breakfast, Mogami put on his coat and went out.

Take the train to Shinjuku.

Inside the tram, a girl in a high school uniform blushed at the instigation of her friend, and mustered up the courage to ask for his contact information.

It is not the first time for Mogami Kazuto to deal with such an emergency. Once upon a time, he would use the reason that he is married to politely refuse.

It's just that this reason is no longer applicable.


"Sorry, I don't know what you said."

"Huh? Foreign...foreigner?"

Kazuto Mogami answered in Chinese.

The girl obviously didn't expect such a result, she stood there for a long time in a panic, and finally, after bowing to Kazuto Mogami, she fled back to her friends.

The vehicle pulled into the station, and the girl got out of the car surrounded by her friends.

After stepping on the platform, he still reluctantly glanced at Kazuto Mogami who was still standing in the carriage.

The doors closed and the tram started again.

He was supposed to get off at this stop.

Kazuto Mogami checked the time. Although he took one stop, it was still early for the agreed time. Getting off at the next stop and taking the bus back would not affect it.

"Totsuka-san, you are the type who is not good at rejecting others."

Mogami Kazuto was taken aback, and looked back at the seat behind him, where a girl in a uniform and a scarf was sitting.

Judging by the luster, there should be no stockings under the skirt, but completely bare legs.

Kazuto Mogami admires the girl high school students in the island country from the bottom of his heart, and he can go out barelegged in such weather.

"Miss Hidaka?"

"Good morning, Totsuka-san."

Hidaka Rina raised a smile and waved hello to Kazuto Mogami.

After the stop just now, the people around Hidaka Licai had already got off the bus, and the seat next to her was empty at this time.

But Kazuto Mogami didn't sit down, he just changed direction.

"Good morning, Miss Hidaka, what a coincidence, are you going to school?"

"Yes, this is the second time."

"What?" Mogami Kazuto was taken aback.

"Meet Totsuka-san on the train."

Kazuto Mogami thought about it, and it was true.

"At that time, I also took the initiative to strike up a conversation with Totsuka-san. From the perspective of a bystander, wouldn't Totsuka-san think that I was here to strike up a conversation?"

Mogami Kazuto couldn't speak, which was somewhat embarrassing.

"It's okay, I can understand, Totsuka-san seems to be the type who is often approached by girls."

"Not to that extent either."

Hidaka Rina smiled lightly, and didn't care if Mogami Kazuto was modest or what.

"The voice actor of the radio drama, I heard it's Sakura-san."


"It's a bit of a pity. If possible, I would also like to act as a dubber in a radio drama. Although I have received an invitation to audition, as a candidate, I can only concentrate on my studies now."

"I've heard that, come on for the exam."

"Thank you."

Although he is only a high school student, Hidakari Cai gives people a very stable feeling. Apart from his petite appearance, he speaks and behaves more like a social person.

This is probably the leeway that only those who debuted as child stars will have.

"Totsuka-san is going to record today?"

Kazuto Mogami shook his head: "Go to the editorial department."

"Well, the fourth volume will be released soon, I'm looking forward to it."

"Thank you."

"It would be great if it could be animated, and I will definitely go to audition when the time comes."

"Animation is still too far away from me."

"Totsuka-san is being humble again, but I think the animation will be ushered in soon."


"The reader's intuition, so far, all the novels I like have been successfully animated."

Mogami Kazuto didn't expect such a reason, and smiled: "I hope so."

"However, many of them have been ruined, and many famous scenes in the original work have been made into world-famous paintings and emoticons."

"Please don't scare me."

"Hahaha... Totsuka-san is unexpectedly an interesting person."


Hidaka Rina stood up at this time, looked up at Kazuto Mogami: "That's it for now, I should get off the car, goodbye, Totsuka-san."

"Oh... oh, goodbye."

After standing still in front of the car door for a while, Hidaka Rina stepped towards the platform.

Seeing Hidaka Rina's back going away, the door that was opened once closed again, and the tram started slowly.

Kazuto Mogami suddenly thought of something.'s been two stops.

 Ask for a monthly pass
(End of this chapter)

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