After getting married, a popular seiyuu suddenly moved to my house

Chapter 293 287. He also said that he didn't have her contact information.

Chapter 293 287. He also said that he didn't have her contact information.

Kazuto Mogami walked into the coffee shop near the editorial office, and just opened the door, the waiter who had become familiar with him smiled and pointed in a certain direction.

"Totsuka-sensei, this way."

Kazuto Mogami saw Natsuki Yuta sitting by the window, thanked the waiter with a smile, and Kazuto Mogami walked straight over.

"I'm sorry, Mr. Xia Mu, I'm late, and something was delayed on the way."

"No problem."

Natsuki Yuta waved his hand and asked Mogami Kazuto what he would like to drink. After placing the order, the two of them did not talk nonsense, and directly started discussing the plot of the fifth volume.

Mogami Kazuto likes to get along with this kind of people who don't talk nonsense very much. They don't need extra greetings, and they can go straight to work, which can effectively reduce useless time consumption.

The fourth volume will be released soon, and the manga will be announced at the same time. Kazuto Mogami doesn't know much about manga, so the decision to choose a manga teacher is left to the editorial department.

The release time of the radio drama will be later than the release of the fourth volume, but the publicity PV has already been released.

The name of Sakura Ayane has indeed brought a good sales boost to the original work.

The cumulative sales volume of "Journey to Death" has exceeded 40 copies, and the current momentum is just right, ushering in the radio drama and comics.

After the fourth volume is released, it is only a matter of time before the cumulative sales exceed 50 copies.

It was so smooth that Kazuto Mogami found it unbelievable. .

According to this trend, animation is not impossible.

Although Mogami Kazuto thinks that this work is not very suitable for animation, but if the popularity can be higher, there will be no shortage of investors who are eyeing this IP.

"Totsuka-sensei, have you ever thought about how much this series will be written?"

"Hmm... about ten volumes or so."

"so little?"

"Is it less?"

Kazuto Mogami basically needs to write about 15 words in a volume, which is quite a lot in light novels.

"If it's an ordinary love theme, several books will have the number [-] or [-] volumes, but it's not uncommon for novels with different world themes to be written in [-] or [-] volumes."

"I'm not used to writing for too long. Like those teachers who have written twenty or thirty volumes and haven't finished it, many of them have written for seven or eight years. I shouldn't be able to do it."

"Ms. Totsuka's writing speed is very fast. If you really want to write, you can write one volume a month steadily, right?"

Mogami Kazuto shook his head: "Half a month."

Natsuki Yuta was taken aback for a moment, even the way he looked at Kazuto Mogami changed.

If he can really write a volume in half a month, other writers and teachers must write protest letters to the editorial department.

"It's just that I still have a job as a singer, so I'm afraid I can't write as fast as before."

Mogami Kazuto said a plausible reason.

"I can understand, Mr. Totsuka can follow his own pace, although the editorial department will often go to the home of those writers who are procrastinating to supervise the writing.

But Mr. Totsuka can complete it faster than I imagined every time, so I don't worry at all. "

Mogami Kazuto carefully read Natsuki Yuta's words, and looked at his expression again, after confirming that he was not threatening himself, he nodded with a smile.

"Speaking of which, I heard Mrs. Sakura and Miss Konishi's broadcast yesterday, and Mr. Totsuka's name was mentioned in it. I was very excited."


"Ms. Totsuka may not know, but I'm actually a fan of Ms. Sakura."

"Ah... I really don't know."

Mogami Kazuto twitched the corner of his mouth calmly, took a sip of coffee, and pretended to be calm.

To be honest, he still doesn't understand what makes someone who likes Ayane Sakura.

No, maybe it's just that the woman never showed her troublesome side in public.

Just like Saori Nishi.

No wonder they are good friends.

It's just that these things have nothing to do with Mogami Kazuto, and he is not interested in asking.

"Then what, Totsuka-sensei."

For some reason, Xia Mu Yuta rubbed his hands together, looking hesitant to speak.

"what happened?"

"Ms. Totsuka, you seem to be very familiar with Ms. Sakura." He said this carefully, keeping his eyes on the change of Mogami Kazuto's expression.

"I don't know her." Mogami Kazuto replied in seconds.


Facing Natsuki Yuta's sudden regretful voice, Kazuto Mogami was really confused.

"Today is Ms. Sakura's birthday. I also want to say that if Totsuka-sensei knows her, I want to call and say happy birthday to her personally."

Kazuto Mogami was silent at first, then shook his head: "Sorry, I don't have her contact information."

"Hmm... That's right, Mr. Totsuka and Ms. Sakura are just working together. I'm sorry, I was the one to be rude."


"But if you think about it carefully, the seiyuu will only feel troubled if a fan like me suddenly calls to congratulate her. Maybe she will be treated as a stalker. I'm sorry, I didn't say what happened just now."

The disappointment visible to the naked eye appeared on Natsuki Yuta's face, even so, Mogami Kazuto would not tell others Sakura Ayane's number just because of this.

Maybe it will be misunderstood that there is some special relationship between them, Kazuto Mogami is not willing to take the initiative to cause trouble.

It's just that Mogami Kazuto still has some bad things about him.

"That... If Mr. Xia Mu doesn't dislike it, if I have a chance to meet Ms. Sakura, I will tell her about it in person.

But it probably won't happen today. "

"Is it really possible?!"

Natsuki Yuta's voice suddenly raised a bit, it was the first time Kazuto Mogami saw him so excited.

At first I thought he was a person who was not interested in anything other than light novels, but he turned out to be a voice actor chef.


Talk is talk, why do you have to do it?

Mogami Kazuto tried to pull his hand out of Natsuki Yuta's without changing his face, and the female diners around all cast ambiguous glances at them.

Honestly, it hurts.

Kazuto Mogami finally pulled his hand back and put it under the table immediately.

Natsuki Yuta realized his gaffe, rubbed the coffee cup in front of him awkwardly, and coughed lightly.

"Well... I really appreciate Totsuka-sensei."

"It's nothing. By the way, today is Ms. Sakura's birthday?"

"Yes, January 1th, even if I forget my own birthday, I won't miss Sakura-san."

Kazuto Mogami was silent when he heard that, and let out an "oh".

After that, Natsuki Yuta returned to normal again and discussed many things with Kazuto Mogami.

After discussing until noon, Kazuto Mogami declined Natsuki Yuta's lunch invitation and was about to go home.

(End of this chapter)

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