After getting married, a popular seiyuu suddenly moved to my house

Chapter 298 292. The eve of the lover chapter.

Chapter 298 292. On the eve of Valentine's Day.

It was sunny on March 2.

Humidity, air, wind.

No matter what, it was enough to make Kazuto Mogami feel comfortable. He had no reason not to go for a morning run on such a day.

I ran half a lap more than usual today. Even in the cold winter, Kazuto Mogami's physical strength is improving day by day, which is good news.

Kazuto Mogami cherishes his body very much, exercises every day, insists on self-cooking, and rarely stays up late.

Because of his lack of self-discipline in his previous life, Mogami Kazuto has already experienced the disadvantages of an irregular life. He wants to maintain a healthy body as much as possible in this life.

Even when he was writing, every hour he would go downstairs to pour a glass of water and walk around to relax his stiff muscles.

And all of this is to make your body less tired.

Kazuto Mogami went to the company today and read the planning book about the broadcast. The name of the program has not yet been finalized.

And the whole program contains a certain nature of testing the waters, so the number of episodes will not be many, according to the progress of one episode per month, with a period of half a year.

For a newcomer who just debuted, this is already an incredible resource.

Kazuto Mogami himself intends to seize this opportunity to let the public know himself and his music.

For Mogami Kazuto, today is just one day in February, with neither special meaning nor special events happening. .

He stood in the tram full of suits and white shirts, enjoying everything the city brought him.



"Ding dong~~"

The doorbell rang at this moment.

Through the small screen on the inside of the door, I saw a young woman standing outside the gate on the first floor of the apartment.

What she was wearing today was as gorgeous as ever, with the delicate pendants hanging on the earlobes on both sides, shining with the silver light of Bulling Bulling.

Short hair is pretty and heroic.

"Qibao, I'm here to play with you!"

The location is Shinjuku, in the high-rise apartment where Arisa Shimizu lives alone.

It was not the first time for Sakura Ayane to come to Shimizu Yousa's house. There was even a period of time when she would bring freshly made bento to Mogami's home every other week, and the two of them ate at the dining table here.

Qingshui Yousha ate more, but she ate less.

One praised the delicious food he cooked with a smile on his face, while the other said it was okay with his lips curled up, but he still ate his portion completely.


Shimizu Yousa opened the door, and looked at Sakura Ayane in front of him with some surprise.

Sakura Ayane laughed and raised the item in her hand.

"Just finished recording, passing by nearby, came across a dessert shop that looked delicious, and wanted to buy it for you to eat."

Qingshui Yousha stared at the gift box in her hand for a long time. It was the dessert she wanted to buy but failed to get. He sighed softly:
"If Neru-san were a boy, he would definitely be a philanderer."


Out of nowhere, she was issued a dead person card, and Sakura Ayane walked into Shimizu Yousha's house in a daze, and changed into the pink rabbit slippers that Shimizu Yousha had prepared for her.

As soon as Sakura Ayane put down the gift box containing desserts, she saw a messy cooking counter not far away.

She couldn't help asking curiously, "Qi, what are you doing?"

"I just wanted to eat some sweets, so I was making chocolates. I didn't expect that Neru-san would suddenly bring desserts to my door, which surprised me."

"Doesn't this mean that we have a good understanding, hehehe..."

"You must have said something similar to other female voice actors."

"No! I am devoted to Qibao!"

"Yes, yes." She replied somewhat perfunctorily.

No one in Qingshui would believe her nonsense. Who doesn't know that Ms. Sakura is a guy who clings to women everywhere.

If Sakura Ayane were a boy, she would definitely become the public enemy of all men.

Sakura Ayane walked towards the cooking table curiously. The scene was quite spectacular, with pots and pans scattered all over the table, as well as many transparent vials containing mysterious powder.

Compared to the cooking table, Sakura Ayane felt that this was more like the evil witch's pharmaceutical workshop.

Is she really making chocolate?

What is the powder in those bottles?
What the hell does she want in the chocolate?
and also.

Sakura Ayane saw the chocolate packaging bag that was completely disassembled on the cooking table.

Isn't that the finished chocolate!
Today is February 2th, the day before Valentine's Day, and with all kinds of suspicious signs, Sakura Ayane can't stop thinking about it.

"Qi, why... are you making chocolate today?"

Sakura Ayane looked at Shimizu Yousha seriously, Shimizu Yousha thumped inwardly, she remained calm on the surface, but panicked to death inside.

That's right, even Sakura Ayane couldn't easily believe such a lame excuse of mine.

But there is sand in the clear water and she can't tell the truth. She likes Mogami Kazuto. Until today, only she and Mogami Kazuto know.

Perhaps Xiao Xi Saori has faintly noticed it, but Qingshui Yousha himself has never revealed his feelings to him.

She wasn't brave enough to do that yet.

"Because today is the mood to eat chocolate."

"It's today?"

"Isn't it possible?"

"It's not that it can't be done, it's just a little unexpected."


I saw Sakura Ji-ahon showing an inexplicably satisfied smile.

"Qi, are you preparing Valentine's chocolates for me?"


"Oh, it's really embarrassing."

There was sand in the clear water for a while, and some didn't know how to describe their feelings.

Although she had already noticed it a long time ago, it was the first time she could experience it so clearly.

Sakura Ayane, unexpectedly is an idiot.

"Neru-san, although this is common sense, I don't think it should be specifically stated. I don't like girls."

"I know." Sakura Ayane nodded calmly.

"Isn't it common for girls to give girls chocolates on Valentine's Day?"

"Where is it common?"

"In the lily manga."


Qingshui Yousha has lost interest in dealing with her, so she doesn't want to seriously entangle with the people in Lily's head on this issue.

Even so, it is of course impossible for her to tell the real truth.

If Ayane Sakura knows that she likes Mogami Kazuto, she might really get mad.

In Qingshuiyousha's impression, these two people have always been at odds, and Sakura Ayane has an inexplicable possessive desire for her.

If possible, Qingshui Yousha really hopes that this possessiveness is the most superior and humane thing.


Shimizu sighed heavily.

"Huh? Why are you sighing?"

Shimizu Yousha glanced at Sakura Ayane who was bewildered, and silently shook his head.

There are some things she can't say after all.

(End of this chapter)

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