Chapter 299 293. The Lonely Star.

Shimizu Yousha put the dessert brought by Ayane Sakura on a plate, and served it on the coffee table together with a small and delicate metal fork.

By the way, I made another pot of black tea.

Although Qing Shui You Sha has no talent in cooking and often makes a mess, simple arranging of dishes and making tea are not a problem.

Although, in order to gain the approval of Mogami Kazuto, she actually practiced cooking secretly without telling Mogami Kazuto.

The purpose is that one day in the future, he can live up to the surname of "Supreme".

After all, during the first month of marriage between Mogami Kazuto and Xiaonishi Saori, it was Xiaonishi Saori who cooked for them every day.

Even if they didn't really love each other, that kind of model can be regarded as one of the things that Shimizu Saso longed for.

Regarding cooking, she doesn't need to do it, but she has to know how to do it.

This pressure does not come from anyone, it is Qing Shui You Sha's spur to himself.

Even Mogami Kazuto didn't know.

It's a bit like the flower marriage practice that my mother said before. Before meeting Kazuto Mogami, Shimizu Yousha never thought that he would have such a day.

Unfortunately, she is still far behind.

"Neru-san, don't you have work today?"

"Just finished, there are other jobs after four o'clock, so I can't stay here for too long..."

"It's hard work, but why does Neru-san know that I'm at home today?"

"I can't say I know it. I just stopped by to take a look. If you're not at home, I should go directly to the office and distribute the cake to others."

"I see."

Shimizu Yousa doesn't dislike Sakura Ayane's straightforwardness, but rather admires her for being able to say what she thinks without the slightest hesitation.

It's just that Yusa Shimizu still doesn't understand why Sakura Jione, who can do these things, can only say those hurtful words when facing Mogami Kazuto.

That shouldn't have been her intention.

Because they are good friends, Shimizu Yusa doesn't want Kazuto Mogami to misunderstand Sakura Ayane.

There is no need to like her to the extent that it is better to say that if Mogami Kazuto likes Sakura Ayane, there will be a big problem.

As long as you don't hate it.

As long as the two of them don't hate each other, then there is no need to be caught between the clear water and the sand, and the two sides are in a dilemma.



"Neru-san, why is the relationship with Kazuto-san so bad?"


Sakura Ayane was taken aback for a moment, a little confused as to why the man's name appeared.

"Do I seem to have a bad relationship with him?"

"Could it be that Neru-san thinks he has a good relationship with him?"

"Cut! Who cares about having a good relationship with him!"

Once the man's name appeared, Sakura Ayane's tone of voice immediately took on spikes, as if it was a physiological reaction.

Suddenly, but naturally.

Shimizu Yusa seems to have gotten used to Sakura Ayane's attitude, so she has never regarded Sakura Ayane as an imaginary rival in love.

She really couldn't imagine that the lily in front of her, who just wanted to cling to girls, would be addicted to masculinity.

Although Kazuto Mogami is very handsome, she also feels that Ayane Sakura is not a superficial woman who looks at her face.

"Well... But he is not without merits, at least his stomach is more handsome than his face."


"Why are you looking at me like that?"

"No, it's just that sometimes I really don't understand the criteria and words used by Neru Sangwa people, and I'm not sure whether you are praising or belittling."

"Hmm... is it so difficult to understand?"

Sakura Ayane showed a hesitant and worried expression for the first time.

"It turned out to be unconscious?!"

"It's not that I'm unconscious, I just feel that if some words are said too clearly, it will be embarrassing."

Sakura Ayane scratched her characteristic nose embarrassingly.

After the clear water and sand are slightly lined, he said softly:
"I think frankness is Neru-san's strength, Neru-san can always say what he likes and what he hates very directly, I think this is great.

If he can communicate with other people with such a frank mood in dealing with people, neru-san will definitely become more popular. "

Although Yusa Shimizu is not as old as Ayane Sakura, she is obviously better at dealing with people than Ayane Sakura.

Sakura Ayane has had as many friends as she grew up, and she can count as many with one hand. If calculated by mathematics, it takes an average of four years to make one friend.

Compared with the clear water and sand that everyone loves, the title "Lonely Star" is really suitable for her.

Sakura Ayane curled her lips: "I don't want to be popular, people who like me and hate me without authorization are troublesome for me."

"Neru-san's speech is really troublesome. Isn't it happier to be liked than to be hated by others?"

"I don't think it's a good thing to be entangled by strange guys."

"The examples are too extreme."


Qingshui Yousha cleared his throat: "In short, what I want to say is that Neru-san should be more frank and sincere when communicating with others.

Don't think that you can convey it without speaking it out. We are all ordinary people without superpowers. If you don't express your feelings well, it will be incomprehensible. "

"If you like me, you should know it from my attitude and expression."

Sakura Ayane pointed to her slightly frowned eyebrows: "This is the shape when I don't want to talk to people."

Immediately afterwards, the brows gradually relaxed, but they were still furrowed, which was really pretty.

"This is what it looks like on 'Come and Kiss Me'.

how about it?Is it obvious? "

"Who knows what you say!"

Clear water with sand didn't give her any face.

Sakura Ayane was hit hard, she always thought that her expression management was easy to understand.

She came here to find a girl she likes, but for some reason, it turned into a lecture meeting, and Ayane Sakura was in a very messy mood.

It is true that Sakura Ayane has a little bit of self-knowledge for the time being, and knows that at certain times, she will speak differently than she does.

But Sakura Ayane felt that this was herself.

She will not tell lies, nor will she tell the complete truth, and she is ambiguous in the gap between the two.

This is the character of Ayane Sakura, and it can be said to be a bit bad.

But this is her real side, if you like her, please also like her bad personality.

If such a person really appeared, Sakura Ayane would not mind changing for that person.

At that time, she will definitely show the most attractive Sakura Ayane that no one has ever seen.

"Qi, are you... worried about me?"

"Of course, because Neru-san always makes me worry."

Sakura Ayane smiled, without any explanation, hugged Shimizu Yousha beside her tightly, rubbing her whole face against Shimizu Yousha's soft and fair cheeks.

"Thank you, pray, although I can't become what you said all at once, but I will try my best to be frank in the future."

Clear water and sand did not break free, although it was easy for her.

"Don't be too frank, just hug her like this."

Ayane Sakura laughed.

"No, I will only post with you, you are my favorite."

"You must have said this to Li Yixiong as well."

Sakura Ayane was shocked, her pupils shrank suddenly.

"Hey! Why do you know!?"

(End of this chapter)

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