After getting married, a popular seiyuu suddenly moved to my house

Chapter 323 317. She doesn't want to sleep in the guest room tonight.

Chapter 323 317. She doesn't want to sleep in the guest room tonight.

In Tokyo at night, the neon lights are flickering non-stop, enjoying the evening wind in March, Kazuto Mogami stands silently outside the izakaya.

The short-haired woman beside her stood gracefully, took a deep breath of the air outside the room, and showed an expression of enjoyment.

"How is it? Is it like I said, the food here is delicious?"

Kazuto Mogami nodded.

Although I can pick out some minor faults, it is indeed the most comfortable dish that Mogami Kazuto has eaten in Tokyo.

Not only the food, but also the atmosphere in the store is very hot and harmonious, even a guy like Mogami Kazuto who doesn't like human gatherings can feel the incomparable fireworks.

Sakura Ayane drove Mogami Kazuto to the station, and the two said a simple farewell.

She said, "I'm leaving, Mr. Disgraceful."

He said, "Goodbye."

Before leaving, she added, "See you tomorrow."

Kazuto Mogami let out a "hmm".

Back in Tsukishima, Kazuto Mogami went to a convenience store to buy some daily necessities, and walked slowly in the streets of the residential area.

The cold wind in winter has already receded, and even if you only wear a thin coat, you can't feel a trace of coolness.

About to walk to the door of the house, Kazuto Mogami saw the petite shadow shaking back and forth on the ground under the light of the yellowish street lamp. .

The owner of the shadow was squatting on the ground with her knees hugged, and her face was illuminated by the light of the mobile phone.

Hearing footsteps, she turned off her phone and looked up.

"Is there sand?"

"Good evening, Kazuto-san."

Kazuto Mogami ran over with small steps.

"Didn't you say you won't come today? Just squat outside alone, just send me a message."

"The work is over early, I want to see you, so I'm here."


Mogami Kazuto hesitated for a moment, and while she was looking up expectantly, he reached out and patted her on the head.

"Let's go to the house."


After entering the house, Kazuto Mogami went to the cooking counter to boil water, and then went upstairs directly.

Qingshui Yousha silently watched his disappearing back, and sat on the sofa speechlessly.

Kazuto Mogami didn't ask her how long she had been waiting, nor did she ask if she was cold or not.

In fact, she only waited for 5 minutes, and the weather is not very cold.

Even so, she was slightly looking forward to such words in her heart.

But he didn't say it.

She couldn't even see her own loss, so she went straight to the second floor after returning home, leaving her alone in the living room, listening to the sound of the kettle boiling from the cooking table.

Cold water can be warmed up by temperature, so how to warm up the gradually cooling heart?


Mogami Kazuto's voice suddenly came from next to his ear, he didn't know when he went downstairs.

Qing Shui Yousha stared blankly at the things he handed over, speechless for a while.

"Sorry, I forgot to give you the key yesterday, don't squat outside the door alone next time, send me a message, and I will rush back."

She took the key with both hands, and the silver objects were reflected in her pupils, as if shining in them.

"Have you waited for a long time?"

"No...not long, just arrived."

"That's it, that's fine."

Kazuto Mogami walked to the cooking counter, waited for about 30 seconds, and the kettle boiled.

Qing Shui You Sha was still holding the key, looking at his peaceful profile.

I poured some scalding hot water into the cold water, and Mogami Kazuto brought it to clean the water with sand.

"Although winter has passed, it will still be a little cold at night. Drink some hot water. Have you had dinner? I'll go to the refrigerator to see if there are any ingredients."

Shimizu Yousha shook his head, put the key and the warm water cup on the coffee table, stood up, and silently hugged Mogami Kazuto tightly.



"what happened?"

"It's okay, can I hug you?"

"Aren't you hugging already?"

"It seems to be oh...hehe."

Mogami Kazuto didn't know what to say, and scratched his cheek with his hands: "Sorry, I should have come back earlier."

Qingshui Yousha shook his head, resting his forehead on Mo Shangheren's collarbone, and wrapped his arms around him.

"Heren-san, he is really a very cunning person."

Mogami Kazuto didn't understand what she meant.

"Gentle, cunning, scheming, always doing superfluous things."


"No, not at all redundant."

She kept shaking her head, rubbing her cheek against Mogami Kazuto's chest back and forth, and the warm girlish breath gushed out, making him itchy.

"You Sha, you are contradictory in what you say."

"Because I'm a girl, girls are contradictory."

"That's it."




Kazuto Mogami wanted to make some food for Shimizu Yousha, but she rarely said that she was not hungry.

The two of them were sitting on the sofa, their clear water and sandy legs rested on Mogami Kazuto's knees, they hugged Mogami Kazuto's right arm, and their heads rested on his shoulder.

"Yousha, it's hard for me to move around like this."

"I like."

Kazuto Mogami smiled wryly, but Kazuto Mogami couldn't say much when the other party came up with such an excuse.



"I do not like."

"Do you like it or not?"

Shimizu Yousha lightly squeezed Mogami Kazuto's fingers tightly, caressing the solid calluses left by him from playing the piano.

"I like being with you like this."


"I don't like it when you go out to dinner with other girls."


"However, Neru-san and Kazuto-san have overlaps in work. I can't interfere with your social life, and I don't want you to become a lonely person, so I forgive you."

"Thank you, Miss Shimizu, for your generosity."

Shimizu Yousha lightly tapped Mogami Kazuto's chest.

To be honest, it was quite painful, and I don't know if she didn't know it or did it on purpose.

But these are the privileges of girlfriends, and Mogami Kazuto can do whatever she likes.

The living room was quiet, except for the clock hanging on the wall, making a sound stubbornly.

Mogami Kazuto doesn't know what constitutes a relationship. Sitting on the sofa like this, becoming a girl's teddy bear for her to hug, is it considered a relationship?

If so, it's not a hard job.

Thanks to this, he saw Qing Shui Yousha's clingy side that he had never shown before.

Mogami Kazuto must have a good impression of Qingshui Yousha, otherwise he would not take the initiative to become lovers with her.

Maybe it also contains feelings other than "like", such as guilt, such as compromise.

But without the blessing of goodwill, Mogami Kazuto would definitely not be able to say that to her.

It's just that Mogami Kazuto's "like" is definitely not as pure as her, compared to the "like" with clear water and sand.

Even so, he didn't want to live up to the expectations of the girl in front of him.

"It would be great if the current time can last forever."


Hearing Mogami Kazuto's voice of approval after silence, Shimizu Yousha smiled, slowly opened his eyes, and looked at his boyfriend, with blurred water waves flowing in his eyes.

It was as if the whole world was reflected in her eyes.

"Hey, Kazuto-san."


"I don't want to sleep in the guest room tonight."

she says.

(End of this chapter)

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