After getting married, a popular seiyuu suddenly moved to my house

Chapter 324 318. At 0 o'clock in the middle of the night when I can't sleep, I feel restle

Chapter 324 318. At midnight when I can't sleep, restlessness is like knocking on the door.

"I don't want to sleep in the guest room tonight."

What does this sentence mean?

She wanted to go back to her own home to sleep, or she wanted to sleep in the living room, but Kazuto Mogami didn't think it would be very comfortable to sleep on the sofa in the living room.

Or, she wants to take a milk bath all night tonight. In that case, she will have to take her to the doctor during the day.

Or, just tidy up the piano room and let her sleep there, I just hope she doesn't play with her piano in the middle of the night, so as not to be complained by the neighbors the next day.


Mogami Kazuto is just unsmiling, not low in EQ.

There is only one reason for a girl to say such a thing.

Mogami Kazuto couldn't be more clear.

He just didn't know how to respond.

Reject, or agree.

Either option seems extremely inappropriate.

Mogami Kazuto finally realized how heavy the shackles called "lovers" are.

Now that you have decided to become a liar, it is impossible not to tell the lie forever. .

"Then... Do you want to sleep in the master bedroom? Come with me."

Shimizu Yousa opened his eyes wide, staring at Mogami Kazuto's face without blinking.

She thought that she would have to spend some words to make Mogami Kazuto understand the meaning of her words, but she didn't expect Mogami Kazuto to be so direct.

She lowered her head in a panic, looked left and right, her body temperature couldn't stop rising, she was shy for a long time, and then said:
"Please...please give me more advice."



Kazuto Mogami took a shower first, went back to the second floor to tidy up the room, took out the clean bedding from the closet, and spread it on the floor.

dong dong dong...

There was a soft knock on the door, and the door lock was unlocked.

A petite girl in light blue pajamas, with black mid-length hair loose, hugging a white pillow, appeared at the door shyly.

"I, I'm done washing, Kazuto-san."

Shimizu Yousha shyly brushed up the blown hair, hung it behind his ears, and found that Mogami Kazuto was staring at him intently, and made an incomprehensible "woo-woo" sound, covering his face with the pillow.

"Please... please don't stare at me all the time, it will be... very shy."

Mogami Kazuto looked away: "Sorry."

"Also, forget it, you see!"

She made up her mind, threw the pillow away, closed her eyes tightly, with a look of death.

Mogami Kazuto smiled slightly, walked over to pick up the pillow, and put it on the bed.

Qingshui Yousha opened his eyes cautiously, only now did he find the quilt spread on the floor, and while he was relieved, he couldn't help feeling dissatisfied.

"Why does Heren-sang sleep on the floor?!"

she questioned.

"You want to sleep on the floor?"

"It's not about who sleeps on the floor! I'm talking about why they can't both sleep on the bed!"

"Single bed, it will be crowded."

"I'm very small and can fit easily, so it doesn't matter!" Qingshui Yousha said sternly.

Now that we have reached this point, if we retreat here, wouldn't the layout and efforts so far be in vain.

Clear water with sand doesn't want to give up halfway.

"Don't say there is nothing, go to bed quickly, the light is over there, please turn it off, good night."

Kazuto Mogami crawled under the covers and closed his eyes without saying a word.

Qing Shui Yousha stood beside him angrily, resisting the urge to kick him, and obediently turned off the light.

When passing by the place where Kazuto Mogami was sleeping, he deliberately stepped on Kazuto Mogami's calf and climbed onto the bed.

Anyway, she doesn't sink, so it doesn't matter if you step on it twice.

she thought so.

As a result, the whole room fell into silence, leaving only the slight breathing of the two of them.

Shimizu was covered with sand, and when his eyes gradually adapted to the darkness, he turned his head and looked at the floor, Mogami Kazuto was closing his eyes and motionless.

"Heren-san, are you asleep?"

"No, you can fall asleep without talking."

There was sand in the clear water with an "oh".

Kazuto Mogami always felt that a similar scene had happened before, and this sense of sight was somewhat subtle.

"Want to chat?"

"What are you talking about?"

"I don't know, but I always feel very excited, like a school trip, and I can't fall asleep."

"Pillow fight?"

"Oh! Good proposal!"

"Just kidding, go to bed early."


In fact, Mogami Kazuto's heart is not as peaceful as he appears.

Unlike the last time he was alone in the room with that person, he was bound by a heavy relationship and had no time to think about that kind of thing.

But now, although it can't be said that life is enjoyable, it is full and relaxed. As an adult male, he naturally understands what this situation means.

That's why he wanted to quickly fall asleep.

And the more he thought about it, the more he couldn't sleep.

The soft and gentle breathing of clear water and sand came from my ears, which was a bit breathtaking.

Young men and women in their 20s live in the same room and are in a relationship with each other, so what happens is completely normal.




The female voice actor's call that kept ringing in his ears made Kazuto Mogami sleepless. He opened his eyes helplessly, staring blankly at the ceiling that was much higher than usual.

"what happened?"

"I want to go to your side."

"Then what's the point of me spreading the quilt?"

"I didn't ask you to make it." She whispered.

Mogami Kazuto turned over helplessly, facing the clear water and sand on the bed, her loose hair was slightly messy, full of a sense of daily life full of fireworks, which was quite different from her posture during the day.

But the only thing the same, they all look good.

"If you can't sleep, let's chat."

"Huh?! Is it really possible?"

"Anyway, if you don't say something, you sure don't want to sleep."

"Hey hey~~~"

Really, it's just a conversation before going to bed, as for being happy to this extent.

However, at the moment when this idea just came into being, Kazuto Mogami involuntarily raised his lips.

I must be looking for something in this world myself.

Perhaps as Shimizu Yusa said, he was looking for something that could cure loneliness, and Kazuto Mogami couldn't say whether he found it.

Even if it is found, whether it can be grasped in the palm of the hand is something no one can know.

But at this moment, this moment.

Mogami Kazuto actually felt that something in his heart was being healed.

"Being able to sleep in the same room with Rensang like this is like a dream.

Now, am I going to be the mistress here? "

"Probably... yes."

"What! It's so ambiguous!"

"Because no one can say for sure what will happen in the future. In case I die one day, or go to a far away place and disappear, I can't let Yousha wait for me here all the time."

After speaking, Mogami Kazuto fell silent.

It didn't take long to feel the touch of hair being stroked.

"Is there sand?"

Shimizu Yousha gently stroked Mogami Kazuto's head, and the little moonlight leaked from the curtains made her pretty cheeks even more charming.

"Heren-san, please don't say such sad words."


"You are always like this, thinking about negative things all day long, life is really very short, wouldn't it be too much of a disadvantage if you don't spend it happily.

Heren-sang will not die, even if he dies, it will be in the far, far future.

Best in five or sixty years, in sunny spring, when the cherry blossoms are in full bloom.

We sat on the rocking chair in the courtyard, you held my hand and said to me "I'm going out", I smiled and said "go slowly, wait for me".

You twirled the cherry blossom petals falling on my head for me, bathed in sunlight, and closed your eyes gently.

I kiss your cheek and get into your arms wantonly.

At that time, you should no longer be able to resist me, you can act like a baby however you want. "

Her smile was a bit brighter than the moonlight penetrating into the room, making Kazuto Mogami unable to take his eyes off her face.

It was clearly a scene in her delusions, but he was particularly moved by the fact that he didn't know if it could become a reality.

"There is sand."

"Huh? What's the matter, Kazuto-san."

"Thank you."

"Why did you say that suddenly?"

"'s just, how should I put it, I blurted it out suddenly."

She burst out laughing: "Weird Kazuto-san."

Mogami Kazuto was speechless, his hand hidden under the blanket was lightly pressed against his chest, and it was throbbing.

He is exactly, truly, living in this world.

Qingshui Yousha showed him the most authentic version of her, but what about himself?
His difference is destined not to be able to communicate with others. The soul that does not belong to this world is endlessly imprisoned by himself and never opens his heart.



"I want to... go to your side."

He has no name, no identity, no pursuit, no dream.

Wandering aimlessly at the edge of the world until she drags it into the colorful world.

Almost, it's time to end.

This wandering, doomed lonely journey.

"it is good."

Qingshui Yousha climbed out of bed, took advantage of the opportunity to get into Mogami Kazuren's bed, and hugged him tightly.

Feeling the soft touch of the other person's body, the pleasant aroma of shower gel, and the beating of Kazuto Mogami's heart, he silently accelerated.

Is this what love feels like?
Her life was suddenly invaded and occupied by someone who had nothing to do with her before, but inexplicably, she couldn't think of expelling her.

Mogami Kazuto slowly raised his hand, and hugged her petite body tightly like an energy body that was emitting heat all the time, as if to let her melt into his body.

"Kazuto-san's body is so hot."


"Me too."


What kind of chemical reaction will be produced when the lie is gradually transformed into the truth?

Mogami Kazuto doesn't know yet, but he feels that once a person has a sustenance, there may be great changes.

"There is sand."

"what happened?"

Mogami Kazuto caressed Qingshui's sandy back, paused for a long time, and said sadly: "I don't have any big ambitions, whether it's writing novels or singing, I'm just doing it naturally.

Maybe one day, I become bored, and I may stop writing and singing. "

"At that time, I asked you to cook for me at home every day, and I would work hard, and He Rensang was in charge of my daily life." Qingshui Yousha answered quickly.

Mogami Kazuto smiled bitterly, an answer that really fit her personality.

"That's not what I'm going to say."

"what is that?"

Kazuto Mogami thought about it for a long time, and he didn't rush in the clear water or sand. He just quietly listened to Kazuto Mogami's heartbeat, smelled his body, and tried hard to remember this moment.

"If... it's for Yousha, I want to write, sing, and be who I was when I was alone.

Things you don't want to do and can't find a reason to do. "

Mogami Kazuto is still the same Mogami Kazuto, alone, he doesn't need to make a lot of money, he doesn't need to be such an excellent writer or singer.

However, there is such a lovely girl by his side, supporting him in everything.

Then, wanting to be handsome in front of her should... also be a reason.

"It doesn't matter if Heren-sang doesn't do that kind of thing, I don't expect you to do those things that you are against, so I stay by your side.

I just like you and want to be with you. "

"I know, that's why I have to do it."

Qing Shui Yousha didn't speak, but hugged him more and more tightly beside him.

"I've lived alone so far, except...except for my current parents, I never thought about who I would work hard for.

Yousha once said, I will become better and better in the future, but one day you will have nothing left.

I want to refute you. "

"Rebut... me?"

"I will try my best to become an excellent person, and Yousha at that time was definitely not without nothing."

Is this a love story?

Maybe it counts.

At least in Qingshui Yousha's view, the man who always closed his heart and stayed alone in the corner was finally pried open by her.



"I suddenly became, want to kiss you."

Her voice is as gentle as water.

Her eyes are full of confusion.

Her lips are so bright.


"Not enough, kiss again."

"not enough."

"not enough."

"Kiss again..."

"Kazu-san, I seem... to be weird."

She gasped slightly.

"Yousha has always been weird. If someone likes me, she must be a weird girl."

"The atmosphere is obviously good, why would Kazuto-san say such things that spoil the atmosphere?"

The soft cheeks that were blood red from the kiss were telling her current mood.

Suddenly, Qingshui Yousha noticed the change in Mogami Kazuto's body, silently lowered his head, and pressed against Mogami Kazuto's chest, with a shy tone:
"It turns out that Kazuto-san is also a normal boy, so I feel relieved."

"I feel like I've always been normal."

"I used to be worried that Heren-sang liked boys."

Mogami Kazuto couldn't laugh or cry.

Shimizu had a charming smile, Mogami Kazuto had never experienced such a radical smile from her.

"However, Kazuto-sang's reaction shows that he likes girls."

Mogami Kazuto turned his head, unable to refute.

She propped herself up, rolled over to Mogami Kazuto's ear, and gently bit his delicate ear, with a tingling breath and a charming voice.

"Hey, Heren-sang.

Is it possible? "

 I may write that kind of side story in the future, and I understand everything.

  But it will definitely be 404 when it is sent out, so it can only be seen in the group.

  The group number is in the introduction and can be extracted by yourself.

  Ask for a monthly pass.

(End of this chapter)

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