After getting married, a popular seiyuu suddenly moved to my house

Chapter 325 319. He is getting more and more skilled at kissing.

Chapter 325 319. He is getting more and more skilled at kissing.


As usual, Sakura Ayane sat cross-legged on the bed, with eye masks on her eyes, confirming tomorrow's work schedule.

In addition to going to the studio for animation work tomorrow, there are two radio programs to be recorded in the afternoon, one of which is partnered with Kazuto Mogami.

Speaking of Mogami Kazuto.

One thing that Sakura Ayane finds amazing is that they don't understand why everyone thinks they have a good relationship.

Well... Ask yourself, she really won't bother him deliberately now.

But this doesn't mean that I allow him to step into my circle of friends.

But if that man wants to have a good relationship with him no matter what, and is willing to call her Sakura-senpai flatteringly, it's not like he can't be magnanimous.

At best, it's just because of the "Senior Sakura", and it's not because of anything else.

In the boring late night in March, people always think about things that they are very concerned about during the day.

She said a lot of things wrong today, and it was not good in various aspects.

But at this point, if I call, I always feel a little bit unrelieved.

Although it's not like she hasn't done this kind of thing before. .

But now, she feels a little shy about doing such a thing.

Well... how should I put it, as a gentle and virtuous lady, you can't do such demeaning things, you will be looked down upon by men.

But Sakura Ayane is not the one who can calm down, so let her stay until dawn like this, she is sure that she will suffer from insomnia tonight.

hateful!A mere scumbag, why should I suffer from insomnia because of this kind of thing!

You remember me!

Sakura Ayane thought angrily in her heart.

At the same time, I look forward to someone coming to have a life discussion with her.

Therefore, there are two options before Ayane Sakura.

After all, it is more appropriate to find whom to talk about in life.

A. The ex-wife who once tried and was perfectly accepted by the other party.

B. A cute and powerful girl who can do nothing but eat.

Thinking about that guy's interpersonal relationship, only these two people are familiar with him.

Although there are two options, Uchida Maaya and Terashima Aimi, but as a senior, how can it be possible to discuss life with a junior!

That's too bad!
So, with Sakura Ayane's pure brain cells, she would only choose that person.

He dialed the phone a little nervously, but the phone rang for a long time, but he couldn't get through.

In the end, a female voice with a recorded message came from the receiver, and Sakura Ayane silently hung up the phone.

She must have fallen asleep.

Sakura Ayane thought so.



The most home, the bedroom on the second floor.

"Hey~~Heren-san, is it okay?"


What do you mean?
Of course he knows.



Kazuto Mogami is still an adult man, maybe a bit distorted in character, but he is by no means a man without common sense.

He is not a saint without desires, but simply thinks, is this really good?
There is sand in the clear water tonight, which is a little...somewhat abnormal.

This is really clear water with sand, the real idea?
Unable to see the usual leisure and calmness from her face, Mogami Kazuto knew that this was his behavior, which brought her uneasiness, so he made up his mind to use his own method to make her regain her confidence .

Perhaps like now, using voice and body to invade him is Qing Shui You Sha's last resort.

What a... A man with a lot of sins, Kazuto Mogami.

He thought so himself.

The rapid cell phone ringtone suddenly rang at this moment, and the right hand, which was gradually sliding down with clear water and sand, suddenly froze.

Mogami Kazuto seized the gap and poured the clear water and sand beside him.

"The phone is ringing, I'll get it for you."

"Just let it go, I don't want to take care of other people's business now."

She unbuttoned the two buttons under the neckline of her pajamas, and she could see her fair and delicate collarbone. She lay on her back under the quilt, and gently tugged the hem of Kazumi Kazumi's pajamas, with a hazy and blurred expression.

"Hey~~ Let's continue."

There is sand in the clear water today, which is really strange.

If such a thing was really done, Kazuto Mogami felt that he would regret it if there was sand in the clear water.

Compared with this almost pleading courtship, what she expects must be something more natural, something that can make each other's hearts merge.

It is only a physical fusion, and if the mind is not prepared, it will only bring emptiness in the end.

Kazuto Mogami has decided to bid farewell to his loneliness and confusion, and to be an excellent person in his ideal for Qingshui Yousha.

Then if there is sand in the clear water and you fall into confusion because of this, wouldn't it be putting the cart before the horse.

Mogami Kazuto had no choice but to bend down, pinch her chin lightly with his left hand, and kiss her softly.

He didn't let go of her lips until she was gradually suffocating and her body became weaker and weaker.

"Yousha, right now, I am stronger."

"Heren-san, um... a little... bad, bad-hearted."


He is getting more and more proficient at kissing.

Kazuto Mogami picked up Shimizu Yousha who was limp in the bed, put him back on the bed, and handed her the cell phone that had stopped ringing.

Qing Shui You Sha gradually regained his senses, looked at him with some displeasure, his small lips pursed slightly.

Until Mogami Kazuto bent down and kissed her pouty mouth again, she let out a "puchi" laugh, recalling what she said just now, her flushed cheeks were once again blushed.

"I was just now, wasn't it weird?"

She lowered her head, crossed her legs uneasily, not daring to look into Mogami Kazuto's eyes.

"Not weird, but very lewd."


Covering his face with sand in the clear water, he immediately pulled off the quilt and covered his petite body inside, and immediately there was a muffled sound.

"I can't get married anymore!!"

Mogami Kazuto couldn't laugh or cry.

Looking at the state of clear water and sand, it must be able to calm down tonight, and it seems that the crisis of losing one's body should be considered resolved.

Kazuto Mogami glanced at the mobile phone in his hand, there was a missed call, and the note was "neru-san", and Kazuto Mogami immediately realized who was calling.

"The call just now seems to be from Sakura."


Qing Shui You Sha poked his head out silently, the blush from just now remained on his face, which was truly alluring.

Big black eyes stared at Kazuto Mogami without blinking.

Mogami Kazuto handed her the mobile phone, Shimizu Yousha thought for a long time, but did not choose to call back, but communicated with the other party via line.

Kazuto Mogami saw this, said something to go downstairs to pour water, and left the bedroom.

Mainly because of the series of events just now, Kazuto Mogami needed to drink some cold water to calm down his agitation.

No matter how twisted he is mentally, his body is an honest adult male after all.

(End of this chapter)

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