Chapter 326 320. She has a friend.

"Sorry, Neru-san, I was taking a shower just now, so I didn't get your call."

"Huh? Take a shower? It's so late?"

"Well... all kinds of things happened, so don't worry about these details anyway, Neru-san is the one, why did you come to me so late?"


"What's wrong?"

"Something unclear on the line, is it convenient to make a call?"

There was a sound of pushing the door, Mogami Kazuto walked in with a water glass, Shimizu Yousha stared into Mogami Kazuto's eyes for a long time, and slowly tapped the virtual keyboard of the phone.


Not long after, Shimizu Yousha's cell phone rang again, and Kazuto Mogami was about to crawl back into bed on the floor when Shimizu Yousha suddenly waved to him.

Kazuto Mogami hesitated for a while, thinking that no matter what, she would not know how to play on the phone, it would be too exciting.

Finally, Kazuto Mogami sat on the edge of the bed, Shimizu Yousha moved towards the wall, lifted the quilt, and motioned for Kazuto Mogami to sit in.

Kazuto Mogami was about to say something, but Shimizu Yusha spoke before him.

"Hello? Neru-san? Good evening."

At the same time, the ringtone of the mobile phone has also disappeared, and Mogami Kazuto had to shut up.

Shimizu Yousha silently leaned his head on Mogami Kazuto's shoulder, Mogami Kazuto sighed silently.

There is sand in the clear water now, it's like getting an expensive new toy and being told not to tell other children by the parents, but still can't help but look proud.

Mogami Kazuto cannot say that this is wrong or right, but it will be somewhat troublesome.

But because the water is clear and sandy, Mogami Kazuto can acquiesce in her troubles. .

Because they are lovers.

"Anossa, pray, actually... I have a friend who asked me for a life consultation."

"Huh? Are you looking for Neru-san?"


Qingshui Yousha immediately concluded in her heart that there was no such friend at all, obviously she was talking about her own affairs.

However, in order to take into account the face of the other party, Qing Shui You Sha did not expose her.

"So that's it, then what?"

"Well... I, my friend, have a character who seems to be a deadly enemy. Every time I meet that person, the two of us will have a big fight."

Well, I'm talking about Kazuto-san.

Qingshui Yousha silently glanced at her boyfriend beside her.

Although Mogami Kazuto knew that the caller was Ayane Sakura, but he couldn't hear the content of the call, so he was completely confused by Shimizu Yusa's eyes at this time.

"However, recently, the relationship between the two of them seems to have changed." On the other end of the phone, Sakura Ayane's voice was a little coy, a voice that only clear water and sand can hear.

Shimizu Yousha stretched out his finger, first touched his lips lightly, then wiped Mogami Kazuren's thin lips, and said to the phone:

"for example?"

"Because of work reasons, I suddenly had more interactions with that guy."

"That rascal?"

"Oh, I mean the guy my friend doesn't get along with her, the intersection has increased." Sakura Ayane hastily corrected her inappropriate wording.

Shimizu Yousha calmly listened to the voice of his friend on the other end of the phone, his fingers restlessly wandered back and forth on Mogami Kazuto's face.

Sometimes touch his ears, sometimes touch his nose, eyebrows, cheeks, lips, have a great time.

"If it's because of work, there's nothing you can do about it, either until one party resigns, or get along with a friendly mask."

"What you said is correct, but recently it has become a little strange again. The person who was supposed to be annoying suddenly doesn't feel so annoying anymore.

But he still insisted on the idea that he hated that person.

Ah... I mean my friend. "

Shimizu Yousha raised his head, biting Mogami Kazuto's lower lip violently, Mogami Kazuto was startled.

It's just that it didn't take much effort to clear the water and sand, so there was no pain. Even so, Mogami Kazuto let out a slight hum.

In her eyes, there was an emotion that Mogami Kazuto didn't understand.

"Pray? I seem to have heard some strange voice just now."

"Don't worry, I accidentally touched the tablet and the pause button was pressed."

"Your voice sounds a little strange, are you okay?"

"Well, I'm eating pudding."

"It's midnight now, I'm going to get fat."

Shimizu Yousha chuckled, and quietly let go of Mogami Kazuto's lower lip.

To be honest, Mogami Kazuto didn't dare to move at all now.

What Shimizu Yusa did really refreshed Mogami Kazuto's cognition, while talking on the phone with his friends, telling blatant lies, and kissing himself.

Is this really the clear water with sand that I know?

Mogami Kazuto reacted shamefully, he could only turn his head away in a panic, not to let Shimizu Yousha play pranks again.

"You won't get fat once in a while, Neru-san, let's continue talking about your...friend."

Sakura Ayane thought about it, and continued: "My friend said that she didn't like to quarrel, she also realized her personality flaws recently, and wanted to get along with him friendly.

And the people around them mistakenly think that they have a good relationship. Although she said that she didn't want to have a good relationship with him, she actually wanted to have a good relationship with him... maybe. "

"Neru-san, you really think about your friends."

"Huh?! Oh... I'm the one who values ​​friends the most!"

"Well, I know, Neru-san is a very gentle person."

"Of course I know that I'm a gentle, kind, handsome and lovely person, but sometimes I can't help it."

"Aren't you talking about neru-san's friend?"

"...Yes! Yes! My friend, in fact, she and I have very similar personalities! How do you say that, people who are similar always gather together! Aha... ahahaha."

Qingshui Yousha heard the words, and showed a slight smile: "That's right, so Neru-san and I are also good friends."

At this time, Sakura Ayane still couldn't understand the true meaning of Shimizu Yusa's words.

"Neru-san, can you convey a word to your friend for me?"

"Well... yes, yes, I will definitely tell her!"

"A relationship that once had a rift cannot be repaired by just one person. Even if two people intentionally avoid that rift, in the process of getting along in the future, it is inevitable that there will be times when they must touch each other.

At that time, did she still have the confidence to repair the relationship by herself? "


After a long time, Qingshui Yousha hung up the phone, casually threw the phone aside, and burrowed into Mogami and Ren's arms a little tiredly.

Seeing her slumped face, Kazuto Mogami raised his hand to touch her cheek, and asked with concern.

"Sakura, what did she say?"

Qing Shui You Sha shook his head, showing a sweet smile.

"It's just an ordinary life discussion."

(End of this chapter)

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