After getting married, a popular seiyuu suddenly moved to my house

Chapter 327 321. People don't grow slowly, but grow in a certain moment.

Chapter 327 321. People don't grow slowly, but grow in a certain moment.

The first ray of light in the morning penetrates the curtains and shines into the room.

Kazuto Mogami woke up before the alarm clock rang again, and was about to check the time with his mobile phone, but his right hand didn't work.

Glancing at the clear water with sand lying beside her, Mogami Kazuto carefully pulled his right hand out from under her head.

The clear water and sand seemed to be still immersed in dreamland, smacking their lips.

"Heren-san, I can't eat anymore..."

It turns out that some people really say this kind of dream talk. Kazuto Mogami thought that this kind of lines can only be heard in animation.

Mogami Kazuto smiled and got off the bed lightly.

On the floor, the bedding laid out last night was in vain after all.

Kazuto Mogami went downstairs to wash up and start preparing breakfast for today.

About half an hour later, there was sand in the clear water with drowsy eyes, and he rubbed his eyes and went downstairs, standing on the stairs, staring blankly at Kazuto Mogami, who was busy in the kitchen.

"Good morning, Yousha."

"Well... good morning, Kazuto-san."

She yawned loudly, still looking as if she hadn't woken up.

"We'll be able to eat in a while."

Qing Shui Yousha touched the handrail of the stairs, nodded, and stood still. After about ten seconds, his eyes gradually became clear.

Thus, Mogami's morning officially began with Miss Shimizu's shocking scream.

Kazuto Mogami, who was shaking the frying pan, was taken aback, turned off the fire quickly, and ran towards Shimizu Yusha where the screaming ended.

"Is there sand? What's wrong with you?"

"do not come!"

Kazuto Mogami looked at the petite girl standing on the stairs with a bewildered expression, and gradually squatted down, covering her blushing face with her hands.

"I, I... I... did that kind of thing last night."

Ahhh... finally found out about my anomaly?

"There is sand."

She showed the gap between the ten fingers of both hands, and stared at Kazuto Mogami with her eyes along the gap between her fingers.

Mogami Kazuto hesitated for a while, and said, "Last night's one had sand, so it was a bit dirty."


Boom boom boom!
Qingshui Yousha shouted "Heren-sang, that idiot", and ran upstairs without looking back, staying at the top and smiling wryly at Heren.



At breakfast time, relying on the delicious sandwiches, the mood of clear water and sand finally calmed down.

At this time, the two were sitting at the dining table, conducting the replay of last night.

Although this was a rather embarrassing thing, Qing Shui You Sha kept blushing and bowed her head without speaking.

In order to prevent the relationship between the two of them, who had just begun, from becoming deformed, Mogami and Kazuto became active and made a certain love contract.

In principle, within three months of dating, it is not suitable to have some kind of man-made behavior.

It doesn't mean that you can have fun after three months, nor does it mean that you can't do it within three months.

It's just that that kind of thing pays attention to letting nature take its course and taking its course.

Kazuto Mogami strictly prohibited Shimizu Yousha's overly blunt seduction behavior like last night.

The most fundamental reason for this regulation of Kazuto Mogami is to hope that Shimizu Yousha can correctly view their relationship as lovers.

So far, Qingshui Yousha is still immersed in the forbidden thought of "I tied you up without authorization". For this reason, her thoughts and behaviors will be very extreme at certain times.

Like last night.

If the atmosphere is really good, and the two want to do it from the bottom of their hearts, Kazuto Mogami will not refuse that kind of thing.

After all, this is to protect clear water with sand.

Prevent her from causing an irreparable situation because of her impulsiveness.

Kazuto Mogami has made up his mind to become her true lover.

So the first thing to do is to establish an equal relationship with each other, and clear away the deep-rooted giving personality in Qingshui Yousha's heart.

This is Mogami Kazuto's understanding of love. It may be somewhat oblique and somewhat pretentious, but it is precisely because of this that he feels that it is essential.

At Qing Shui You Sha's request, she kissed good morning, and then she went out happily.

She didn't have a job this morning, so she said she was going back to her apartment and brought back some clothes. It seemed that she planned to stay for a long time.

Now that she has the key to Moshang's house, Moshang and the people can no longer control her, but only ask her not to get too complacent, and then she will be caught by the media.

After Shimizu Yousha left Mogami's house, Kazuto Mogami finished cleaning the kitchen and went out.

In the morning, I went to the editorial department for a discussion meeting. In the afternoon, I asked for two songs from the new April animation, as well as a radio program. In the evening, he arranged to write at home.

In the coffee shop downstairs of the editorial department, Mogami Kazuto met Natsuki Yuta, and the other party apologized for yesterday's incident as soon as he came up, and Mogami Kazuto said he didn't care.

In addition to showing Natsuki Yuta part of the original manuscript of the fifth volume, the date and place of the signing event have also been set, and a promotional poster has been prepared, which will be announced on the Internet soon.

In addition, Kazuto Mogami had a look at the first chapter of the comic version of "Traveling" that is being drawn. Although it is not as exquisite as the illustrations drawn by Mr. Fukasaki, it is also above the standard of light novel comics today.

As the original author, Kazuto Mogami knows nothing about manga, and he can't say anything other than "I hope the original plot of the novel will be maintained in the future".

However, when adapting manga, reasonable deletions and revisions are all within the normal category, and Kazuto Mogami is tolerant of this.

But if it is completely original, to the extent of being an "original shredder", let him be spared.

After dealing with the matter of the novel, Kazuto Mogami rushed to the recording studio to record the theme song of April Fan.

One is the ending song of "Volleyball Captain". This time it is the second season of the animation. I heard that the original author of the comic personally named him, hoping to sing for the new animation.

Another song is the highlight of the original animation in April, produced by the production company Bones

Kazuto Mogami has always been dominated by high-explosive rock and roll styles, with a passionate and middle-aged voice, which is very suitable for fighting and sports dramas.

Compared with when he first entered the industry, Mogami Kazuto's workload has obviously increased, especially the broadcasting area.

Unlike the rejection in the past, Kazuto Mogami now has a goal to work hard for, remembering what Shimizu Yusa said to him, and slowly began to chat with the staff around him during work breaks.

It's just that Mogami Kazuto didn't have the confidence to say something interesting, and he was afraid of creating a cold atmosphere, so he was basically echoing others.

"Totsuka-san looks a bit taciturn. I thought he was a difficult person to get along with. It's great to be able to talk to you."

It was the first time that Kazuto Mogami was said that in person, and it might be a little too much to say that he was flattered, but it wasn't a bad feeling.

After the recording was over, Kazuto Mogami took the tram to another recording studio, preparing to record a radio program with Ayane Sakura.

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(End of this chapter)

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