After getting married, a popular seiyuu suddenly moved to my house

Chapter 328 322. I have a good relationship with Totsuka-san.

Chapter 328 322. I have a good relationship with Totsuka-san.

As soon as Kazuto Mogami stepped into the recording studio, he saw Ayane Sakura who was holding the script and sitting on a chair to read the script seriously.

Today's radio show doesn't need to show her face, she looks bare.

In retrospect, except for Ayane Sakura, all the female voice actors in his impression had glamorous faces, and only Ayane Sakura would always face the sky.

I don't know if she is relying on her natural beauty, or she is simply too lazy to put on makeup.

"Morning, Sakura."

Kazuto Mogami walked over to say hello.

Sakura Ayane raised her head upon hearing that, "Good morning, Totsuka-san."

Because there are other staff members around, Ayane Sakura did not call him "Sanren-kun".

"Mr. Totsuka, this is today's script."

The female staff at the side handed him the script, and Kazuto Mogami smiled politely and thanked him gently.

The female staff was stunned for a moment, then ran away blushing.

After Kazuto Mogami sat down next to Ayane Sakura, Ayane Sakura covered her face with a notebook and moved closer to Kazuto Mogami.

She asked in a low voice, "Did you eat something unclean today?"

"Why do you say that?"

"You laughed so disgustingly just now, I'm getting goosebumps."


Mogami Kazuto hesitated for a while, and said, "Is it so strange?"

"Because you usually don't greet people with a smile at all."

"I think I'm very polite to the staff."

"You should be more polite to me!"

Sakura Ayane immediately raised her eyebrows.

It seemed that she involuntarily raised the volume and attracted the attention of the surroundings. She immediately sat up straight and pretended to be reading the desk.

When the eyes around him faded away, Sakura Ayane came closer again.



"Let's discuss with you."

"I'll probably say no."

"I haven't said anything yet!"

"Can't you be so gentle with me? Just like just now."

Mogami Kazuto looked at her strangely.

Sakura Ayane immediately realized that her tone was wrong, and hurriedly waved her hands: "Ah no... I mean, can your attitude towards me be better? Just like my attitude towards you has changed."

"Huh? I don't know the meaning."

Sakura Ayane couldn't speak too bluntly, she glared at Mogami Kazuto angrily, but didn't speak.

Kazuto Mogami has nothing to do with her. Considering that he is determined to make good friends with everyone around him, Ayane Sakura is an unavoidable work partner.

So, Mogami Kazuto couldn't help but force a smile.

"Let's get along friendly, Caiyin-chan."


After the air froze for about three or four seconds, Kazuto Mogami felt embarrassed.

"What are you talking about?"

"Sorry, I still pretended not to say it. I'm so disgusted that I don't want to talk now."




The program is officially recorded.

"Hey... this month's guest, huh? Why is it Totsuka-san again?"

"Good evening everyone, I'm Totsuka Kazu, please give me your advice."

"Hey, Totsuka-san's appearance rate may be a bit high recently, I can always see you on various broadcasting occasions."

"Well, there have been rumors of me circulating in the industry recently. It is said that if I appear on a show, the audience rating will increase sharply."

"Let's not talk about whether there are such rumors, is it really good for me to say such things?"

"It doesn't matter, that's what the writer teacher wrote in the script. Although I am very puzzled, I can only read it accordingly."

Off the court, the writer teacher and all the staff burst out laughing.



"First of all, it's the first letter today, thank you "Black Pepper Burger No Black Pepper" Sang's letter. "

"Thank you very much." Mogami Kazuto echoed.

"Sakura-san, Totsuka-san, good evening, it's this pair again, laughing in brackets.

In fact, when I was eating at a certain restaurant some time ago, I saw two people who looked very similar to Sakura-san and Totsuka-san.

Eh? ? ! !

It wasn't until I saw that Sakura-san changed the official photo and confirmed the outfit on it, so I was convinced.

Seeing that the two have such a good relationship in private, I am also happy as a fan. If possible, I hope to hear interesting things about the two. "

"Ah this..."

Regarding the letters from the audience, they were all letters selected by staff-san in advance. As the host of the show, Ayane Sakura and Kazuto Mogami would not know the contents at first.

But since the staff put the letter up, it means that this is a topic that can be discussed.

" seems to be witnessed, um... how should I put it. I have a good relationship with Totsuka-san, so what everyone saw must be the truth.

Ahaha, I accidentally saw it. "

Mogami Kazuto was almost autistic when he heard it, and was almost beaten back to his original form. It's a good thing she can say "we have a good relationship".

But now that the show is still being recorded, Kazuto Mogami obviously couldn't piss her off as usual, so he had to pretend to be relaxed and said:
"Sakura-san, as a senior in the broadcasting industry, often instructs me on how not to cause accidents during broadcasting."

Kazuto Mogami is still good at telling lies.

"Hey! If you say that, doesn't it mean that I haven't taught it well at all!"

Mogami Kazuto let out a soft laugh that he had deduced.

"Well... I think everyone knows that Totsuka-san and I met before he debuted as a singer, and various things happened, and we became good friends.

I don't know if it can be called an interesting story, but everyone knows that Totsuka-san plays the guitar very well.

Once I ran into him at a musical instrument store in Ochanomizu, and I hoped to let him teach me two tricks, but I was rejected without hesitation, hahahaha. "

"It's not really funny."

Mogami Kazuto made complaints in a flat tone, which aroused the laughter of the staff.

"Really! What's wrong with teaching me two tricks! You are obviously a good friend!"

She can really speak.

Sakura Ayane neither told the truth nor lied, adhering to her usual style.

As for the last sentence "I'm a good friend", it was automatically classified by Kazuto Mogami into the character set of the program.

Don't say "our relationship is bad" on the show, Mogami Kazuto can understand.



At the same time, other recording studios.

Qing Shui You Sha is sitting in the backstage lounge at this time.

She had already gone back to the apartment this morning, brought some of the clothes she usually wore to the top house, and bought a lot of extra daily necessities.

Most of them are bought in pairs. She has been looking forward to matching things with her lover for a long time, and now she finally has the opportunity.

But Shimizu Yousha didn't really get carried away, she didn't forget her identity, so she decided to live in a high-end apartment in Shinjuku most of the time.

There is also a reason for worrying that Kazuto Mogami would find her annoying.

"Yousha, good afternoon, you came so early."

The door of the lounge was pushed open, Qingshui Yousha looked up, it was Saori Nishi whom he hadn't seen for a long time.

 Editor's notice, the 5th requires an explosive change, and a monthly ticket is booked, thank you.

(End of this chapter)

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