Chapter 329 323. She heard a voice.

Shimizu Yousa hadn't seen Saori Xiaonishi for a while, and this was the first time she had seen her since she had a formal relationship with Kazuto Mogami.

Having said that, today is only the third day of her official relationship with Kazuto Mogami.

This is an indescribable state of mind. From a bystander who witnessed their twisted relationship to a party involved, Shimizu Yousha became unable to communicate with Saori Xiaonishi with his previous attitude.

Even though she had awakened and prepared for a long time, and told herself time and time again in her heart that this was something she should bear, when this moment really came to reality.

She still couldn't help but be at a loss.

"Long time no see, Saori."

"It's true that I haven't seen you for a while, how are you doing recently?"

"Oh, that's alright."

There is sand in the clear water, and the smile is quite natural.

Xiao Xi Saori sat down on the chair opposite Qingshui Yousha, Qingshui Yousha looked calm, if it was before, she would have sat next to him.

Just like Ayane Sakura.

I don't know when they started to get along with each other, and there were scruples.

When did it start?

Qingshui Yousha smiled wryly to himself.

That kind of thing, she obviously knows best.

One after another, other voice actors came in, and they each raised their smiling faces and greeted the familiar and unfamiliar voice actors gently.

After entering the recording studio, the supervisor gave instructions to revise the script in hand and start today's work.

The unfinished fixed-frame painting is displayed on the LCD screen, and the voice actors are skillfully dubbing one by one.

Xiaonishi Saori's acting skills were as vivid as ever. Shimizu Yousa sat on the chair and watched silently, and waited for his character to appear on the stage, and stepped forward to record.

It started with her role playing against Saori Konishi in this drama.

Adjust your breathing, don't think about things other than work, and immediately immerse yourself in the mood of the character. The originally indifferent face shows the pride of a villain girl at this moment.

"Ala Ala~~A mere defeated dog really dares to appear in front of me."

"Who are you calling a loser, woman!"

"That's right, it's too rude for a dog."


"What! Are you going to fight!"



"Yousha, do you have work later?"

"Wait a while? should be gone."

"That's right, me too."

After the dubbing was over, the two female voice actors took the elevator downstairs together, and the tone of the chat was like a greeting with an unfamiliar work partner.

Feeling the shaking of the elevator coming from under his feet, Qing Shui Yousha opened his mouth, and hesitated to speak.

Xiao Xi Saori didn't let go of this detail, but she didn't take the initiative to ask, and she still smiled gently.

When they came to the first floor, Xiao Xi Saori bid her farewell, looking at the back of Xiao Xi Saori who was about to go away, Qing Shui You Sha made a sound after all.

"Arnold... Saori."

Xiao Nishi Saori turned her head and looked at her with a smile.

"Huh? What's wrong?"

Qing Shui You Sha hesitated, and slowly said: " have dinner together?"

Xiao Nishi Saori showed a slightly surprised expression, nodded, and said happily:




The two sat in the family restaurant, Shimizu Yousha returned the menu to the waiter.

"Let's do it first."

When the waiter went down, Xiao Nishi Saori showed a helpless expression: "What "let's do it first", didn't you see the expression of the lady clerk? "

"What can I do? I'm hungry. There are not many dishes in the family restaurant. I can only order a few more."

"Yes Yes Yes."

She is still the same as before.

There is sand in the clear water.

"However, it's a little unexpected that Yousha invited me out for dinner." Xiaoxi Saori said with a light smile.


"Well... how should I put it, Yousha basically doesn't contact me recently, and hasn't visited my house for a long time."

That's right, all the places she went to went to the top family.

"Ah! I'm not complaining about anything, it's just that... when Yousha is not around, I feel a little lonely."

Xiao Nishi Saori always smiles and says something thought-provoking.

No matter how subtle the words are, Qing Shui Yousha has to over-interpret them, trying to figure out what Xiao Xi Sazhi is really thinking.

Maybe she was unintentional, but now there is sand in the clear water, it is no longer possible to get along with her like before.

When Mogami Kazuto was involved in the friendship between them, even if Shimizu Yousha wanted to have no grudges from the bottom of her heart, she couldn't do it.

There is sand in the clear water, and it is not so strong yet.

It's just that she thought, maybe this kind of thinking is wrong, and it's not that Mogami Kazuto intervened in them.

It was she who intervened with Mogami Kazuto... and Mogami Saori.

"By the way, it seems that there will be a special enevt held by the Electric Library in a while, and Yusha will go there too."

Qingshui Yousha seems to have heard about this from his agent.

Today's TV animation is indispensable for lightly modified works. As a seiyuu, it is quite normal to attend such activities held by the library.

"Well, I will go."

Xiao Nishi Saori nodded with a smile: "Maybe Caiyin will go too."

"That's it."

Qingshui Yousha's emotions can't be said to be low, indeed they can't be said to be high, Xiaoxi Saori couldn't help but asked worriedly: "What happened?"


"Because of today's Yousha, it seems that I'm not in a good mood. Aren't we good friends? It's normal to care about friends."

That's right, that's what I said, if it's a friend, it's only natural for her to care about her.

It's just that their current way of getting along, can they really be described as "friends"?
Clear water with sand gradually became incomprehensible.

Logically speaking, Qingshui Yousha believes that there is nothing wrong with his approach.

Just emotionally speaking, I once supported their relationship and tried to be the glue between them.

But in the end, instead of bringing them together, he got himself into it.

Whether it's Kazuto Mogami or Saori Konishi, Shimizu Yousa thinks that both of them have problems.

One does nothing and one says nothing.

How can we achieve mutual understanding?

If someone made a mistake among them, then I must be the one who made the most outrageous mistake.

"I look, am I in a bad mood?"

"Well... how should I put it, she looked worried, and I wondered if something happened."


"Could it's about being with people?"

Qingshui Yousha didn't know what expression he had when he heard the name from her mouth, but Xiao Xi Saori showed a dazed expression when he saw her like this.

"Well, it seems that it's about being with people. He is rather clumsy, but he was obviously a smart kid when he was young.

Presumably in the process of getting along, I will definitely do some embarrassing things for you, sorry. "

Qingshui Yousha was silent for a while, and was inexplicably ignited by a flame of anxiety.

"Why, Saori wants to apologize for Kazuto-san?"

She asked rather forcefully.

"Huh?" Saori Xiaoxi was obviously taken aback by Shimizu's sandy tone.

Why use such a tone.

I obviously didn't want to talk to Saori like this.

"What position is Saori using now to say such things to me?"

do not talk.

Stop talking.

"Although Saori said she was Kazuto-san's ex-wife, in fact, you didn't have that kind of relationship at all, right?"


Why can't you control yourself?

Why did you say something that would make Saori sad.

"I've already formally dated Kazuren-san."

at this time.

I did hear that.

In the corner of my heart.

It's called the sound of broken friendship.

(End of this chapter)

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