After getting married, a popular seiyuu suddenly moved to my house

Chapter 330 324. The sadness of girls is not connected.

Chapter 330 324. The sadness of girls is not connected.

Snowflakes piled up on the roof of the school building, and scattered white cotton wool fell from the sky. Through the classroom windows, students in winter uniforms were clearing the snow on the playground.

Which devil teacher figured out to let elementary school students clean up the snow on a snowy day.

I can't help but have such thoughts in my heart.

I looked out of the classroom out of boredom. A girl was standing in the corridor, talking to a boy. Even through the window, I could see the shyness on her face.

I remember that she was next door, she seemed to be called Sakuma-san, and gave the impression that she was a good student who studied very hard, but I didn't expect to show such an expression.

It didn't take long for her to turn around and leave, and someone came in from the back door of the classroom with a soft smile on her face.

He must have come to find someone to confess to again.

What a pity.

Obviously a very cute girl.

"Heren! Let's go play together after school today, and buy this week's "JUMP" by the way."

"Sorry, not today."

"Hey~~~ You said the same thing yesterday, when will it work?"

"Sorry, I made an appointment to go home with Saori today."

"Playing with girls again! Stupid~ stupid~ stupid~"

Boys in the fourth grade of elementary school have very poor vocabulary, so I think boys are very naive.

"Let's go together next time."

Only Kazuto showed a completely different gentleness and calmness from others. Every time I saw his echoing smile, I couldn't help suspecting that he was not our peers.

However, I do know.

Only I know.

Belonging to Kazuto's... childish side.

On the way back from school, I breathed into my hands. Tokyo in February is very cold, perhaps even colder than Hokkaido.

Although I have never been to Hokkaido.

Kazuto is always by my side.

The phrase "promise to go home with Saori" is a lie.

But it is a fact that we go home together, and there is no way around it. We are neighbors, and the way home is the same.

Suddenly, a touch of red appeared in front of his eyes.

With a cold face on purpose, I turned to look at him.

With his white neck bare, Kazuto handed me the scarf his mother knitted for him.

I also have the same one, which was woven by Heren's mother for me, because she was reluctant to use it, and put it in the closet in the bedroom.

And the one I usually use, I forgot on the bed when I went out in the morning.

At this time, there must have been a rift in the relationship between me and Heren.

I drew a line called "break up" in my heart without authorization, but he turned a blind eye to it and still took the trouble to please me.

Or rather, attempted aggression.

"Thank you, but I'm fine and I'll be home soon."

"That's it."

Kazuto stuffed the scarf into the schoolbag very decisively, and together with me, I felt the cold touch of the cold wind penetrating into the skirt, with a smile on my face that made the hearts of girls of the same age.

"Is it okay not to go?"

I asked.


"Sakuma-san, such a serious person would not suddenly confess in broad daylight. He should ask you where to go after school and prepare to confess."

"Saori, did you see that?"

"Take a glance, and guess the rest."

"I'm so happy, Saori has been watching me."

I silently took a step aside.

He took a step closer to me.

"That's probably what happened, but I said I wouldn't go, but she said she would always wait for me in the gymnasium."

"I think it's better to go there for a while, isn't it pitiful to let the girl wait there all the time?"

"But I've already refused, and... I also want Saori to go home with me."

Ah... that's it.

The smile and thoughtfulness he showed seemed to be fabricated fakes.

Why can it be said so simply?

Since you can do this to others, why do you still appear by my side like a normal person after I refuse?

That's it.

And man, why don't you understand?
What I can't stand is your childishness.


Time has passed, and in retrospect, I was not inferior to Kazuto in my childishness at that time.

Even more childish than him.

Just like I unilaterally declared my break with him in my heart.

Now, in Yousha's heart, is he also announcing a break with me?



"I've already formally dated Kazuto-san."

Yousha's expression looks very sad, it should be a declaration of victory, no matter how tough you say it, I won't blame you.

Because, I already knew this would be the result.

It's my choice that made it what it is, I know you'll embrace him and you'll move into the best home someday.

Although I haven't seen that step yet, presumably, you will become the most sandy one.

You are a better fit for this surname than me.

But why did he show such a sad expression?

With a seemingly tough attitude, it conceals that fragile heart.

Is it because, do you still see me as a friend?

I'm very good at acting, playing a nonchalant smile, playing a tearful grief.

But at this moment, I don't know what expression I should use to comfort Yousha.

Because we are friends, I understand what a gentle girl Yousha is.

Who encouraged me in the past to encourage me late at night, and Kazuto would go on a trip with me.

I know all this.

Because I have read the "script".

I've seen it the number of times it disgusts me.

But in the script, your current expression does not appear.

I lowered my eyes slightly, not wanting her to notice my true mood at this moment.

Compared with his childhood, he has indeed changed.

Become more withdrawn, more naive, and more incomprehensible than ever.

It also became, closer to the tenderness I imagined.

If he was what he is in the first place, maybe it wouldn't have developed like that between us.

I sincerely wish him happiness.

Of course, so do you.


"Isn't that great, congratulations."

I said this to Yousha.

Yousha just kept looking at me and didn't speak.

"I've said it before, I think Yusha is a good match with others, he is very fragile and needs a gentle girl who will always be by his side.

Yousha is more suitable for this role than me. "

"It's not fragile to be with others!"

I was a little surprised by her tough attitude, but I couldn't refute it.

"That's right, the me now must not be able to understand him better than you. I'm sorry, I said something strange."


"As you said, Kazuto and I didn't have that kind of relationship at first, so Yousha don't have to worry about me. You know, I don't like Kazuto's type of men."

"Does your sentence mean "I don't like Kazuto-san, so it doesn't matter if I give it to you"? "

Today's sand is really strange.

Like a weak hedgehog, enduring the pain and pulling out the hard thorns one by one, pointing the sharp thorns at me, the end held by her hand was full of her blood.

For this, I am extremely uncomfortable.

I didn't choose the script for you to be together just to see your expression.

It's me, did I do something wrong?
(End of this chapter)

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