After getting married, a popular seiyuu suddenly moved to my house

Chapter 342 336. She has a chapter to say about meeting her parents.

Chapter 342 336. She has something to say about meeting her parents.

Kazuto Mogami didn't know how to answer the conversation. In the distance, there was a call from the nurse, who seemed to be looking for her.

She smiled at Mogami Kazuto: "I should go, villager A."


"See you."

She trotted for a few steps, and then gradually changed to a slow walk. Her back looked extremely thin, as if the wind would dissipate like a dandelion.

Kazuto Mogami returned home without a word. His father had already had dinner and went back to his room to rest.

Mogami Kazuto ate something casually and cleaned up the kitchen.

Under the TV in the living room, saw his single CD, Kazuto Mogami smiled, and then went to take a shower.

After returning to the bedroom, Kazuto Mogami called Shimizu Yousha and began to report on today's situation.



"Is aunt all right?"

"Well, it shouldn't be a big problem, but the doctor suggested that she should be hospitalized for observation for a few days. I also want her to rest well, and she will be discharged from the hospital in about two days."

"That's good. I was so nervous when I saw the news during the day, but I'm very busy with work today, so I don't have a chance to ask. Sorry."

"You don't need to apologize, it has nothing to do with you."

"That's what you say, but we are lovers."

"Then... do you want to visit her in the hospital?"


"If Yousha can come to visit her, I think my mother will be very happy."

"This, this, this...does this mean to take me to meet my parents?!"

Through the phone, Kazuto Mogami could hear her shaking.

"Uh...the statement may be a bit strange, but the result should be the same. Don't you want to?"

"How could it be!? Of course I am willing... Ugh! Oops!"

"what happened?"

"I'm going to Saitama to attend an event tomorrow. I'll leave in the morning and won't be back until the evening."

"Don't be in a hurry to insist on tomorrow, just wait until you are free."

"But didn't Heren-sang say that he would only stay in the hospital for two days, in case the aunt is discharged from the hospital..."

"Then come directly to my house, they will definitely welcome you."


"Why don't you speak?"

"Heren-san, is it intentional?"


"Because I can't touch you now, I deliberately said these sweet words of love to make me want to kiss you."

Mogami Kazuto couldn't laugh or cry, her inner drama was too much.

Moreover, this should not be considered a love story.

"What a jitter."

"Anyway, as long as there is sand, you are happy."

"I'm not happy! Oh no! I'm happy!"

"Where is it?"

"Woo... Heren-sang, you are really wicked."

Kazuto Mogami laughed.

"...He Rensang."


"I miss you."


"We can meet tomorrow night."


"Then...after tomorrow night's live broadcast, will Heren-sang go back to your parents' house?"

"Probably not coming back. It was already late at that time, and it's not good to disturb my dad's sleep."

"That's it, hehe~~"

"Why do you sound happy?"

"Well, tomorrow night... I want to go back to Moon Island with you."

"This is really a rare visitor."

"Really, please don't say such yin and yang words!"

Mogami Kazuto laughed again.

"Kazu-san, you've become a lot of laughing lately."

"It seems so, isn't it good?"

"I'm not saying it's bad, I'm just thinking that Kazuto-san will be more popular with girls now than before, and I feel a little complicated."

"I'm the one who likes men with sand, probably all over the country, no, it should be said that it's all over the world."

"I'm not talking about fans, and Kazuto-san always changes the topic like this."

"Okay, don't worry, don't think about these weird things, you have work tomorrow morning, go to bed early."

"...That's right, Heren-sang should go to bed early too."


"Good night, Heren-san."

"Good night."



The next day, Kazuto Mogami got up early, prepared breakfast for his father, and then took a taxi to the hospital with the porridge.

When Kazuto Mogami left the house, his father wasn't even awake.

Mogami Kazuto has always felt guilty about his mother.

Not only the mother, but also the father Junpei Mogami, because he has a secret that cannot be told to outsiders, which makes him always think that he is not doing well enough.

I'm afraid of hearing from them, "you were more sensible in the past", Mogami Kazuto doesn't want them to be sad.

By the time Mogami Kazuto arrived at the hospital, Mogami Chiyo had already woken up and was reading the novel written by Mogami Kazuto, but only read the second volume.

She smiled and said that she couldn't understand it, but this did not prevent her from enjoying watching it. Although Mogami Kazuto was a little embarrassed, he could only smile wryly and let her go.

Who made her his mother.

In addition, Mochiyo also complained about being bored in the hospital, hoping to go home early.

Mogami Kazuto knew that she didn't want to leave her father alone at home, and she still had thoughts of caring about money.

The concept of the older generation is, in essence, the same as his.

Kazuto Mogami felt sorry for his mother's fatigue and hoped to take this opportunity to give her a rest.

He has made his mother worry about him a lot in his previous life, and now he has lost the chance to repay her.

Kazuto Mogami put all his energy on his current parents, hoping that they will be happier in the future.

And most Chiyo felt sorry for her son's difficulty in making money, so she left her job to take care of her every day, worrying that she would become a burden.

Throughout the morning, Mogami and Kazuto stayed by the bedside, talking about what happened around them.

Because Mogami Kazuto didn't have any entertainment activities, and everything revolved around work every day, so he could only tell her about work.

Mogami Chiyo didn't dislike it at all, and showed great interest, but what Mogami Kazuto didn't expect the most was that his mother knew Sakura Ayane's name, and Mogami Kazuto was immediately stunned.

Come to think of it, my mother often searched his name on the Internet.

Mokamiyo told him with a smile.

As long as you enter the three words "Totsuka Kazu" in the search bar, a pop-up will be "the relationship between Totsuka and Sakura Ayane", which makes Kazuto Mogami very embarrassed.

At noon, my mother ate a nutritious meal provided by the hospital, and she urged Kazuto Mogami to go out to eat.

Kazuto Mogami couldn't stand his mother's nagging, so he went to the small restaurant in front of the hospital and took a casual bite.

When he returned to the ward, his mother was already asleep.

Kazuto Mogami didn't want to disturb her, so he left the ward.

Mogami Kazuto, who was bored, was going to find a quiet place to read a book. After wandering around, he came to a certain rest area.

There are many young children here, the youngest is only about four or five years old, and the older ones are only about ten years old.

They were all dressed in patient clothes, sitting there crowded together, forming a circle, all of them concentrating.

In the center of the circle, a beautiful woman with long hair is holding a picture book, sitting there bent over, telling fairy tales.

 There is one thing to say, since my mother knew that I was writing a novel about urban love and emotional disputes, she pestered me every day and said:

  "Why don't you tell me what you're writing about, why are you doing this, your mother, I like watching this kind of emotional drama the most."

  I am desperate.

(End of this chapter)

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