After getting married, a popular seiyuu suddenly moved to my house

Chapter 343 337. The voice that belongs to her.

Chapter 343 337. The voice that belongs to her.

Mogami Kazuto watched from afar.

Surrounded by the children, the woman gently brushed her hair back behind her ears, and read the content of the story in a straight voice.

When encountering the lines spoken by the characters on the stage, they will change their tone. The princess, knight, and king imitate vividly.

The afternoon sun shines through the window, and the girl shows a peerless smile, feeling the baptism of the sun, and every word she speaks is extremely sacred.

Children who are plagued by various illnesses have smiles on their faces, and wherever they look, there are girls.

Even Kazuto Mogami couldn't help but be moved by this warm and peaceful scene, leaning against the wall, listening to her voice quietly.

It doesn't seem like a bad thing to pass the time like this.

"Sister Lisha is amazing! Her voice is like a real princess!"

"Hmph! It doesn't matter if you praise me a few more times!"

"Douya, don't interrupt! I still want to listen to my sister's story."

"Ah! It's the big brother I met yesterday!"

I don't know which child yelled, and Kazuto Mogami, who was leaning aside without speaking, suddenly felt countless gazes.

The woman sitting among the children also looked at him when she heard this.

"Ah! Villager A, you are here!"

She laughed and waved to Kazuto Mogami.

Seeing this, Kazuto Mogami had no choice but to walk over.

"Good afternoon, uh..."

Kazuto Mogami doesn't know her last name yet.

"Pear yarn."

"Is this the last name?"

She smiled noncommittally.

"If you want to listen, you can sit closer."

A child moved a small bench and smiled sweetly at Kazuto Mogami. After hesitating for a while, Kazuto Mogami said thank you and sat down here.

Lisha glanced at him, then looked away, and read the story book in her hand seriously.

Her voice is very contagious, and Kazuto Mogami can imagine the scene in the book after reading a narration.

Her movement of turning the pages of the book did not cause a single sound, which was extremely comforting.

Kazuto Mogami couldn't figure out how to make the pages so obedient.

In the middle, Lisha coughed a few times, meeting the children's eagerly looking eyes, she didn't even take a sip of the water she put aside, and continued to tell them stories.

One by one, everyone was fascinated by it.

After finally finishing reading the fairy tale book in her hand, Lisha just took a sip of water when the little girl sitting beside her handed out another book.

"Can you read mine this time? My mother just bought it for me yesterday. I want to hear sister Lisha read it to me."

"Tommy-chan, Elder Sister Lisha, she is already very tired, so you can't say such capricious words."

"But... people really want to hear it."

Lisha smiled gently, patted the regretful little girl on the head, and said softly, "It's ok, my sister hasn't said enough yet."

"Really? Great!"

She took the fairy tale book from the little girl, clenched her left hand close to her mouth, and coughed twice.

Mogami Kazuto noticed her pale face and couldn't help feeling compassionate.

"It's better not to force it."

Lisha glanced at him in surprise: "How can this be done? Don't you want to disappoint such a beautiful little girl, and I also like to tell stories, so it's okay."

Kazuto Mogami stopped talking.

Lisha opened the book, and the soft and beautiful voice spread out, causing all the children beside her to enter a state of concentration.

"long long ago……"

She insisted on telling the story, and the state at first was not bad, but as the story progressed, Kazuto Mogami noticed that the state of her voice had changed.

The most obvious thing is that the breath becomes short, and the original soft voice gradually adds a bit of rigidity.

Others may not be able to hear it, but Mogami Kazuto has Lv4 dubbing skills and is extremely sensitive to changes in the human voice.

Apparently, her voice wasn't in great shape.

After every three lines, she would cough lightly. The older children would care about her voice, and only the younger ones would be eager to know the follow-up development of the story.

Mogami Kazuto sighed in his heart, secretly thinking that he should not have the habit of meddling in his own business before.

Now I don't know why, where there is trouble, I will drill there.

He involuntarily took the book in Lisha's hand, her voice stopped abruptly, and she just wanted to ask him what he was doing, but she couldn't help coughing.

Kazuto Mogami ignored her, adjusted his voice, and blurted out a beautiful female voice.

Can't say whether they are similar, just that they are exactly the same.

A little boy listening to a story with his eyes closed doesn't even notice that the narrator has changed.

Risa stared at Kazuto Mogami dumbfounded, she forgot to cough at this moment, and listened to his acting in a daze.

A tender girl, a ruthless killer, an evil witch, and a benevolent old man.

Every character on the stage is given a different voice, without any sense of disobedience.

There is no trace of stagnation or hesitation in the voice switching between the characters and the narration, just like a magic skill.

Compared with telling a story, his telling is more like a movie without pictures.

It was the first time that Lisha heard such a changeable voice from someone's mouth.

Even the top voice actors in the industry can't do this step.

This can no longer be called imitation.

His voice was more like her own than her own.

So at that time, she would say that kind of thing.

This is the voice.

What she misses so much, what she can't get back, belongs to...

The voice of Tanada Lisa.



After reading the curtain of the story, the children beside them all showed unsatisfactory and cheerful expressions. You can tell from their expressions that they like Mogami Kazuto's performance very much.

Kazuto Mogami is not a high-profile guy, and he never thought of using this skill to accomplish much.

For him, telling stories like this to children and seeing their smiling faces at the end is rewarding.

His idea is that simple.

When it was time to go back to the room to rest, the children were urged to go back to the room by the nurse. They all smiled and waved goodbye to the two of them.

Kazuto Mogami smiled and waved goodbye to them as well.

He looked at Li Sha, who was sitting motionless, and asked, "Don't you need to go back to your room to rest?"

"I'm not a child, I don't need to take a nap."

Kazuto Mogami smiled upon hearing this.

"Hey, can I ask you something?"

"You said."

"Where did you learn dubbing?"

"I didn't study."

"It's a lie, I don't believe it. You think I'm deaf, and I can't tell that you have received professional training? The voice can be natural, and acting skills can't lie."

"I really haven't learned it."

"If you don't say it, don't say it, play mystery."

Mogami Kazuto could only smile wryly.

 The second update, there will be another update later.

(End of this chapter)

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