After getting married, a popular seiyuu suddenly moved to my house

Chapter 352 346. "Heren-kun" and "Miss Caiyin".

Chapter 352 346. "Heren-kun" and "Miss Caiyin".

Because she had to go to the office at noon, Ayane Sakura was not able to accompany Taneda Risa for too long.

After staying for a while, he said goodbye and left.

Just out of the gate of the inpatient department, I was thinking about how to get to the office, vacillating between trams and taxis.

She didn't drive when she went out today. She took a taxi directly to the hospital in the morning.

Just as she was thinking, an annoying familiar figure standing not far away caught her attention.

The corner of her mouth rose for a moment, and she pressed it down again. With a cough, she couldn't help but quicken her pace and walked towards him.

Before reaching him, her voice came over.

"Ah! Despicable Lord! What a coincidence!"

The moment Kazuto Mogami saw that pretty face, the trouble detector in his body sounded an alarm after a long absence.

His intuition told him that meeting Sakura Ayane here would be a very troublesome thing.

If possible, he wanted to take his mother with him right now and turn around and run away.

But obviously, he couldn't do this kind of thing.

If you want to ask why...

"And, Kazuto, is that little girl... the Sakura-san who often makes shows with you?"


When Kazuto Mogami was silent, Ayane Sakura had already come to them.

"Hey, Jun Ren, why are you ignoring me?"

She didn't seem to see Mogami Chiyo standing next to Mogami Kazuto, all eyes were on him, so that she couldn't look at Mogami Chiyo carefully.

"Scrubs... people?"

Mochiyo frowned suspiciously.

"No! She said "Kazuto-kun", Mom, you heard it wrong. "

Kazuto Mogami immediately explained to his mother beside him, while winking at Ayane Sakura.

Sakura Ayane noticed Mogami Chiyo next to Mogami Kazuto, and stayed in place, carefully recalling what Mogami Kazuto said just now.

This guy... seems to have said, "Mom" just now?
Eh? !

Is this auntie the mother of Jun Ren? !
Sakura Ayane wanted to read some information from Mogami Kazuto's face, but saw him frowning at her.

Ayane Sakura was just nervous, not stupid, and immediately took what Kazuto Mogami said.

"Ah, that's right! I said "Kazuto-kun", you misheard, Auntie. "

Mogami Kazuto breathed a sigh of relief.

"Hello, Auntie, it's our first time meeting you. My name is Ayane Sakira, and it's your son's...uh..."

"Ordinary colleagues!"

Kazuto Mogami rushed to answer.

He didn't notice Sakura Ayane's frown for a moment.

"This is Ms. Sakura, we often do shows together, you know."

"Hi, Ms. Sakura, ah~~ She is more beautiful in real life than on the screen, she is so handsome."

Sakura Ayane smiled shyly, and brushed her sassy short hair: "'s nothing like that, it's auntie, she looks like Kazuto-kun's older sister."

Mogami Kazuto was stunned, it was the first time he saw such a look on Sakura-san's face.

Especially, hearing the name "Kazuto-kun" from her mouth made him feel uncomfortable for no reason.

"Miss Sakura can really talk, and, "Kazuto-kun"...heh. "

Mokamiyo snickered and glanced at his son beside him.

Mogami Kazuto laughed awkwardly: "Then what, this is Ms. Sakura, she has already introduced herself, and she is an ordinary colleague with me."

"Ordinary colleagues call you He Renjun?"



Kazuto Mogami and Ayane Sakura stopped talking.

After all, Mochiyo is a person who has been here before. Seeing that the two young people did not speak, his thoughts immediately fluttered in his heart, and he showed a gentle smile.

"Miss Sakura, are you here today?"

"Visiting friends."

"I see." Mochiyo nodded.

Sakura Ayane used very standard honorifics, and her attitude when facing the elders was obviously very different from when she was treating Kazuto Mogami.

Anyway, Ms. Sakura is a lady of every family. Although she is a little arrogant, she will definitely abide by the most basic etiquette.

This led to the fact that Ms. Sakura's first impression on Mogami Chiyo was quite good.

Kazuto Mogami didn't want to bother to chat with his mother anymore, so he tugged at his mother's sleeve and said, "Mom, Ms. Sakura still has work later."

"Heren, it's too unruly."


Instead of answering Mogami Kazuto's words, Mogami Chiyo said something that confused him.

"Since Ms. Sakura calls you "Kazuto-kun", she naturally treats you as a friend, but you have always been Ms. Sakura, Miss Sakura, you are too natural.

Mom doesn't remember raising you to be such an ill-mannered kid. "


Kazuto Mogami could tell that his mother did it on purpose.

Could she be serious?
Kazuto Mogami looked at Ayane Sakura in embarrassment, hoping she could say a few words.

However, Ms. Sakura, who was always talking loudly and babbling endlessly, suddenly became dumb at this time, like a boudoir daughter, quietly saying nothing.

Mogami Kazuren was extremely angry, thinking what kind of obedient baby this woman is pretending to be.

"and people."

Mokamiyo called him again.

Kazuto Mogami couldn't bear his mother's tone, so he softened his attitude.

"Miss Caiyin and I are good friends."

Mokami Chiyo immediately showed a satisfied expression.

Mogami Kazuto looked at the corner of Sakura Ayane's slightly upturned mouth, and he knew that this woman must be laughing at him.

Kazuto Mogami had never been so helpless during this time.

Sure enough, my premonition was not bad at all, and trouble really came to the door.

What he didn't expect was that it wasn't Sakura Ayane who caused the trouble, but his own mother.

"Saki... Aya, Miss Ayane, you must be very busy at work."


Sakura Ayane couldn't get used to this name for a while, although Mogami Kazuto occasionally called her "Ayane-chan" jokingly, but it was all to disgust her.

But now, in front of the mother of the other party, she suddenly realized that this was an extremely shameful thing, and a pale pink blush quietly appeared on her originally fair face.

"Well... there are several recordings in the afternoon."

Her voice was soft and very pleasant.

"Mom, look, Miss Caiyin will have work soon, let's not delay her, it's not a problem to talk here."

"Well, you're right."

Unexpectedly, Mochiyo agreed very simply.

"That's how it is, Ms. Sakura, let Kazuto see you off, I just happen to be tired from walking, and it's time to go back to my room to rest."

Mochiyo pretended to clenched his fist and patted his back, making a tired gesture.

"Huh?" Kazuto Mogami froze in place.

"Kazuto, it's time for Mom to go back to her room and go to bed, so don't come here for a while, give Miss Sakura a treat."

"Mom, she has a car."

"I didn't drive here today." Sakura Ayane said suddenly.

"Look, Ms. Sakura has said so, so you can give it away."

Kazuto Mogami: "..."

 Second more.

  The third one is going to be very late, everyone can wake up tomorrow and watch it.

  Ask for a monthly pass.

(End of this chapter)

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