After getting married, a popular seiyuu suddenly moved to my house

Chapter 353 347. Anxiety is the vertigo of freedom.

Chapter 353 347. Anxiety is the vertigo of freedom.

The blue sky, the white clouds, the pleasant spring breeze, and the fragrance of cherry blossoms.

A light pink cherry blossom petal fell on his shoulder, and Kazuto Mogami gently brushed it off.

Ayane Sakura, who was walking beside her, gave him a sideways look.

"Don't you like cherry blossoms?"

"I can't say whether I like it or hate it, it's normal."


The two walked silently for a while, and Kazuto Mogami suddenly said, "I'm sorry about what happened just now."

"Why did you suddenly apologize? It's kind of disgusting."

"You don't like talking."

Sakura Ayane snorted with a nasal voice, although it was not flat, the breath was extremely pleasant.

After a pause, Mogami Kazuto said: "My mother said something strange, don't take it to heart."

Sakura Ayane looked at him sideways: "Does she know about you and Saori?"

"I already know about the divorce. She seems to think that we have a bad relationship, so she divorced."

Sakura Ayane's eyelids drooped slightly, she was a nosy person, that's why she did something outrageous to Kazuto Mogami at that time.

For the same reason, she would test out women who are friends on the radio.

But she still couldn't understand anything about Saori Xiaoxi.

I just feel that I can't understand that person more and more.

Miss Sakura let out a long sigh: "It's not easy for you, Mr. Xiaoren."

Kazuto Mogami glanced at her in surprise, but didn't answer.

"Why... why are you looking at me like that?"

"It's nothing, I just think you are easy to talk about today."

"Hmph! Did you only discover my charm until now? What a blind guy. But if you want to pursue me, you're not ready yet, please keep trying! I'm sorry!"

How many times do I have to be dumped by this guy?
Mogami Kazuto thinks.

Standing together in front of the sidewalk, the vehicles on the street surged back and forth, and the green signal lights in the distance flickered slightly.

Sakura Ayane stood up straight, her eyes turned into the distance, she didn't know what she was looking at.

"Hey, Lord Scrap."

"What's the matter, Caiyinjiang."

Mogami Kazuto wanted to disgust her on purpose, but Sakura Ayane was surprisingly unmoved.

"Is what you just said true?"


Kazuto Mogami was taken aback.

"Just in front of your mother."

Mogami Kazuto looked at her suspiciously, unexpectedly, she didn't have the usual troubled expression on her face.

Mogami Kazuto couldn't tell what her current expression would be like, and he was not interested in seeking out Sakura Ayane's sincerity.

"You said... We are friends, do you really think so? Or, is this just a rhetoric for you to deal with your mother?"


Kazuto Mogami didn't reply immediately, the time was like a signal light in front of him, after it turned red, the vehicles were stopped one after another.

Pedestrians surged around, only they were in the space where time was suspended, and no one took the first step among them.

They remained standing in front of the sidewalk until the next vehicle's green light came on.

"Your Majesty, do you really hate me?"

"Are you still talking about this?"

"I think so, too."

Ayane Sakura raised a defiant smile, still proud, still Ayane Sakura's smile.

I know.

I know all about it.

Ayane Sakura is a troublemaker, for you, you will definitely feel that it is better if I am not around.

Not only you, many people don't like me.

No one is liked by everyone, I've learned that a long time ago.

I don't care at all.

Ayane Sakura is an outstanding girl, as long as I firmly believe that, Ayane Sakura tomorrow will be even better than today.

But... why?

What does this inner anxiety mean?
He was obviously a scumbag who would casually hug girls on the street, and a cheating bastard who betrayed his wife.

It was supposed to be that way.

However, everything is far from what I imagined.

I put a label on him without authorization, but now, I have to take it off by myself.

Why would you allow me to associate with him?
Talking about how troublesome I am, yet condoning my waywardness again and again, I really don't understand this man.


Don't you want to be hated by him?
I don't understand.

I don't understand myself.



"It's a friend."


Sakura Ayane raised her head abruptly, her eyes wide open, staring at his profile in disbelief.

"Maybe it's my wishful thinking, but I may already regard you as a friend."

"Maybe? Why are you so ambiguous, give me some confidence! Bastard scumbag!"

Miss Sakura was in a hurry.

Mogami Kazuto suddenly laughed out loud.

"What's so funny." Sakura Ayane frowned dissatisfied.

Maybe she didn't realize that her current expression is more like acting like a baby than displeasure.

Fortunately, she couldn't see it.

"In fact, I have always envied you."


"Being more confident than anyone else, freer than anyone else, doing whatever I want, strong action, firm belief, these are things I never had."

"Are you mocking me?"

Sakura Ayane recalled what she had done to him.

Mogami Kazuto shook his head: "How come, it's the truth."


Sakura Ayane lowered her head, thinking about the meaning of his words.

The breeze blows by, dazed eyes.

Kazuto Mogami gently raised his hand, and the cherry blossom petals falling in the wind seemed to fall into his palm deliberately, and his whole body was covered in delicate pink.

Well-behaved, quiet, and motionless.

Riding the wind, the petals that experienced the journey that he can't know lie quietly in his palm.

He stared at the petals for a long time, and then blew lightly, letting the petals that once fell on his palm flap his wings again and ride the wind away.

"You really still hate Sakura."

Mogami Kazuto was silent for a short while, even quieter than when the cherry blossom petals fell on his palm.

Ayane Sakura turned her head away, unwilling to look at his face again.

It's disgusting to see.

Even if he is handsome, he hates it.

Even if it will eat super spicy curry for her.

Also still annoying.

most annoying.

There is no one more annoying and hateful than him.

Anyway, they hate each other, so why do you want to send me to the station, I don't need you to send me.

hateful!I'll just run away now, if you dare to catch up, I'll definitely yell molestation!
If you don't catch up, I...

Then you are dead!

Anyway, I'm a vexatious girl, I can do this kind of thing!

Her legs have never been able to step out.

No matter how unreasonable Miss Sakura's mood was, she still didn't leave without authorization, but stood silently beside Mogami Kazuto.

"I don't hate it."

Kazuto Mogami looked at the petals that were gradually receding in mid-air, his gaze was completely attracted by the flying petals, and he drifted into the distance with them.

"Flying in the air at will, extremely free, as if you can go anywhere, it is much more suitable to ride the wind than to stand still.

It is also much more beautiful.

I don't hate it.

sakura. "

 Third more.

  xdm, I have a showdown.

  I thought it was a secret that couldn't be told, but I think it's time to make it public.

  In this regard, I mustered up the courage and decided to tell you.

  in fact,

  I am Zozo.

(End of this chapter)

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