After getting married, a popular seiyuu suddenly moved to my house

Chapter 354 348. She is no longer a voice actor.

Chapter 354 348. She is no longer a voice actor.

"It's almost as good as sending it here."

Standing at the entrance of the station, Ayane Sakura said to Kazuto Mogami.

Kazuto Mogami nodded, said goodbye casually, and turned to leave.


Ayane Sakura suddenly spoke.

Kazuto Mogami turned his head and looked at her suspiciously.

"Is there anything else, Ms. Sakura?"

"Well...that's, and...and..."

"Ka? There should be no mosquitoes this season, right?" Mogami Kazuto asked doubtfully.

She met Mogami Kazuto's eyes and hesitated for a long time.

"There's nothing left! I'm leaving! Goodbye! Mr. Scrap!"

After finishing speaking, she trotted into the station without looking back.

Kazuto Mogami stood where he was, watched her disappearing figure, and shook his head.

On the way back to the hospital, Kazuto Mogami deliberately opened the panel to check.

The intimacy of Sakura Ayane was still covered by the mist, and there was no trace of dissipating, so he couldn't see the specific number.

Although Sakura Ayane looked a little strange during this time, her tone and attitude were not much different from before, and she always yelled disdainfully.

So Mogami Kazuto didn't take this matter to heart.

Compared to these, Kazuto Mogami has almost confirmed his thoughts.

Ayane Sakura will be at the hospital today, presumably to visit the friend she mentioned earlier.

Kazuto Mogami always thought that the girl he met in the hospital was named Risa, so he called her Miss Risa.

But now it seems that he has misunderstood.

That's not her last name.

After returning to the hospital, Kazuto Mogami walked into the ward and found his mother chatting with patients on other beds.

Seeing Kazuto Mogami suddenly appeared, she showed a very surprised expression.

"Heren, why did you come back so soon?"

"The station is not far away. I will send her to the station and come back."

"You child, if I ask you to give it away, do you really want to give it away?"

"if not?"

"You can invite someone to dinner, why are you so stupid."


Mogami Chiyo sighed: "Forget it, you have been actively pursued by girls since you were a child, it's normal if you don't understand these things."

After speaking, she sighed again.

Kazuto Mogami didn't know whether to laugh or cry, it was the first time he saw his mother treat him like this.

After coming out of the ward, Kazuto Mogami found a quiet place and called Dai Qiuhui.

Because his mother will be discharged from the hospital soon, he needs to make up for the work that has been left behind in the past few days.

Because Kazuto Mogami is an entertainer, he cannot complete the work alone without the presence of the staff.

He is especially sorry that his absence will disrupt the team's work process.

After re-customizing the future work schedule and apologizing repeatedly, Mogami and Kazuya hung up the phone.

Putting the phone back in his pocket, Kazuto Mogami shook his head and sighed, he was still not good at dealing with interpersonal relationships.

It made him feel very tired.

But he had no intention of running away.

As long as he bravely faces these things that he is not good at, one day, he will become better.

It's pointless to run away now.

"Why did I hear you sigh when I just came out?"

A girl's soft voice came from beside her ears.

Mogami Kazuto looked back, and saw Taneda Risa.

"Ah! Good afternoon, Villager A."

Mogami Kazuto nodded slightly, hesitated for a while, and said, "Good afternoon, Miss Taneda."

When she heard this, she blinked her beautiful eyes: "I don't remember that I told you what my last name is."

"Today, I met Miss Sakura."

"So you guessed it?"


"What, it's too late. If you are an industry insider, you should know who I am when you see my face."

"Sorry, as I said before, I'm not familiar with voice actors."

Kazuto Mogami did not lie.

Except for the few female voice actors who often appear around him, he really knows very little about voice actors.

Otherwise, I wouldn't have noticed today that the woman in front of me is the "Zang Jiang" that Ayane Sakura once told him.

Kazuto Mogami had checked her information at the time, but he forgot about it as soon as he turned around.

This has not changed at all, he is still not interested in female voice actors.

Taneda Risa sized him up for a long time, and smiled broadly: "Well, since Totsuka-san has apologized, I forgive you."

Kazuto Mogami didn't have the impression that she had mentioned her name, presumably she had discovered it a long time ago and kept deliberately refusing to mention it.

He didn't care about such trivial matters, and he didn't say his real name.

"Speaking of which, I should also thank Totsuka-san."

"How to say?"

"At that time, Caiyin asked you to do something, you should refuse her, I always wanted to say thank you."

She refers to the fact that Ayane Sakura wants to become a voice actor and play her role.

Kazuto Mogami didn't inquire too much about how that incident ended in the end, but he can guess it more or less. It must have been replaced by other voice actors.

This is a matter of course and unavoidable.

"It's nothing, I'm not interested in being a voice actor, no matter what she says, I will refuse."

Taneda Lisa gave him a surprised look: "You are so professional in acting, but you say you don't want to be a voice actor?"

"Is there a rule that if you have good acting skills, you must be a voice actor?"

"That's not true, I just think that if Totsuka-san becomes a voice actor, it will definitely be a big hit."

"Singing is as good as writing novels."

Kazuto Mogami answered very frankly, he doesn't like to talk around the bush now.

Taneda Risa chuckled: "Indeed, I almost forgot, Totsuka-san is so versatile."

Mogami Kazuto suddenly thought of the reason that Naneda Lisa in front of him used when he came to talk to him for the first time.

"Miss Tantian, did you recognize me when you saw me for the first time?"

Zhongtian Lisha blinked innocently: "Sa... who knows."

Kazuto Mogami was speechless.

"However, what I said at that time was the truth. I am a fan of Totsuka-san's books, although I have never bought your CD."

"Thank you for your love."

"I have always admired people who can write novels. With so many plots and characters, how can the arrangement be reasonable and not chaotic?"

"I think novelists all over the world should want to know the answer to this question, but not many people can do it."

"Really? I think Totsuka-san's writing is pretty good."

"There are quite a few people who scold you."

"But the sales volume is very objective, and there are also radio dramas and comics. According to this momentum, animation is not far away."

"I hope so."

Kazuto Mogami gave an ambiguous answer.

She smiled and sighed softly: "It's a pity, I'm no longer a voice actor, otherwise, I would also like to try Shessel's audition."


  Code words are really not as good as playing games.

  Woohoo, I want to play games.

(End of this chapter)

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