After getting married, a popular seiyuu suddenly moved to my house

Chapter 359 353. Busy April is about to begin.

Chapter 359 353. Busy April is about to begin.

The next day, Kazuto Mogami went to pick up his mother from the hospital, and everything went well.

He saw Gengtian Lisha again, she was sitting on a bench in the garden, telling stories to the children around her.

Kazuto Mogami just glanced at her from a distance, then went out with his mother, took a taxi, and drove away from the hospital.

It wasn't until the taxi disappeared that Naneda Risa, who had been reading picture books with her head down, raised her head and silently looked in the direction of the gate.


After sending her mother home, Mogami told her for a long time not to work too hard.

Ignoring Mochiyo's complaints, I contacted the housekeeping company specifically, and they came to clean it every week.

By the time Mogami Kazuto left Ueno and boarded the tram, it was already three o'clock in the afternoon.

I went to a nearby shopping mall to buy a lot of things, and walked into the King Records headquarters building with me.

This is the first time Kazuto Mogami went back to the company after the Zisheng broadcast, and apologized to Dai Qiuhui again, and apologized to the producers and staff who were present that day, and the matter is over.

Compared with these, Mogami Kazuto should now focus more on the work he has left behind these days.

After receiving the rescheduled schedule from Daiqiu Huina, Kazuto Mogami began to confirm each item.

It has only just entered April, and Kazuto Mogami has already received the theme song for this year's October show.

In addition, the music team has produced two of his singles in a row and is waiting for his return to record.

I am afraid that the second half of this year will be his peak release period.

In terms of radio programs, the first issue of "Totsuka Dining Hall" will be officially recorded next week, and the guest of the first issue will be Ayane Sakura.

For this reason, the company also arranged for him to go on the personal broadcast of Ayane Sakura again, intending to use the reputation of Ayane Sakura to create momentum for this program.

What Kazuto Mogami didn't expect was that Dai Qiuhui also specifically mentioned the autograph event he was going to hold this month.

Denki Bunko has already communicated with King Records, and the specific date has been set, and Kazuto Mogami just needs to clear the schedule for that day.

He doesn't need to worry about the time arrangement, and Dai Qiuhui will naturally arrange it for him.

The official recording will be tomorrow, and Kazuto Mogami will show up today to say hello and prepare to say goodbye when the time is almost up.

It happened to meet Ogura Yui who hadn't seen him for a long time. Seeing that the staff was distributing the condolences brought by Mogami Kazuto, Ogura Yui couldn't help but leaned forward curiously.

After asking for a while, I realized that it was Kazuto Mogami who brought it.

"Totsuka-san, are you leaving already?"

Someone from the side asked.

"Well, starting tomorrow, I will trouble everyone again."

Kazuto Mogami looked at the petite figure of only 1.5 meters.

"Okura-san, long time no see."

"Ah... Totsuka-san, long time no see, good afternoon."

Ogura Yui greeted Mogami Kazuto, she had already heard about the incident caused by Mogami Kazuto, and it was the first time she heard that someone would do that kind of thing on a live broadcast.

Although it did not cause a broadcast accident, in the eyes of the well-behaved and obedient Ms. Xiao Cang, this kind of behavior is still too brave, and she definitely can't do it.

I don't know what he's drawing.

Kazuto Mogami still remembers Yui Ogura's misunderstanding of him at the beginning. Although he didn't intend to have a good relationship with her, he still felt a little helpless to be considered a pervert by a young girl.

If possible, Mogami Kazuto still hopes to get along well with her.

From this point of view, Mogami Kazuto has indeed undergone certain changes.

In the past, when he encountered this kind of thing, most of the time he would just ignore the other party, and resolutely refused to have more entanglements with her.

Now he thinks more about it. Human relations are sometimes complicated and sometimes simple, but most of the time, they are full of considerable troubles.

But even if it was troublesome, he had to face it.

Don't escape, don't ignore, and show the truest self with a normal heart, this is the only thing he can do.

"Come to record?"

"Well, a new song is about to be released, and I will practice every day during this time."

"That's it."

Because he was taking care of his mother in the hospital, it was only natural that Kazuto Mogami didn't know.

He just felt puzzled, recording a song, does it need to be practiced every day?

That is to say, Kazuto Mogami doesn't know Yui Ogura's title of "Queen of Holy Music", nor has he heard her sing, otherwise he would not think so.

In terms of dancing and dubbing, Ogura Yui has the confidence to claim that he is a professional level, but in terms of singing, although he is a singer, his singing skills are really not flattering.

Even with the invincible and lovely voice bonus, if it is not tuned, it is at the karaoke level of high school students.

Standing in front of Ogura Yui is Mogami Kazuto, who can be called the singing ceiling of the younger generation of King Records today.

But if it were anyone, she would probably ask for advice humbly, but she couldn't say that to Mogami Kazuto. .

After all, that misunderstanding hit her too hard at that time.

Moreover, she still thinks Mogami Kazuto is a dangerous person to this day.

Ogura Yui still remembers Mogami Kazuto's remark of "borrowing the reason for teaching you to sing, and I will start with you".

The force of the blow was no less than that of the small note with the room number written on it.

Therefore, it is better not to get close to this person.

From the perspective of Mogami Kazuto, if Ogura Yuyi took the initiative to ask for advice, he would probably teach without hesitation.

But since Ogura Yui didn't have this idea, Kazuto Mogami naturally wouldn't make trouble.

When I left King Records, it was late at night, and I returned to Yuedao to go to the supermarket to buy ingredients for today's dinner.

After entering the house, he found that the house was clean and spotless. He thought it was a masterpiece of clean water and sand, so he smiled knowingly, rolled up his sleeves, and started cooking today's dinner.

When Mogami Kazuto put the dinner for two on the dining table, there was a sound of opening the door.

Accompanied by a sweet "I'm back", Qing Shui You Sha walked into the living room.

"You're back, Yousha."

Shimizu Yousha couldn't help but hugged Mogami Kazuto from behind, hehehe laughed.

"Go wash your hands first, it's time to eat."

Qingshui Yousha looked at the food for two on the table, and asked, "Kazuto-san, I probably never said I would come today."

"Aren't you always here these days when I'm not here?"

"Huh? Has it been discovered?"

"It's completely exposed."

"Hey hey~~"

"Okay, wash your hands and eat, tonight is your favorite hamburger."


Shimizu Yousha let go of Mogami Kazuto, tiptoed and kissed him on the face, then bounced to wash his hands.

Mogami Kazuto shook his head helplessly.

Although vitality is her strong point, but she is always like this, Mogami Kazuto gradually can't stand it anymore.

It's not that he has any resistance to her behavior, it's simply because she is too cute and worried about what he will do to her.

Of course, this kind of thing must never be said.

Otherwise, it might be more exciting if there is sand in the clear water, but she really wanted to do something with Mogami and others.

(End of this chapter)

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