Chapter 360 354. Diligent Mr. Mogami.

After dinner, Shimizu and Yousha washed dishes in the kitchen with Mogami Kazuto.

Fortunately, the space inside the cooking table is spacious enough, so Kazuka Mogami doesn't feel constrained.

According to Kazuto Mogami's thinking, he wanted to wash the dishes by himself, but the clear water and sand would stick to him.

Kazuto Mogami couldn't hold back her, so he let her go.

"Heren-sang, can you go out for a walk with me?"

"Walking? Well... that's fine."

It was already dark at this time, Shimizu Yousa put on a hat and a mask, and went out with Mogami Kazuto, walking on the slightly dark street.

The gentle evening wind blows on the face, which is very comfortable.

Qingshui's sandy hand was small and soft, and when he pinched it, he felt an indescribable throbbing.

There is no one on the street, thousands of lights are on, walking hand in hand with Qingshui Yousha, the surrounding scenery that has long been used to, seems to be a little more different.

Mogami Kazuto felt that Qingshui Yousha was very courageous, not only at night, but sometimes she dared to do this during the day, without any fear of being photographed by Wenchun.

After all, he is a well-known and popular voice actor. Although he is not as popular as a popular actor, it cannot be said that there is no possibility of being followed.

After all, the fact of coming to Tsukishima every day is already dangerous enough. If the world knows that they are living together, Mogami Kazuto can already predict that last year's scandal will surface again.

At that time, it was still very confident to deny it, but now it is completely true.

Kazuto Mogami couldn't help but want to praise the prophet to the person who wrote the report at the time.



"I met Saori on the set today."

"Isn't it already reconciled?"

"It's definitely a lie to say that it's the same as before. Although I reconciled, when I was with her, I still couldn't face her like I used to.

It's not Saori's fault, it's simply that I'm not strong enough.

Compared with friendship, I chose love, am I not qualified to reconcile with her? "

"What are you talking about now? Yousha has done a good job, and she will definitely understand you."

"Heren-san, do you really think so?"


"I'm very happy to hear you say that, even if it's a lie to me, I like to hear your lies."

Mogami Kazuto heard the words and fell silent.

Suddenly, Kazuto Mogami squeezed Shimizu's soft hand tightly, and pulled her into his embrace.

Regardless of her exclamation, he tore off her mask, bowed his head and kissed her.

The moonlight is soft and the wind is clear and shallow.

Shimizu Yousha's eyes widened, and he stared at Kazuto Mogami in disbelief. His eyes, which were deeper than the night, were endlessly real.

His eyes, his breathing, the moisture in his mouth.

Everything is so real.

She slowly closed her eyes, enjoying the sweet kiss with her lover.

After a long while, Kazuto Mogami let go of her lips, and they broke apart silently with the ambiguous moonlight shining.

"I didn't lie to Yousha."

Mogami Kazuto whispered beside Qingshui Yousha's ear, and the gentle bass was like an electric current, covering her whole body, and she leaned powerlessly on Mogami Kazuto's arms.

The pretty face with clear water and sand was already blushing, she lowered her head in embarrassment, and the corners of her mouth could not stop slightly raised.

"Well, I know, I know, so... please let me go, I'm a little shy."

She is such a girl, she is reckless when she attacks, but when the position is changed, she will show the shy side of a girl again.

Kazuto Mogami let go of her, Shimizu Yousha immediately took a step back and put on the mask again, a little afraid to look into Kazuto Mogami's eyes.

What she couldn't bear the most was the look in his eyes.

If you watch too much, you will become less like yourself.

Once she is soberly aware of what she has done, she will be extremely shy.

The former Mogami Kazuto neither took the initiative nor fought back.

That's why she attacked him unscrupulously. Gradually, Kazuto Mogami evolved into his current appearance, which is more attractive than him at that time.

At the same time, it made her unable to extricate herself.

If it continues like this, one day, I will change from being a molester to being the one being molested.

But she didn't resist, on the contrary, she was very happy.


After returning home, Shimizu Yousha took the lead to take a bath, and she never dared to say jokes such as "let's take a bath together", for fear that Kazuto Mogami would really follow her into the bathroom.

What happened in the bathroom for the first time was really beyond her cognition, and the clear water and sand were not so bold yet.

Just by imagining that scene in her mind, she was too ashamed to speak.

At ten o'clock in the evening, Shimizu Yousha was huddling in the bed, covering his face with the quilt, only showing a pair of eyes, looking sideways at Kazuto Mogami.

Kazuto Mogami was sitting in front of the computer writing, and during this period of time he had delayed a lot of progress, so that he was frantically typing on the keyboard at the moment, like an invincible knight who was fighting online.

At [-]:[-], Kazuto Mogami turned off the light, lifted the quilt lightly, and climbed into bed.

As soon as he lay down, the girl beside him coiled up like an octopus.

"Why haven't you slept yet?"

"You're not here, I can't sleep."

Mogami patted her on the head, and the pleasant aroma of shampoo came from the tip of her nose.

He still can't figure out how a girl takes a bath, her body is full of alluring fragrance, and if she smells it too much, she will become addicted.

"I still have work tomorrow morning, go to sleep."

"Where's goodnight Chirp?" She insisted.

When Mogami Kazuto heard the words, he reluctantly pecked her lips a little, and then she smiled contentedly.

"Good night, Kazuto-san."

"OK, good night."



The next day, after the two finished their breakfast, they went out one after the other, which has become a rule between them.

Yusa Shimizu went to the office to show up, and Kazuto Mogami went directly to the office to record a song this morning and shoot the MV of the new song in the afternoon.

Especially for the night scenes, I'm afraid I won't be able to go home very late, so Mogami Kazuto notified Shimizu Yousha in advance, saying that he would be going back very late today.

The MV shooting time this time is three days. Fortunately, there are not many night scenes. Except for the first day, everything else can be completed before the power outage.

Unlike the last time, Kazuto Mogami neither dyed his hair nor wore a mask this time, and the main scene was set in an empty dilapidated building.

In addition to the concave shape, Mogami Kazuto had to run up and down the stairs in this ruined building.

Although Kazuto Mogami doesn't know how to shoot, the element of running must be included in the MV, which really confuses him.

For three whole days, Kazuto Mogami did not finish work earlier than ten o'clock in the evening.

After the MV was filmed and entered the editing stage, Kazuto Mogami couldn't rest easy.

The shooting date of "Totsuka Shokudo" is approaching.

 Sorry xdm, I can’t stand it anymore, it’s already dawn outside, I only have [-] words today, I’ll take a nap first, wake up and continue writing.

(End of this chapter)

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