After getting married, a popular seiyuu suddenly moved to my house

Chapter 363 357. Of course you, Sister Sakura, can cook.

Chapter 363 357. Of course you, Sister Sakura, can cook.

Mogami Kazuto broke the eggs neatly, and there was a crisp sound between the chopsticks and the porcelain bowl. Ayane Sakura, who was sitting at the dining table, was looking at him with her chin resting on her hands.

Because she couldn't stop the conversation, Ayane Sakura had to keep looking for topics.

Seeing Kazuto Mogami's skillful movements, Ayane Sakura couldn't help saying:

"Totsuka-san, you are very skilled at cracking eggs."

Mogami Kazuto glanced at her, always thinking that someone had heard similar words before.

"Because I cook by myself at home."

"Hey, it's amazing."

Ayane Sakura, who is in the business model, is not stingy with her compliments and smiles at all.

When he wanted to understand that such a cute girl in front of the camera is actually a super troublesome person, Mogami Kazuto couldn't help but smile bitterly in his heart.

Kazuto Mogami felt somewhat inappropriate for asking Ayane Sakura to ask questions, so he began to actively find topics.

"Leave me alone, can Sakura-san know how to cook?"

Sakura Ayane was taken aback for a moment, and immediately shouted:
"Dangdangdang...Of course you can! Of course you, Sakura-san, can cook!"

Sakura Ayane's shaky tone made the staff outside the venue burst into laughter.

It seems the answer is already obvious.


"Pinch rice balls."

Thanks to her being able to tell it without changing her face, not only the staff outside the venue, but even Kazuto Mogami couldn't help laughing at the camera.

Half of it is to cater to the show, and the other half is because I really think this answer is funny.

Mogami Kazuto wasn't surprised, and of course he didn't feel like looking down on her.

It is very common for girls not to cook, and there is one in his family.

Not only can't do it, but also eat a lot.

"Kneading rice balls also requires skill, don't look down on making rice balls!"

"Then I really want to try the rice balls made by Ms. Sakura."

"500 yen each."

"What kind of noble rice ball are you? Fried rice in a convenience store is only 135 yen a piece."

"Sakura style, special rice balls."

Learned by her.



Pour the beaten egg liquid into the frying pan, while observing the situation in the frying pan, Kazuto Mogami chattered about the key points of mastering the heat.

"Totsuka-san, it seems that you are really trying to teach me."

"It's very simple. If Ms. Sakura has the opportunity, you can try it at home."

"Then if there is anything I don't understand, I will ask you again."

"You are always welcome."

Kazuto Mogami naturally wouldn't take it seriously. After all, these conversations were based on the show. If it was in private, this woman would never say "ask you".

Well... But these are all his imaginations, what exactly Miss Sakura thinks in her heart, only she knows.

"By the way, Totsuka-san, what's your favorite dish?"



"fried rice."

"Huh? Fried rice... mean the fried rice?"

"It's just plain fried rice."

"Shouldn't it be Totsuka style fried rice?"

"It can also be said that there are also Totsuka-style shredded pork with green peppers, Totsuka-style mapo tofu, and Totsuka-style steamed buns."

"Isn't this all Chinese cuisine?"

"Chinese food is delicious, I cook it often."

While talking, Kazuto Mogami skillfully picked up the pan, and the formed golden egg skin completely wrapped the rice mixed with the sauce and turned it into the shape of egg dumpling.

"Does Totsuka-san have that kind of semi-circular big iron pot? It looks super heavy."

"Prejudice, Ms. Sakura, you watch too many animations."

"Because I'm a voice actor, of course I've watched a lot of anime."

Kazuto Mogami is not interested in continuing to entangle with her on this topic. Considering that he is still recording the show, Kazuto Mogami will naturally not show displeasure.

After the plate was finished, Kazuto Mogami removed the tomato sauce, began to paint on the egg skin, and finally sprinkled a pinch of chopped parsley.

He walked over with a plate and put it in front of Sakura Ayane,

"Rough tea and light meals are not respectful."

Sakura Ayane stared at the dinner plate for a long time. On the surface of the golden egg skin, strange spirals were drawn circle after circle with ketchup.

Sakura Ayane looked up at Kazuto Mogami and asked, "What is this painting?"

"You can tell at a glance, it's cherry blossoms."

Sakura Ayane heard the words, her expression was stiff, she hesitated to speak, and she hesitated to speak.

"Totsuka-san, drawing is so bad that it's hopeless, it's like "Blood Pond Hell". "

All the staff in the audience burst into laughter, and the photographer specially zoomed in to take a clear close-up of the surface of the omurice.

"It's really rude, I can guarantee the taste."

Is there any way to do this? Kazuto Mogami has never learned to draw, and no girl has provided him with drawing skills. It is normal for him to not draw well.

Kazuto Mogami pulled away the empty chair beside Ayane Sakura and sat down very naturally.

"Sa, try it."

Ayane Sakura glanced at the "Blood Pond Hell Map", silently picked up the spoon, and folded her hands together.

"I'm gonna start now."

The silver metal spoon penetrates the egg skin and scoops a spoonful of rice with egg skin into it.

The rice was steaming hot, and Ayane Sakura carefully blew it before swallowing it in one gulp.

The beautiful eyes burst into spirits in an instant, and the pink and cute little mouth kept chewing, making a "hmm" sound of approval.

After swallowing the whole mouthful, Sakura Ayane showed a very exaggerated and delicious expression.

Even if Mogami Kazuto deliberately added a few spoonfuls of salt to this bowl of omelet rice, with Sakura Ayane's stronger personality, he would probably swallow it completely, and then praise him for doing a great job.

Then secretly stomped on his instep, which the camera couldn't capture anyway.

Of course, this is Mogami Kazuto's guess, he will not do anything to waste food.

Besides, if you really do that, it probably won't be as simple as stepping on the back of your feet.

Kazuto Mogami was not good at swimming, and if he was tied to a stone and thrown into Tokyo Bay, his death would definitely be ugly.

It was not the first time for Ayane Sakura to eat the dishes made by Kazuto Mogami, but it was naturally the first time for her to be stared at by several cameras like this, surrounded by a dozen staff members, and everyone was looking at her.

In this state, she can still behave very naturally, which is worthy of being a master of the show.

Admire it, Kazuto Mogami followed the procedure and asked her how it tasted.

"Totsuka-san, how much is your hourly salary?"


Mogami Kazuto was taken aback, and said a number in a daze.

"5000 yen."

"That's great, 5000 yen can buy you an hour to cook."

Some people eat for free every day.

Mogami Kazuto thought to himself.

"I'm a serious shopkeeper, don't treat me as a temporary worker."

Sakura Ayane happily ate the omelet rice, as if she suddenly discovered something, she waved the spoon in her hand at the camera.

"Ah... the handle of the spoon is actually engraved with the logo of "Totsuka Shokudo". "

Afterwards, Ayane Sakura proficiently carried out the surrounding publicity, more like the owner of Totsuka Cafeteria than Kazuto Mogami herself.

After finishing all this, Ms. Sakura picked up the spoon, almost forgot that this was a show, and she was simply enjoying the happiness brought by the food to the taste buds.

Mogami Kazuto pulled off his hood and waved it lightly.

"Poor reception."

(End of this chapter)

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