After getting married, a popular seiyuu suddenly moved to my house

Chapter 364 358. She always likes to see him troubled.

Chapter 364 358. She always likes to see him troubled.

"It always feels like I've been participating in a visual broadcast where I can eat."

"Don't say the name of the program, it will be deleted."

"It goes without saying that everyone should know."

This is true.

"By the way, when did Totsuka-san think of cooking?"

"Well... probably in June last year."

"Eh? It's pretty close, what's the opportunity?"

Naturally, Kazuto Mogami couldn't tell the real reason, so he had to start lying at his fingertips.

"Because I lived alone, I was often told by my mother to pay attention to my diet. I thought it was right for my health, so I started to learn how to cook."

"It's really a realistic reason."

"more or less."

"I thought it would be something like cooking since I was a child. I didn't expect the accident to be short. Totsuka-san gives people the impression that he can succeed in whatever he does."

"I didn't expect to be praised by Ms. Sakura like this. I can find someone to show off."


Sakura Ayane smiled very proudly, different from Mogami Kazuto's flattery of a business nature, her smile seemed to be acting in her own right.

Although it is impolite to say this, but Sakura Ayane's polite performance at work makes Mogami Kazuhito feel uncomfortable.

Getting used to her troubles and willfulness, Mogami Kazuto gradually doesn't understand which side is the real Sakura Ayane.

Could it be that creatures like voice actors have two faces?

There is sand in clear water, and so is Xiaonishi Saori.

Well... he is not qualified to say that others are fine.

"You can sing well, you can write, and you can play the guitar very well. Are you really not the protagonist of a light novel?"

"too exaggerated."

"Totsuka-san knows, I have been practicing guitar recently."

"How are you practicing?"

"Because the work schedule is too slow, I have almost given up."

Kazuto Mogami laughed.

"I learned the piano for a long time when I was young, but I don't seem to have the talent for musical instruments, and I can't make it to the stage at all."

"I'm only a little proficient in playing the guitar, and I don't know anything about other instruments."

"Eh?" Sakura Ayane was taken aback.

"What about the harmonica I gave you earlier?"


Kazuto Mogami thought about it, and it seemed that there was indeed such a thing.

"Never used it once." Mogami Kazuto replied truthfully.

"That stuff is so precious, what a waste of money."

Judging by her expression, it doesn't seem like she is really blaming Mogami Kazuto,
"Then when the second episode is recorded, let's perform a part as a sideshow."


"The audience must also be thinking about it, Totsuka-san clumsily playing the harmonica."

"It turned out to be a trap for me?"

"It doesn't matter, everyone wants to see it anyway."

After Mogami Kazuto smiled wryly, he had no choice but to nod: "Then let me try."


Sakura Ayane seemed to be addicted to chatting, until the supervisor outside the field made a gesture, she subtly stopped the topic.



After more than an hour of recording, Kazuto Mogami and Ayane Sakura took a short break, and then began to record the closing slogan.

The two stood side by side at the cooking table, looked at the teleprompter in front of them, and read all the lines on it with a smile on their faces.

So far, the shooting of the first phase of "Totsuka Dining Hall" is considered to be over.

Mogami Kazuto changed back into his own clothes, said goodbye to the staff, and Sakura Ayane also came out of the dressing room at this time.

She changed back to her plain face.

Kazuto Mogami still thinks that Sakura Ayane looks more pleasing to the eye.

Hmm... It's not that it's pleasing to the eye, it's probably because I'm used to it.

Ayane Sakura, who entered the business mode after putting on makeup, was really too ladylike, and he couldn't get used to it.

"Ah! Mr. Xiaoren, do you want to have dinner together?"

Kazuto Mogami looked at her strangely.

Sakura Ayane was a little uncomfortable being stared at by him, and after a moment of bashfulness, she glared back angrily.

"Why are you looking at me like that?"

"Aren't you full with omelet rice?"

"I only ate three or four bites."

"Who told you not to finish eating?"

When Ayane Sakura heard this, her brows stood on end, and she put her hands on her hips: "I said, do you really want me to eat a whole omelet rice on the show? Then I will definitely be persecuted by the audience!"

Kazuto Mogami shrugged, maybe this is what the industry calls the burden of idols, and he can't understand it.


"No, I have to go home today."


Because there is a rice bug waiting for him to feed at home.

At this moment, Kazuto Mogami's cell phone rang. Kazuto Mogami glanced at Ayane Sakura after seeing the name in the note. She didn't seem to notice the name on the screen of the phone.

"Sorry, I'll take a call."

Mogami Kazuto walked aside and connected the phone. Shimizu Yousha on the other side of the phone said that he would go back to his parents' house tonight and would not come to Tsukishima at night.

Kazuto Mogami expressed his understanding and said that he was on the shooting scene. Yusa Shimizu thought that he had affected Kazuto Mogami's work, and after saying "Come on Kazuto Kazuto", he hurriedly hung up the phone.

Back beside Ayane Sakura, Ayane Sakura was looking at him with her arms crossed.

"All right, I'll invite you today."

"So kind?"

"I'm in a good mood."

"I see."

"How did you get it?"

"It feels like it is."

"whispering sound!"

Sakura Ayane shook off the car keys in her hand and walked towards the elevator.

After she pressed the button of the elevator, she turned her head and glanced at Kazuto Mogami who was standing still.

"What are you doing standing there stupidly? You're leaving."

I seem to have rejected it just now. Is she listening to me?
Sighing slightly, Mogami Kazuto walked towards Ms. Sakura.



Sitting in the familiar co-pilot, Kazuto Mogami fastened his seat belt and waited for Ayane Sakura to start the car.

She happily hummed an unknown song, started the car, stepped on the accelerator, and drove into the street.

The scene outside the window continued to reverse, Kazuto Mogami silently glanced at Ayane Sakura.

"What happened? It's rare to be in such a good mood."

"It's as if I'm always in a bad mood."

"You usually get angry and frown at every turn, can you be in a good mood?"

Sakura Ayane gave him a blank look and didn't care about him.

"A good thing happened today."

"Good thing?"


"Oh, that's really congratulations."

"Aren't you going to ask me what's good?"

Ah... so troublesome.

Mogami Kazuto's tone was helpless, and he asked perfunctorily, "Then, Ms. Sakura, what happened?"

Sakura Ayane laughed triumphantly: "Hey, I won't tell you."

This smelly woman.

When the car stopped at the traffic light, Sakura Ayane tapped the steering wheel with her white and slender fingers.

"Arnold, let me tell you, actually today..."

"Do not listen."


(End of this chapter)

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