After getting married, a popular seiyuu suddenly moved to my house

Chapter 366 360. Mogami Kazuto can't laugh at all.

Chapter 366 360. Kazuto Mogami can't laugh at all.

September 4, rain.

The gray sky was weeping, and the petals of cherry blossoms falling on both sides of the street were stained with rainwater, crawling dead silently on the ground.

The weather has nothing to do with your mood. When it’s sunny, it doesn’t mean you’re in a good mood, and when it’s raining, you don’t feel completely sad.

Sitting in the coffee shop, Mogami Kazuto listened to the soft sound of rain coming from outside the house.

Pedestrians stepped on the pool, and the rain splashed everywhere, which sounded like the sound of drums in a melodious long song.

He had just finished shooting an interview for a certain singer magazine. Because of the gratifying sales of his debut song, Kazuto Mogami received many interviews from magazines, and he was also able to promote a wave of second singles that were being produced.

Today's Mogami Kazuto has formed a considerable number of fans, and the number of fan letters sent to the company has already filled two entire cartons.

Kazuto Mogami read every single one.

Because after the screening by the staff, the letters that were left behind were naturally encouraging him to support him.

Among them, there was also someone who drew anime portraits for Kazuto Mogami. Kazuto Mogami piled up all these letters in the piano room at home and treasured them up.

So far, compared with songs, "Journey to Death" has a greater influence, but the audiences of light novel writers and singers are vastly different in terms of numbers.

There are always more people listening to music than reading graphic novels.

Naturally, the company would not reject magazines that approached them actively.

As a result, Kazuto Mogami's workload increased.

Fortunately, his work today is over, so he sneaked in.

In the eyes of others, Mogami Kazuto is undoubtedly lucky. The rookie who has just debuted for half a year is already a rising singer in the industry.

Good-looking, humble, and has monster-like singing skills.

Although broadcast accidents are often caused on the show, if it is true, this is actually a bonus item that is easy to attract fans.

The essence of Kazuto Mogami's humility is that he always remembers that this is the ability given to him by the panel, not through his efforts.

He is not qualified to be arrogant, but he will not belittle himself because of it.

Mogami Kazuto has passed that period of entanglement with himself.

Since he has been endowed with such an ability, Kazuto Mogami feels that this is the way he should choose to use this ability to comfort people with his singing.

After the work was over, it started to rain suddenly, and Kazuto Mogami had to take shelter from the rain in a coffee shop near the studio.

At this time, if there is a car, there is no need to rush to the station in the rain.

Kazuto Mogami was a little bit regretful that he hadn't been able to pass the driver's license test when he was still idle.

But Kazuto Mogami has recently become more optimistic. If not, he would not be able to sit in the coffee shop like this, listening to the rain and drinking coffee leisurely.

This change in thinking was more or less influenced by Sakura Ayane.

Following this pace, Mogami Kazuto believes that he will be one step closer to the "excellent person" in his heart.

"Mogami-san, good afternoon."

Mogami Kazuto looked up as the girl's crisp and joyful voice overshadowed the sound of the pattering rain.

"It's Ms. Uchida, on duty today?"

"Yes, today is the evening shift, from [-]pm to [-]pm."

She was wearing private clothes at this time, and her black hair was stained with a little raindrops, which reminded Kazuto Mogami of that night last summer.

"It's not yet 03:30, Miss Uchida is really early."

"Well, because of the rain, I was worried about the time, so I went out earlier than usual."

Kazuto Mogami smiled and nodded.

Uchida Maaya looked around, perhaps because of the rainy weather, there were not many customers in the shop today.

"It's still a while before I go to work. Can I sit here and chat with Mogami-san? As a junior, I want to ask you a lot about the industry."

"Of course you can, but you don't dare to ask for advice. I'm just a newcomer just like Ms. Uchida."

Uchida Maaya smiled shyly, and took the seat in front of Mogami Kazuto.

"excuse me."

Kazuto Mogami seldom meets Uchida Maaya in Tsukishima now. One is that he spends less time wandering around Tsukishima now, and the other is that Uchida Maaya is not as good as before.

Although he is still a new voice actor and has not taken any decent roles, he still has to go to the office to report every day.

After all, the chances of encountering the same person often in the same area are pitifully small.

"Miss Uchida, I heard that you have been showing your face on various sets with Ms. Sakura recently."


Uchida Marei did not expect that Kazuto Mogami would be the first to talk about her, and was a little surprised.

She nodded slightly: "Well, Sakura-san took good care of me on the set, and even let me be on her personal broadcast before."

"What is the lonely one?"

"Yes, if I remember correctly, Mogami-san seems to have recorded that broadcast too."

Mogami Kazuto smiled lightly: "Well, although Ms. Sakura is a bit strange, she should like to get along with you very much."

in various senses.


Uchida Maaya showed doubts.

"No, I'm just talking to myself, don't take it to heart."

Uchida Maaya showed a nice smile, she was inexplicably relieved that she was in the same industry as the person in front of her.

In retrospect, perhaps the rainy night when they met was the opportunity to connect them closely.

It doesn't refer to the relationship between men and women, but the self who breaks into the industry alone, as if he has a partner who works together.

Of course, Uchida Maaya knew very well in her heart that this was just a very accidental coincidence.

Even so, girls who are still in the period of loving fantasy will always have longing for beautiful stories.

"Miss Sakura often mentions things about Mogami-san on the set."

"Needless to say, I know, it's nothing more than talking bad about me."

"Huh? Bad words?"

"Is not it?"

"Of course not."

Now it was Kazuto Mogami's turn to be surprised.

Uchida Maaya pursed her lips slightly, making an expression of remembering.

"I remember, Ms. Sakura often said on the set how great your dubbing skills are, and it's a pity not to be a voice actor."


"Also, although you don't seem to like to talk to people, as long as you get in touch with her, everyone will think that you are easy to get along with, and the staff present also agree with her."

Did that woman actually say such unnecessary words on the set?

Mogami Kazuto couldn't understand her more and more.

"Miss Sakura, she seems to really like Mogami-san."

This was probably the funniest joke Mogami Kazuto had heard this year.

Although he couldn't smile at all.

(End of this chapter)

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